Hey Gill-
You mean at 105 years old you don't have bad arthritis yet? Where is that snake oil yer hidin'!!
Or is it Miracle Wheat??
any of you peoples ever watched that wonderful film 'secondhand lions'?.
it's about a young boy who goes to live with two elderly uncles who have lived very full and wild lives.
it's a great film.
Hey Gill-
You mean at 105 years old you don't have bad arthritis yet? Where is that snake oil yer hidin'!!
Or is it Miracle Wheat??
any of you peoples ever watched that wonderful film 'secondhand lions'?.
it's about a young boy who goes to live with two elderly uncles who have lived very full and wild lives.
it's a great film.
Yes indeed, I thought that was a great movie! And I certainly don't want to live long enough where I have to be wiped up by another person! Maybe I can rent a plane!
being worldly i try to get my head around this sometimes, and wondered what others opinions are.
being that my husband is a long time witness i know what the witness view is, it is all satan's doing.
since most of you are "out", has your view on the source of evil/unacceptable behavior, (whatever you personally find just out-right wrong, for me it is child sexual abuse), changed?
In these examples do you think the 'evil' began by their being curious, or did it only become 'evil' when they took a liking to satisfying that curiosity?
As Frankie said, evil is defined by the culture that views the offensive act/behavior as being evil/unacceptable. Is a fictitious Satan a good reason for human beings to say..."this is why so and so is behaving in such a way, the demons/Satan have him/her." I can't accept that.
Perhaps it is all just curiousity, I never thought of it thought of it that way.
Or expected behavior for a particlar culture.
This is a wonderful place to stretch your mind!
being worldly i try to get my head around this sometimes, and wondered what others opinions are.
being that my husband is a long time witness i know what the witness view is, it is all satan's doing.
since most of you are "out", has your view on the source of evil/unacceptable behavior, (whatever you personally find just out-right wrong, for me it is child sexual abuse), changed?
Now, now, dh and Valis, I was being serious.......
Curiosity about how it would feel to hurt a child? Blechhhh...........
But yes I guess I can see curiosity making a person want to try something labeled as "Bad Behavior" such as watching an "R" movie in the eyes of the WTBTS.
worldly wife
the quote below was part of a talk in the 90's.
i heard this as a child and thought to myself, how can any woman accept such a draconian veiw?
i was not sure if i had understood correctly so, i brought it up to my bible study conductor maggie, i was appalled that she agreed with this veiw, we debated it back and forth, until i got the upper hand, then she told me that i was to "rebellious and strong willed", and that i "should never get married", that i way i would not have to submit to male "headshit" "headship".
Oh my word, Wiegel! I think I would have shoved that brother out of the way, and say hey I'm getting on this escalator whether you tell me to or not!!!
Then again, I'm worldly to the core I guess. I feel bad for you in that even when you tried to be correct in what was prescribed attire, it hobbled you even more than those horrid pantyhose, but not being allowed to use a simple escalator! Ugh!!!
being worldly i try to get my head around this sometimes, and wondered what others opinions are.
being that my husband is a long time witness i know what the witness view is, it is all satan's doing.
since most of you are "out", has your view on the source of evil/unacceptable behavior, (whatever you personally find just out-right wrong, for me it is child sexual abuse), changed?
A lion killing and eating a child to me is not evil, either. It's just what a large predatory animal would do given the right circumstances. I fall along the belief that some people are wired to commit offending behavior, some people learn it, some truly do have a pscyhiatric condition and don't know why/what they do is wrong, etc. I do not believe there is an evil Satan and a band of demons acting on all of us. No way, no how. But, I do believe in a creator/being/force/power of some kind. I sometimes wonder how can I believe in one and not another? Am I just a Pollyanna? Maybe so. Wish there were more of that around.........
Then again, there are times when I get creepy crawly feelings from people or things. Husband would ask me "Why do you think THAT is?" His answer obviously being STD (Satan The Devil, not Sexually Transmitted Dieseases, **smile**) All I can say is I don't know, it's just the way I feel. My attempts to explain the way I feel/believe sound like they are based on childlike innocence compared to all the Bible Proof and rebuttal I get shown in return.
i thought this was "bull" from night court when i was a kid.... .
lucille ball?!
?...from "i love lucy"??!?!?.
Anybody have any more photos? I can't believe some of the horrid illustrations! Enough to give a kid nightmares! Valis, have any more??
Worldly wife
being worldly i try to get my head around this sometimes, and wondered what others opinions are.
being that my husband is a long time witness i know what the witness view is, it is all satan's doing.
since most of you are "out", has your view on the source of evil/unacceptable behavior, (whatever you personally find just out-right wrong, for me it is child sexual abuse), changed?
Being worldly I try to get my head around this sometimes, and wondered what others opinions are. Being that my husband is a long time Witness I know what the witness view is, it is all Satan's doing. Since most of you are "out", has your view on the source of evil/unacceptable behavior, (whatever you personally find just out-right wrong, for me it is child sexual abuse), changed? What do you believe is the reason humans do the horrible things they do, at times? Do you still believe there is a wicked force, an a good one?
I can't get my brain to even partly believe there are demons lurking, a Satan attacking, etc., but I can't pinpoint WHY I believe that that way, much to my husband's chagrin. I wish I had a good reason (I have no Bible trained conscience telling me what things are bad, I just know feel/know they are) to tell him why I believe what I do when he points to Satan the Devil as the reason.
If there is a thread pertaining to this already I'd appreciate a link, I tried searching topics and did not find anything.
Thanks all-
worldly wife
the quote below was part of a talk in the 90's.
i heard this as a child and thought to myself, how can any woman accept such a draconian veiw?
i was not sure if i had understood correctly so, i brought it up to my bible study conductor maggie, i was appalled that she agreed with this veiw, we debated it back and forth, until i got the upper hand, then she told me that i was to "rebellious and strong willed", and that i "should never get married", that i way i would not have to submit to male "headshit" "headship".
Oh my goodness. Even if the wife has superior abilities she should not use them, so as not to make her husband feel like he is less than she is????? Do I have that right?
worldly wife, who sees she has a lot of back reading to do...............
click to view.. .
sometimes you just dont need an economy car.......
Candidly...that was great!!! Thanks for the smile today-