I voted today for the first time....whoohoooo!
I actually felt more liberated by doing so...Going into the booth (for only a second) I thought about Jehovah sitting up on his throne looking down on me saying,"Bad, Bad girl." But I felt much better after casting my very first official vote at the age of 27...I was actually thinking about not going...But what the heck..My single vote counts...And if complaints come about after the election is over..I can voice my opinion because I voted..Unlike the dubs that bad mouth all whats going on, but do nothing about it to change it.
Jesus said Ceaser's things to Ceaser and God's things to God...IMO voting is just paying doing your duty to Ceaser...Just like you pay your taxes which NY doesn't because of the "big tax evasion" but it's all a part of living under the authority of the ones that Jehovah has given the authority to....
Thats just my 2 pennies