JoinedTopics Started by MelbaToast
A breather from the politics, bad excuses for relatives, and crappy stuff
by MelbaToast inwhew.. after spending some time catching up on threads, my overall thoughts are leaning way toward the negative side.
we all need some love in our lives.
(ok, i've been listening to the beatles too much) .
What one thing would you like to vent?
by MelbaToast inmine is my mom.. ii dont know where to start and dont know where to end.
therapy sessions later, i am still at a loss.
i think that a parent is someone who loves and protects you from harm, doesnt shame or bribe you to make you into "a perfect pioneer".
Show you and your kids off!
by MelbaToast inhey everyone!
its time for all people to come out of that shell (or closet) and put up pics of you and the people most important to you!.
my hubby and baby girl----baby girl's first bath, and my big-ol teddy bear of a dog
I am looking for an old friend...maybe she'll lurk.....
by MelbaToast in...and ill get to hear from her and tell her what has been going on for the last 15 years!!!.
seriously though...vicky walters (used to be ayala) if your out there...please let me know!
i miss our trips to bennigans you were my one true neighbor in pontiac dfd, and ive been searching high and low to see if maybe you'll come out of the woodwork.. is that cryptic enough?
Are there "Rules" to Dating a JW? Why?
by MelbaToast ini know growing up there were certain unsaid rules about dating....i always had to have a chaperone or go in a group....can anyone think of all the obligatory rules that you had to follow....and did you follow them "word for word"?
Anyone remember "The Tragic Saturday"...old morbid story in Awake?
by MelbaToast ini remember for a while, my mother would have "personal" study with me out of the old bon volumes.
she would make me go through a year and find a story that "interested" me.
looking back, i vaguely remember (i think it was in the 70's) a story about this man that had his whole family slaughtered by his son?
.when were the 'seeds of doubt" (intelligence) starting to grow ?
by MelbaToast ini remember being in third grade.... did a report of dinosaurs, mom wanted me to bring out the evolution book, it was brand new at the time...but i researched the report and got an a!
i got really interested in science at that point, but when i asked about how all those dinosaurs died, my mom told me they died in the flood and quoted scriptures....blah blah blah.
the seeds of doubt were planted, thank god.
If you had to change one thing you did while being a JW, what would it be?
by MelbaToast in.
i have seen so many stories here that invoke guilt and shame on innocents, what one important momyumental thing would you have changed if you had it to do over?.
mine would be not getting baptized.
My story in a nutshell...AKA Hi Im MelbaToast!
by MelbaToast inthought i would formally introduce myself.
my name is melbatoast and im an alcoholic.... oops...wrong board :).
but seriously, i really like this board, so glad i found it.
First Year Blues
by MelbaToast inthis really doesnt have anything to do with jws, but i needed to vent.. .
i am going crazy i think...lemme just blurt it out.
my husband and i just had a baby last december and we're having problems.