It would be very easy to identify me if the country were posted as I have given too much personal and professional information over the years.
Why not just ask us all to allow our names to be listed as well, after all there must be thousands of John Smiths, David So- and -Sos or Maggie St John Crawleys in each relevant country.
If I choose to keep my name private it ought not to be possible to trace me by gathering information about certain members in a particular country. The WTBTS are sufficiently venomous that they would find a way of coming after the mentally diseased. I do not wish to have my privacy invaded, because some Goblin in Bethel has gathered things about me, and can trace which congregation territory I now live in, currently undisturbed by their phone calls and pestering.
In fact, I chose NOT to reveal my nationality when I signed up, for this very reason. For it to be revealed now against my wishes I would see as a violation. The anonymity this site currently gives allows far more freedom of expression than would happen if somebody thinks "X in XXXX congregation can guess this is me, and may inform."
It was bad enough being in the police state that is Da Troof, without now having to look over my shoulder, before I reveal some detail about myself. There are enough of us still dealing with the fallout from the cult - Maybe you are long past it, and could not care less if elders you don't even know come knocking on your door.
AS for trolls and impostors, I can only add that after many years here, I have seen them dispatched most adequately by the genuine posters on this board.