I got as far as w90 12/15 26 'Seeking Delightful Words, Correct Words'
"What we say is far better than what the Holy Spirit said through the Israelite leaders."
That's enough.
i would like to share with you some points.. when reading the wtbs inc. publications one wonders how it is possible to publish.
opinions , ideas , viewpoints , understandings etc .
and present them as ...correct words of truth .. as it was stated, for example in a watchtower article almost 12 years ago :.
I got as far as w90 12/15 26 'Seeking Delightful Words, Correct Words'
"What we say is far better than what the Holy Spirit said through the Israelite leaders."
That's enough.
i have been reading (...and reading...and reading) about how many of us were baptized at an early age (early teens) and how many of us have suffered the consequences of leaving the "truth" because we were baptized..... if it is such a major comittment why are young people allowed to be baptized?
i mean, at 13,14 or 15 if many of us would have told our parents that we wanted to get married-how many of our parents would have allowed it?
hell, i could have taken a written test about marriage and passed and been ready for marriage, right?!
I think that infants should be baptised. What's the big deal about physically 'having been baptised' anyway?
i have been meeting-free for a year now, (although i did attend the last memorial mainly out of curiosity).
i have learned enough now, since leaving "the truth" to know that i'm never going back.
but i was wondering how long it takes to get all of the shit out of your head?
You guys that are still "thinking about it", why don't you search out sound spiritual teachings and find out just what it was Jesus came and said. I think you'd be more than pleasantly suprised, in fact, absolutely enthrawled - blown away actually.
You know when what you read fits - check out the groovy gurus. People need a taste of God, so don't give up praying and lose heart.
Here's an old reading I sometimes show to others, a teaching, of the sort the dubs have never provided, and I doubt ever will.
Luke 18
In a certain city (person) there was a judge (spirit) who didn't fear God or think about his fellowman. And there was a widow (soul, once spouse of the Spirit) in that city who kept coming to the judge and saying "Vindicate me against my adversary (the body)". For a while he refused but afterward said "because this widow (my soul) has become a bother to me, I will".
This is the way of the unrighteous judge.
If the unrighteous judge is willing to help, won't God, speedily help His elect do this, who cry (sin), in the day (in knowledge) and night (in the dark)?
But even when He does this, will He find faith when He comes (will we use it to help others)?
"liberty is the right to do whatever the laws permit.
" .
baron de montesquieu
But being free does not mean being able to do what you want.
I reckon we differ on that one.
ex-jws in this place often berate the gerontological state of the governing body.
the speak abusively about the oold men in brooklyn.
why the antipathos against the men in brooklyn?
Nothing you have said justifies disrecting an old person as such.
That's right, I simply pointed to why it happens.
You seem to emply a type of what is good for the goose argument.
It may seem that way to you, but it's more an observation of how they are 'reaping what they sew'.
last night, dateline was entirely devoted to the story.
of two blind men who received the experimental silicon.
chip in one eye each to attempt to restore sight.. one man gained only a little but the other could now.
"The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, "See here!' or "See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you."
ex-jws in this place often berate the gerontological state of the governing body.
the speak abusively about the oold men in brooklyn.
why the antipathos against the men in brooklyn?
I think the problem is that they're arrogant in the face of ignorance and guilt - that's a heck of a thing to have grown old with, and consider that others will be naturally peacable.
You really think that Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the LORD is about looking up to all the old people don't you.
ex-jws in this place often berate the gerontological state of the governing body.
the speak abusively about the oold men in brooklyn.
why the antipathos against the men in brooklyn?
There you go with that dub-I'll-apply-scripture-to-the-flesh thing again.
And that's 19:32 not 31
ex-jws in this place often berate the gerontological state of the governing body.
the speak abusively about the oold men in brooklyn.
why the antipathos against the men in brooklyn?
It would be an interesting exercise to find any context where that statement wouldn't be damning.
The harp is not simply about their physical age - it includes the 'divine knowledge' that's part of the music.
ex-jws in this place often berate the gerontological state of the governing body.
the speak abusively about the oold men in brooklyn.
why the antipathos against the men in brooklyn?
Here's something more to their age.
..he transmits to his anointed ones the necessary information, and if the instructions sent out are wrong, then the responsibility is to the Lord and not to the local service committee. WT May 15, 1937 page 153, paragraph 31
So how can someone be asked to respect that. It's as blasphemous as anything that could be found on the face of the earth (and below).
Most cultures do include respect for elders, but their elders' authority commands the respect.
The wtbts society elders' authority cries out for a certain investigation.