Gday again UR, The reason for some Adventists not likeing crosses in their churches i feel is they just like to be Cultic and different than anyone else. Adventists do have a basic set of beleifs but you can question them after all what can they do to you if you dissagree ? ?"You wont be shunned or lose family. I was brought up in the church and i studied with the witnesses. I could join a few churches to me evangelical anglicans have the gospel too and because they dont beleive in all that hell fire I would feel comfortable with them so I dont choose my church as being better than some other and I am a practicing Adventist. Barry
Posts by barry
Christmas and the Cross
by barry intalking about christmas and the cross will stir a debate with any dedicated jw but the same idears can be found in other churches for one my own church the adventists.. the weekend before this last xmas we were told in hushed tones we would be haveing visiters from another adventist church from the other side of canberra.
some saints from this church were haveing problems with all the agenda planned for xmas and were just not happy with xmas trees and presents being given to the kids there for the xmas celebrations.
we were told these people would be worshipping with us where xmas was limited to a sermon about xmas and the kids sung some carols.
Christmas and the Cross
by barry intalking about christmas and the cross will stir a debate with any dedicated jw but the same idears can be found in other churches for one my own church the adventists.. the weekend before this last xmas we were told in hushed tones we would be haveing visiters from another adventist church from the other side of canberra.
some saints from this church were haveing problems with all the agenda planned for xmas and were just not happy with xmas trees and presents being given to the kids there for the xmas celebrations.
we were told these people would be worshipping with us where xmas was limited to a sermon about xmas and the kids sung some carols.
Gday Utopian, There are similar beleifs between Adventists and the JWs the Adventists have 1844 a date for the second comming and the 1914 beleif of the JWs was copied from the adventist doctrine. Also a few adventists are Arian [ hte beleif that jesus was a created being and the holy spirit is a force just as the witnesses beleive Althought most Adventists are trinitarian] The issue with the cross is a bit different than the jw reasons as adventists all beleive jesus died on a cross but some dont like there churches to be decorated by crosses others dont have a problem with it . Christmas is usually celebrated by adventists as in the above post they had xmas trees and gave out presents to the kids at the church thats what offended some of the members. Adventists are not uniform in beleif like the witnesses are. Barry
Last Post - My Most Painful Public Confession
by Amazing inmy most painful confession
note to simon: i will use some expletives, but i hope that they will be retained as this is intended to be an otherwise civil and thoughtful post to all my fellow ex-jws.
please read on, as this is most painful.
Look after youreself Jim Ill miss all youre good posts. Barry
Christmas and the Cross
by barry intalking about christmas and the cross will stir a debate with any dedicated jw but the same idears can be found in other churches for one my own church the adventists.. the weekend before this last xmas we were told in hushed tones we would be haveing visiters from another adventist church from the other side of canberra.
some saints from this church were haveing problems with all the agenda planned for xmas and were just not happy with xmas trees and presents being given to the kids there for the xmas celebrations.
we were told these people would be worshipping with us where xmas was limited to a sermon about xmas and the kids sung some carols.
Talking about Christmas and the Cross will stir a debate with any dedicated JW but the same idears can be found in other Churches for one my own Church the Adventists.
The weekend before this last xmas we were told in hushed tones we would be haveing visiters from another Adventist Church from the other side of Canberra. Some saints from this Church were haveing problems with all the agenda planned for xmas and were just not happy with xmas trees and presents being given to the kids there for the xmas celebrations. We were told these people would be worshipping with us where xmas was limited to a sermon about xmas and the kids sung some carols. Just as a word of explanation Adventists know of the pagan origin of xmas and dont have church on the day of xmas but they do have all the other goodies of xmas.
However these good saints and I have met many, and know how they think may have been happy about the down graded xmas but there is another problem with these types that the church in the south of Canberra is decorated with Crosses while the north Canberra Church has none. Some Adventists dont like the pagan Cross on there Churches and and also beleive they should worship a liveing christ. Also when an Adventist Church is being built the local church votes on if it will be decorated with crosses.
So as you can all see some of the same idosyncrasies can be found in other cults which is probably why I am attracted to this site, and have seen many unholy arguements about xmas , crosses ect. Barry -
Do Elders need to study?
by Outaservice inyear ago we used to criticize the 'clergy' because we heard that most of them just bought their weekly sermons!
(not true by the way!).
are jw elders any different?
My dad is an Adventist lay preacher and he allways gives his sermons from his own research and doesnt to even tell anyone what he will be preaching about I used to think the witnesses would be doing the same. Barry
The Memorial?
by Nickey ini'm a newbie here.
but not a newbie to being a jw.
i was raised as one.
Jesus said to partake till I come and since everyone knows Jesus came in 1914 the JWs shouldnt be doing it at all should they . Barry
Do you say "Merry Christmas"?
by moreisbetter inif you participate in the christmas holiday, "merry christmas" is a traditonal greeting as well as a response to the same.
as a former jw, do you feel strange if you say the words "merry christmas"?
i said "merry christmas" tonight in response after making a purchase.
I cant remember all the details but one of the head Muslims in Sydney said about a year ago it is OK to say Merry Xmas to fellow Australians. Barry
Off to Oregon - Merry Christmas
by Amazing inmy children have decided to fly me back to oregon to spend christmas with them.
this will be the first time i have seen my family since february 2001 and since my heart attack ... so this is a special time for them and me - and i get to see all my grandchildren.
i promised to make three finale posts ... i have written two of them but i am holding off until i can think them through more and be sure of what i want to say ... so i may post them soon or when i get back on the 27th.
gday Jim sounds like youre much better but watch that xmas pudding, Im off to Orange to have xmas with my sister and parents its only about 100 miles from here. Barry
The Trinity
by meadow77 intop reasons the wts is lying about the trinity.
their translation of john 1:1 is not only a complete farce but falls apart upon closer examination of their own beliefs.
the insertion of the phrase a god, instead of god is just a clear misinterpretation.
Im a member of a church that is trinitarian and arian but we dont argue like this on and on forever. Im trinitarian myself and what ive noticed anti trinitarians base there arguements on a straw man in not realising trinitarians beleive that jesus was the God man fully God and fully man. The Chalcedonian defination 451ad Barry
Any daytraders or Internet Investors?
by Iwasyoungonce injust curious,.
one reason i pop on and off the internet is i trade and invest on ameritrade.
coming here is sometimes a break while i'm waiting for a stock to move.
Also even though i dont know much about intra day trading reading one of Guppys books I remember him saying depth of market is not available in the US markets but is in Australian stocks and i beleive it would be a very ellective tool for intra day trading as it lists the bid and ask at all levels to predict support and resistance. Barry