No wonder I feel so much at home here 1844, 538ad to 1798 the 1260 day period all great SDA stuff. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Only trouble its not scholarly at all. Barry
Posts by barry
by Gamaliel inscholar,.
back on october 7, you said:i will respond to your response to the historical blunder made by franz and jonsson as alleged by me in a couple of days.. .
(the post was the thread was wts chronology(oslo hypothesis) from vicar;trinity college fellow,cambridge.).
What Would Happen If You Just Walked Into A Kingdom Hall This Sunday?
by minimus inthat's the question my wife asked me this morning.
"what would happen if we just walked into the kingdom hall this morning?
would the elders be waiting to talk to us?
Not haveing been a witness I have allways done the wrong thing so Ive found out after the event. The last time I went I sat next to the lady I was studying with and was told by her not to sit with her as the elders may think she was haveing an affair with her. I still dont understand that one. After all she would come to my house alone and I thought we were good friends.
The other time I done the wrong thing was on the occasion of the memorial when I told my minister I was invited to the witness memorial and I asked him If he would like to come with me. Ross the pastor thought about it and after a while decided to come along. Ross got on well with the elders so I thought everything seemed to go well and it was a very pleasent evening. Then before we left the bloke who had invited me there said in a very stern voice 'why did you bring him' He never spoke to me again about spiritual things.
So to answer youre question I dunno if I would now be considered as some sort of trouble maker but in all honesty I didnt mean it. Barry
Prepare to be Sick!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or very annoyed!!!!!!!!!!
by qwerty in.
just found this in my favorite saved web sites..................
Nice music I dunno what the title is
Jesika's sis fixing Smurf's....I can't believe she fell asleep on me!!!!!!!
by puertogerm ini hate circuit assemblies!!!!!!!!!!.
and the next apostofest is when?????.
Its true smurfs are just like vampires they dont photograph. Barry
Too funny.....which smurf are you?????????? LOL
by Jesika in(i hate circuit assemblies!!!!!!
and the next apostofest is when??????
I know its funny I just cant see the pics. Barry
Des has his hands full with the SDAs but im sure if he were approached he could give the WT some help many of the doctrinal positions are similar eg the year day principle is not found in the bible and is used pragmatically. In many places where it is used the word day is not even mentioned. Barry
Des Ford is a doctor of theology not a medical doctor. Barry
I beleive the WT will retain the 1914 date as it wouldnt do any good to drop it and lose face with the most loyal in the group.
I say this because the SDAs have retained their date 1844 and it is still beleived by many. Why change something they beleive is working.
The 1844 date in the SDAs does have a history though as the doctrine has been challenged by many through the years. The most recent challenge was by Dr Desmond Ford who was the professor of religion at Avendale college in Australia. Des is very well respected among Adventists and he was given 6 months leave to prepare a paper on the investigative judgement and to present it to the church leaders from around the world. The paper was rejected by the church and Des was fired from his job but is still a member of the SDA church. Des then joined Good News Unlimited an independant Adventist group. Many SDAs no longer beleive in 1844 or the investigative judgement and if it is disscussed in bible study there is usually differences in beleif to outright hostility by some. Barry
Jonah and the big myth
by peacefulpete inmany here have heard that many/most famous bible tales are in fact merely local versions of often repeated pagan myths with a twist.
the jonah story is a classic.
the story is familiar to all, the joppa setting, the stormy sea and boat, the swallowing by a whale/fish, reappearance after 3 days.
Brother Smack, Ive heard there is good fishing in Tazzie up in the freshwater lakes there.
Jonah and the big myth
by peacefulpete inmany here have heard that many/most famous bible tales are in fact merely local versions of often repeated pagan myths with a twist.
the jonah story is a classic.
the story is familiar to all, the joppa setting, the stormy sea and boat, the swallowing by a whale/fish, reappearance after 3 days.
It so happens we are doing Jonah at the bible study it goes on for 13 weeks. I dont think I could get 13 weeks out of such a small book. The teacher said some SDA writers beleive Jonah as only myth. Ive heard of some people swallowed by a whale and have been found alive and well. Barry