I can do a slow southern american accent Barry
Posts by barry
I love accents!
by Aztec inwhat do you think are the cutest accents?
i'm becoming partial to british accents for reasons i don't care to state.
i don't think i have one but, perhaps i'm wrong.
Is anyone a christian evolutionist?
by Panda injust asking because my church of christ friend says you cannot be both.
I posted this earlier but it still may amuse some here.
Richard Bottomley a professor of physics while speaking at an SDA faith and science conference said Remember that while God has been a physicist for nearly 14 Billion years he has only been a theologian for the last 6 thousand years, He got the biggest laugh of the day. The conference was held only last month in Colarado. Its my beleif they are haveing problems with a strict 6 thousand year 7 day model of creation. Barry
My Sister's Wedding - Good and Bad News
by kelpie inok.. firstly let me see i can explain this with out too much rambling..... for those who know me, know that i was disfellowshiped in june this year.
before this time, my mother, stepfather and sister shunned me.
since my disfellowshipping, i have not had contact with my parents and an occasional text message from my sister.. i found out last week that my sister was getting married on the saturday just gone (11th october) so i decided to give her a call on friday to wish her luck for her wedding.
Gday Kelpie, What a terrible situation to be in but only you can decide what is best and I hope you pray about it.
I would like to comment that isnt the WT encourageing people to be JWs in name only and what effect will this have on the future of the Organisation. Barry
Is the Bible a coded book?
by JH inhttp://www.thei.aust.com/torah/codereview.html .
reporting is the first rough take on history.
this book is the first full account of a code in the bible that reveals events that took place thousands of years after the bible was written.. .
I beleive people are trying to make the bible hard when in fact the simple understanding is the most obvious. eg. 1260 days or 42 months = 1260 years useing the day for a year principle but the answer is there all along the 1260 days is the ministry of christ on earth and the christian church goes through the same experiance in revelation. Barry
to decide ones faith!
by zelevis ini see post after post on what u members of this site call bad picture, how can u show the end of this world in a good way?
anyone answer me that?
as a jw i believe and its my choice to do so based on bible teachings.
Gday Nick, Im not sure what you mean the catholics celebrate our lords death every week at mass, the church I go to celebrates our lords death quarterly while the WT only celebrates at the memorial annually. Barry
It's My Boyfriends Birthday Today - Happy B Day Chris!!
by m0nk3y inmmmm we are getting chinese tonight for dinner *throws a spring roll into the crowd*.
i luff celebrating birthdays guys !!!.
today i miss being a jw even less .
Dont eat too much birthday cake Chris it can make you sick. Happy birthday Chris.
"Worldy" girfriend or JW girlfriend... Help me choose...
by Confucious inhey guys,.
enjoying being single.. right now i have a "worldy" girlfriend (note the quotes " ").. but there's this incredibly beautiful jw girl that has shown interest in me.. (i'm not df or da, just not going to meetings.
If you want my opinion JW girls are HOT. Thats how I first got interested in the religion and studied.
An Elder Visited Me Today At Work
by minimus ina very nice elder came by to invite me to the circuit overseer's visit, which will be next week.
i was told that i was very missed by him and many others and he got teary eyed.
i told him that i truly appreciated his concern and always liked him as a fine person.
Minimus maybe they were going to ask you how you get so many posts on JWD but then got cold feet at the last minute. Barry
Biblical Unitarians ? / Christian Educational Services?
by hooberus inthere is a popular website that advertsies on many forums including here and e-bay.
this group is called "biblical unitarians" i believe that they are associated with "christian educational services" .
i believe that there are several problems with the beliefs of this group.
I rember that the Christadephians also beleive Jesus existed only in the mind odf God before he was born into this world. Barry
by Gamaliel inscholar,.
back on october 7, you said:i will respond to your response to the historical blunder made by franz and jonsson as alleged by me in a couple of days.. .
(the post was http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/59355/901501/post.ashx#901501 the thread was wts chronology(oslo hypothesis) from vicar;trinity college fellow,cambridge.).
I hope Im not putting my nose where its not needed and I dont know anything of the gentlemen quoted except of course William Miller. Maybe what I quote here from Kai J Arasola will add to further understanding.
Kai J Arasola is the son of one of Finlands best known SDA evangelists ever, Arvo Arasola. Kai is the current president of East Finlands SDA conference. His recent doctorate dissertation from Uppsala University is now making its way through the Adventist scholarly world.
The title of elder Arasola,s thesis is 'The End of Historicism; Millerite Hermeneutic of Time Prophecies in the Old Testament'. Arasola writes what the scolars of Adventism in Europe, America and around the world have long known. There is no biblical basis for 1844.
Elder Arasola points out that William Miller had fifteen ways of arriving at 1843-1844 as the general time of Christs return. [The time prophecy of Daniel 8;14 was only one of Millers fifteen proofs. Miller gave no prominence to Daniel 8;14.]
Bible scholars in Millers time and later looked at Millers fifteen 'proofs' and found them without validity. There were few who could be called Bible scholars who were involved in the Great Dissappointment of 1844.
Arasola points out the flimsy nature of Millers chronological pillars. Kai emphasises that the whole scholarly world has repudiated them. He mentions that only Seventh-day Adventists, the Worldwide Church of God and Jehovah's Witnesses, cling to Millers approach in interpreting prophecy.
When Arasola mentions SDAs , he does not mean the scholars of the church. They repudiate such teaching [except for some few dedicated to upholding the traditional positions for reasons other than scholarship]
Thinking is as fundamental a duty for a Christian as praying. R D Davies