Be glad that it ended before you had kids with him. There was nothing you could have done to stop him because any resistance only makes them stronger.
JoinedPosts by georgefoster
My relationship has come to an end because of JW brainwashing
by MM090503 ina few of you may remember when i came to this site back in sept. i was seeking advice about my bf who had been studying with jw.
well i hate to say it but they won.
after being together almost 2yrs we broke up.
The Atheist's Book of Bible Stories - Ch. 3 - The Numbers of the Book
by RunningMan inking solomon offered as a sacrifice twenty-two thousand oxen and a hundred and twenty thousand sheep.
- 2 chronicles 7:4,5. .
lets look at it another way.
Brilliant. 35 years of wondering whether the bible was literally true, and it never occurred to me to test it with simple math. Well, its probably not that simple, so I'll accept your calculations while I enjoy my jack and coke.
I just turned 28, two minutes ago. What advice can you give me?
by el jarocho mayor inwell, what advice can you give me?
Enjoy, but just remember that your sexual vigor is decreasing daily. Don't let it go to waste!
How do I control my jealousy?!! Help!
by Crumpet inthe first time i can vividly recall feeling jealous was when i was 7.. my dad came home from visiting a client with gifts for me and my sisters.
my younger sisters got a beaufiful handmade doll dressed in pink lace called betty and a handmade cotton cot.
i got the 1982 yearbook of jws.
Crumpet, you sound like my wife. Soon to be ex-wife. She's jealous of any relationship that I have, whether it be friends, family, employees. I've cut off many people to prove to my wife that those relationships are not so important. It makes for a miserable relationship. There's probably no way to fix it though, because jealousy is an unconscious impulse.
how to live with JW
by freefly inhey,.
my partner in life (26yrs) has been converted to jw by his mother.. i am not one to whine -as very aware many have more troubles in their life.. i suppose one of my fears has been this exactly- as i know he was raised jw and should have saw the "signs.
" he always regularly visited with his mom, which i respected as felt a good sign he had a mother/son relationship.
I came to this forum a year ago with the same angst. Unfortunately, my wife has only become increasingly more involved and devout in the organization. Slowly but surely, she is following all of the rules, eliminating all people from her life besides jws. The jws told me that I would see benefits to the marriage and our family due to her being involved. There are no benefits, unless you enjoy being neglected. Personally, I'm planning my exit strategy, because I can't beat these people. I've tried for 5 years. Sorry.
first breakup
by susu812 inok so i had my first breakup a couple of months ago--pretty serious--first bf-(well first everything)-and we last for a year.
now what is the "proper" grieving time?
and tell me why everyone must make sure you know what your ex is doing and whats going on with them?
I've heard the grieving time is equivalent to half of the length of the relationship. For me, after a 9 month relationship, I had a sick feeling in my gut every night for a couple of weeks; then it took a year before it completely went away. In fact, I've never recovered and the pain from that first one has affected every relationship since.
father's day
by georgefoster inwhat's the jw take on father's day?
my wife's jw and i've got two stepkids and one bio kid.
every holiday is awkward because wife lets me "celebrate" with the kids as long as she doesn't actively participate.
Thanks. I'm curious as to how far the power of giving my wife "directives" reaches.
father's day
by georgefoster inwhat's the jw take on father's day?
my wife's jw and i've got two stepkids and one bio kid.
every holiday is awkward because wife lets me "celebrate" with the kids as long as she doesn't actively participate.
what's the jw take on father's day? My wife's jw and I've got two stepkids and one bio kid. Every holiday is awkward because wife lets me "celebrate" with the kids as long as she doesn't actively participate. Seems like the kids have made me a card the last couple of years. Can't get a straight answer from the wife about anything, just need to know if it's going to be weird this Sunday.
relationship with jw's
by clay ini stumbled upon this site while looking for help.
my prob is there's this girl i really really like alot.
she's beautiful,smart, has a great personality and i love being around her.
i married an inactive jw who swore she would not get re-involved. now she's in so deep. its like being married to an addict who puts her addiction ahead of everything else. and you better believe that if you have kids, she'll be compelled to bring them into it. eventually ALL of her friends will be jws, so if you want to get together with other couples they will have to be jws. if you don't go to the meetings, then the kids will start questioning you a/b why you don't love jehovah. i'm an attorney, and i used every power of persuasion, logic and reason known to man to get her out of it and it only made her faith stronger. Your girlfriend's dad is not a jw in a family of jws and he's an alcoholic. That's one way to cope with it. The other way is to get the hell out.
i think i'm screwed
by georgefoster inwhen i got married, my wife was an inactive baptized jw who promised me that she was done with it forever.
i became daddy to her two children, ages 2 and 3. a few months after we got married, i walked in on her meeting with two jw elders.
they tried to convince me that it was a great, harmless thing for her to be involved in.
when i got married, my wife was an inactive baptized jw who promised me that she was done with it forever. I became daddy to her two children, ages 2 and 3. A few months after we got married, I walked in on her meeting with two jw elders. They tried to convince me that it was a great, harmless thing for her to be involved in. I fruitlessly argued that she could study the bible and seek god in any number of settings. Anyway, she became increasingly more involved to the point that she is now completely immersed and she, my 2 stepkids and our almost 2 yr old daughter are at the convention for the 3rd straight day. I'm at my wits end. My stepkids are completely questioning my authority - why don't you love jehovah? why don't you go to the meetings? When we got married, my wife quit her job to become housewife and full-time mother. Now, the housework doesn't get done, the kids don't make it to karate or do violin practice because too much time is invested in bible studies, field service, meetings and conventions. I don't like to socialize with all of my wife's jw friends - they're nice but I'm not part of the club. I do christmas, birthdays and even trick-or-treating with the kids; I guess my wife has to allow it because I'm "head of the household" - she is involved only to the extent that she is not seen as being involved. I found out that the kids aren't saying the pledge of allegiance at school; my wife denies telling the kids not to do it and claims that they made the decision on their own. I keep our baby away from the meetings whenever I'm available to keep her. I don't want her involved. I've tried logic, rage, kindness, derision, etc., but it seems like my wife only gets in deeper. We don't love each other anymore. I feel bad for the kids, because its not their fault. I don't know what to do.