Terry you hit the nail on the head. Fantasy holds too many people in bondage.
1.they call themselves witnesses but they've never seen him.
jehovah.. 2. they call their religion the truth but it keeps changing.. 3. they are the only true religion.
even back when they taught things they now don't believe!.
Terry you hit the nail on the head. Fantasy holds too many people in bondage.
weirdest thing ever just happened.. my daughters toy started playing music by itself.
there was nothing around it that could have caused it to do that.
and it just happened 4 times in a row and then i called out to my husband and it just stopped.
LOL glad you figured it out Cognac, on day I was in my grandson's bedroom and all of a sudden one of his little battery operated cars came on. Scared the heck out of me, when I looked down I realized I had hit it with my foot and any bump would set it off. LOL
maryacclaim, wow its tough to get reinstated. I hope you can continue to fade and help your family at the same time. It's a brave thing to go back to try and help your family. Being able to talk to them is a valuable part of that. Sometimes you just have to play the game to have the prize. Don't let any of the negative comments faze you, what your doing is brave. Ruth
weirdest thing ever just happened.. my daughters toy started playing music by itself.
there was nothing around it that could have caused it to do that.
and it just happened 4 times in a row and then i called out to my husband and it just stopped.
I assume that its battery operated? Does it have a switch to turn it off and on? Could there be a short in the wiring? Is there a reason you feel it might be a ghost? Ghost Hunters show debunk the process before looking for ghostly contact. If you have more thoughts just PM me because just too many on here that don't believe in the supernatural. I've had supernatural events happen that had no explaination at all and I felt they were not ordinary. I believe there is life after the body passes on and sometimes spirits can hang around.
so......... it started in 1998 when we were disfellowshipped (my husband and i) for the big a word.
going against our baptismal question agreement.. my husband already partook inside.
WOW how very cool. I attended with a friend and we both looked at each other as they passed it. They all had dead shark eyes, and there was no emotion to the place. I hadn't been to one in 8 years so it felt weird. I had no intention of partaking because I went to a cong who didn't know me and I was there for my friend who is studying with the witness. She is about to stop the study thanks to me and my reveal of the real truth about what kind of Christians Witnesses really are.
if i took her to the memorial this year.im df'd for years,but out of love and respect for my parents i always gave them this one night.my mum dosent drive.i was going to drive her and sit by her.i promised my dad that i would always do this for him.he was pretty cool,even tho he was an elder.my "devout" sister {who has never lifted a finger to help my parents}told her yesterday that it "wouldnt look good" for me to show up w/my mum,altho everyone knows that i have done everything for my parents,both before my dad died in december and since.
is my sister just jealous that i have a fabulous life,am beautiful,rich,a guitar god,have excellent cool hair, xray vision,can communicate with aliens and have supernatural abilities?
or is she just mean?lol..btw,i am going.and im taking my mum and we are going to sit in the front row,and yes,im gonna wear velvet.....
You rock AquaGirl in my book, I know your Mom is so fortunate to have you taking care of her. Your sister is a dickweed worthy of destruction. LOL
i work in a used book store in the religion & philsophy section and daily have interesting interactions with customers.. the layout of the religion section is two separate divisions.
the fluffy side is chri-fi (christian fiction) and christian living books.
the meaty side has bibles, textbooks, theology, hermenutics, reference guides, etc.. i keep a sort of mental scorecard going as to who goes where.. i try and ask subtle questions about why each person is looking for a particular item.. i hardly ever run into anybody of a skeptical nature unless they are trying to prove somebody else wrong.. which reminds me of when i was a good little jw in a bookstore all those years ago.... i'd look up what a book might have to say about the name "jehovah.
I've had anlytical discussions about religion a handful of times. People just don't want to look at religion and check it out historically or disect it's origins. I love examining religion and it's backgrounds. People still cling to the idea that their religious writings are divinely guided and inspired. If they were just to stop a moment and really examine why they believe it is inspired maybe a light would go on in their head. I have asked people why they believe the bible or any of the so called holy writing are divinely inspired and they will say oh it's because the books says so. I look at them and ask so why do you believe a book that self proclaims itself to be holy to actually be holy?????? They look at me stumped, such a question has never occured to them.
for the last 13 years, we haven't attended and didn't even care about it.
but since we became card carrying members of jwn in september, we have an interest in what are friends here on jwn are doing.. for us?
we will be watching 'dancing with the stars'.
A friend of mine has been studying with the witness and she was invited to go to the memorial. So I offered to go with her so she wouldn't be stuck with the JW only. The witnesses don't know me because it has been 9 years and I don't live where I did when I was a JW. So this should be interesting. I will let the witnesses know it was rather boring compaired to easter celebrations I've had with other Churches. I'm going to wear slacks and blouse. The ladies wanted Liz to wear a dress but I don't own one and am not buying one just for them.
reincarnation, literally "to be made flesh again", is the belief that the soul, after death of the body, comes back to earth in another body.
according to one belief, a new personality is developed during each life in the physical world, but the soul remains constant throughout the successive lives.[1].
belief in reincarnation has ancient roots.
Well it certainly exciting and interesting to consider. It stirs up some wonderful and wild converstations. I think I will believe it simply because I love the idea, so much more interesting to consider than just going to heaven and hell.
rep. john dingell (d-mi), the dean of the house of representatives for being the longest serving member of the body (he was first elected in 1955, succeeding his father, rep. john dingell, sr.), made an amazing admission during a live telephone interview with detroit wjr news/talk 760 radio talk show host paul w. smith on smith's show monday morning, march 22, 2010. the night before, dingell had been a featured speaker at the democrat congressional leadership victory press conference after obamacare passed the house.. in response to a question posed by smith, dingell said:.
quote:let me remind you this [americans allegedly dying because of lack of universal health care] has been going on for years.
we are bringing it to a halt.
I'll take the control if I can live longer than my family members who have died young due to no insurance.