Cold - I feel we shall have to have this out on another thread, there are people reading this who may be swayed by your statments. Your committment is clear but you are willfully disregarding very basic and clear cut failure points that preclude Mormonism being other than a pious fraud. This weekend I shall endeavour to make a concise list of these for discussion.
The pedant in me must point out your comments on the Keys and note how your statement contains a contradiction regarding how many people have the keys.
Your notes on grammar seem odd in that you seem to ascribe much weight to the detail in the Book of Mormon at a minute level (the word 'is' , an error in the context cited, becomes ,for you, additional proof) but you completely miss the concept that the entire book betrays its construction by the constant, incorrect usage of old english forms - absolutely out of place in a translation - rendering entire sentences as contextual gibberish (a thread a while back jgnat posted an excellent deconstruction of the BoM from a linguistic POV.)
You cannot stand in judgment of those who post here, many of whom have escaped through great sacrifice, mental pain and cost a destructive cult when you yourself are part of a very elaborate, and effective cult that has robbed its people of 10% income per annum and is guilty of racism, sexism, torture, homophobia, murder, polygamy, polyandry, fraud, theft, secret practices and unfulfilled promises.