I wonder where they got the 'spanky' clothes?
Posts by Bang
Fake 'hovahs
by TR inother discussions about the cost of wt rags reminded me of something.. several years ago, late eighties, while i was out selling, er placing witchtower and afake!
rags door to door, i encountered a householder(i hate that frickin' word) that had an interesting observation.
she said, "oh, you people were just here, and i bought some magazines".
by You Know inpeter once wrote concerning paul's writings, saying: "in them, however, are some things hard to understand" that being the case, it is understandable why jehovah opened his long-running dialogue with israel, through isaiah, by saying: "my own people have not behaved understandingly.
" further, in that 1st chapter, at verse 10, jehovah addresses the leaders of his people saying: "hear the word of jehovah, you dictators of sodom.
give ear to the law of our god, you people of gomorrah.
So is there a comparison there?
"I will not destroy it for the sake of ten."
Who am I again?
by Bleep inahhhhh!.
you are a cog.
cope, whippersnapper, blep, troll, bla bla bla, sad.
At the moment, I think that you're getting to this bit Bleep.
He took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town.
The Myth of Unconditional Love
by Oroborus21 in(or why god is a behaviourist) .
many well-meaning persons believe that the ideal state of love and relationship between two persons is one that is unconditional.
this is simply referred to as unconditional love and what is meant by a person subscribing to this belief is simply that: no conditions are attached to my loving you wholly.
Let's review. God loved Adam and Eve and created them perfectly and set them in paradise to live forever. No strings attached remember his love for them was UNCONDITIONAL right? Wrong. We clearly see from the Bible that he told them the conditions of his approval and love for them namely obedience, i.e. dont eat of the fruit of the two trees he specified.
That's clearly misconstrued, and very jw.
I told my son that if he goes out in the surf under certain conditions, he would be sucked out. Nevertheless, he did and he was sucked out - he was gone - however, later we saved him. I do love him, partly because I let him go in the surf - if I kept him from such a thing I would not be loving him - you see, there are no strings attached, or ropes or chains - there is good advice about living well - (and there are cherubim in the east, and there is a flaming sword).
Edited by - Bang on 24 July 2002 20:47:41
The Rich Get Richer......
by VioletAnai inhttp://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/story_36095.asp
i think you know where i'm headed with this....... i just don't understand how many praise our economic system and yet it leaves millions behind.
it denies many necessities from many people all for the sake of the comforts of the rich nations.
Wow Mike,
Did you ever think that people don't like doing the same type of work to make the same type of society that you do? And what about that land your ass is sitting on, wasn't it stolen from people after murders and the like? So where are you at now after paying money to the descendants of killers and thieves? And you want other people to do the same thing - they don't even know why they don't want to do that stuff - they just don't want to.
Edited by - Bang on 24 July 2002 20:15:6
The Rich Get Richer......
by VioletAnai inhttp://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/story_36095.asp
i think you know where i'm headed with this....... i just don't understand how many praise our economic system and yet it leaves millions behind.
it denies many necessities from many people all for the sake of the comforts of the rich nations.
Rewards with what? For doing what?
The Rich Get Richer......
by VioletAnai inhttp://news.ninemsn.com.au/world/story_36095.asp
i think you know where i'm headed with this....... i just don't understand how many praise our economic system and yet it leaves millions behind.
it denies many necessities from many people all for the sake of the comforts of the rich nations.
How can I say?
"Harder for a rich man" is surely not an understatement. Possession and poverty are mystery.
Babylon is about possession. I will destroy the name of Babylon, and the remains, and the bud, and the offspring. [Is 14.22] Mine, yours, and the temptation and the desire.
Embracing poverty is just too radical for many people, just as it was too radical for them two thousand years ago - those who go away sad are not those who do not accept a particular religion - it is those who pass up opportunities to both give, and embrace poverty, with faith that it is o.k., we're richer even, in another way, now and/or in the next life - we can have this faith in God now, because we are alive. This is to be poor "in spirit" - to embrace the poverty, and not just goods - this is to 'fear' Him, like Indiana Jones when he stepped out into the canyon. "Let go" ,"use the force", however you want to say it - "Fear Him" - get into it, do it - "Follow Me".
People already know this stuff inside - when they personally see monks or some kindly mormons, or whoever, their hearts are lightened by the radical nature of what they are doing. Many are attracted to jwism because it appears to be radical in this way - it's a trap that it's not. Saints are applauded for giving yet being both poor and happy. St Francis is still applauded for his ways of giving to the robbers and the hungry wolf and for loving nature and talking to the birds and walking free about the earth. Even in his own time people virtually kissed the ground he walked on, declaring him to be holy in their eyes.
But possession runs so deep that even all the spiritual heroes are dismissed in the preference to sleep on the thought that with God all things are possible, rather than whoever does not give up all he has cannot be My disciple. The latter is the call to Adventure and become the hero - the former a reassurance. The innate desire to possess, with all the associated burdens, has people listening out for the reassurance seeking the spiritual shelters for possessions. How do we know which religion has the true God and what is the true religion with the absolute truth? How can we buy this ? Even our sayings reflect it all - "I don't buy it".
We know the answer and we were told the way, and our hearts 'pick up on it'. Who are these that fly as clouds? Know you the great paths of the clouds.
Edited by - Bang on 24 July 2002 19:54:53
Not just another Bible.
by Bleep inthe nwt bible was writen from the original hebrew, greek, and aramaic .
some found in the dead sea caves in 1950. there is no cost.
Not just another Bible.
I can agree with that Bleep - it has less in common than the others do - a different spirit so to speak.
what my friend said about jw's
by raven101 ini told a friend just recently that i had been raised a jw.
she had a very interesting observation/opinion about the witness families and individuals she has known.. first i should say that she is an intelligent, well-travelled girl, with a very clear-eyed knack for cutting to the chase on a given subject.
she has a gift for not letting trivialities cloud an issue, and she was not raised in any religion.
A lot has to do with their no being yes and their yes being no on the inside - it fucks you up inside. Jesus said plainly that it comes from evil (darkness, stupidity or however else you want to put it, unknowledgeable etc).
is the WTBTS the False Prophet??
by 67mustang in.
i was wondering if anybody thinks the wtbts is possibly the "false prophet" of revelation???.
please comment.
You'd have to start with the RCC
Have to, how come ?