Actually from my point of view God is the one who framed the natural laws so even though an individual tornado is merely the obedience to those laws doesn't mean he can't control them when He wants to:
Jesus and the storm.
Parting the sea for the Israelites.
Enoch moving the mountain (or is that just in LDS history.?)
Plagues of Egypt.
Darkness at the time of the cruxifiction.
New star at Jesus' birth.
Walking on water.
(New Testament | Revelation 11:3 - 5)
3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.
Now I'm happy enough for that to be taught in religious education classes - science however suffers just a little when its used merely to disprove something it can't - it is impossible to disprove God without becoming a god in the process.
I'd like ID to be taught not to disprove evolution but to stand independant as a valid rational theory on its own.
Posts by Qcmbr
Should Intelligent Design be taught in schools?
by AlmostAtheist inkansas is holding a debate to decide.
topeka, kansas (reuters) -- evolution is going on trial in kansas.. eighty years after a famed courtroom battle in tennessee pitted religious beliefs about the origins of life against the theories of british scientist charles darwin, kansas is holding its own hearings on what school children should be taught about how life on earth began.. the kansas board of education has scheduled six days of courtroom-style hearings to begin thursday in topeka.
Questions for evolution believers - the geological column
by Qcmbr inhaving had my bum fried several times in rather one sided evo arguements in the spirit of rapprochement i come with some difficult questions that i welcome evolutionists / geologists / anykindaists to provide answers - i'm not trying to prove anyones answers wrong - just to see what we come up with... .
what is the geological column?
where do we find it?
OK so the geological column is the theoretical column used to denote depositions at certain times in earths history.
Does the top of a layer - let's take an example - zoroaster granite layer in the grand canyon - show different ages to the bottom? -
Should Intelligent Design be taught in schools?
by AlmostAtheist inkansas is holding a debate to decide.
topeka, kansas (reuters) -- evolution is going on trial in kansas.. eighty years after a famed courtroom battle in tennessee pitted religious beliefs about the origins of life against the theories of british scientist charles darwin, kansas is holding its own hearings on what school children should be taught about how life on earth began.. the kansas board of education has scheduled six days of courtroom-style hearings to begin thursday in topeka.
Hmm I thought the reason for science was to find out how things worked... If you want to disprove God just ignore Him its much easier than grinding up chemicals and using bunsen burners (though potentially not as much fun.)
If God exists and you ignore Him He will let you know about it (send a prophet - warn you then flood your bottom off) if God doesn't exist party on dude. -
Questions for evolution believers - the geological column
by Qcmbr inhaving had my bum fried several times in rather one sided evo arguements in the spirit of rapprochement i come with some difficult questions that i welcome evolutionists / geologists / anykindaists to provide answers - i'm not trying to prove anyones answers wrong - just to see what we come up with... .
what is the geological column?
where do we find it?
Doesn't the grand canyon actually miss out chunks of the geo column?
"Two separate geologic stories exist at Grand Canyon. The older story is the one revealed in the thick sequence of rocks exposed in the walls of the canyon. These rocks provide a remarkable record of the Paleozoic Era (550-250 million years ago). Scattered remnants of Precambrian rocks as old as 2000 million years can also be found at the bottom of the canyon. The story these rocks tell is far older than the canyon itself. Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks (250 million years old to the present) are largely missing at Grand Canyon. They have either been worn away or were never deposited." -
Do you think the world will end soon. If so, when?
by Rod P inpredictions for the end of the world have been going on since the time of christ, and in every century since then.
during the past 100 years there have been more predictions for the end of the world than have been made in all the previous centuries combined.
many of these prophesied dates have since come and gone.. people look around and see the possibility of many different natural or man-made disasters by which the end could come.
Yea I think the end is coming (but of course I'm a morm. of course these fit in to lds thinking)
1/ Jews rebuilding walls around Jerusalem (Ok not exactly Jerusalem but pretty close !!:)
2/ Gospel restored to all you heathens hehe.
3/ Fulfillment of Revelations prophecy RE angel flying through sky in last days, Elijah to prepare way for 2nd coming
4/ Nation of Israel exists again - tribes being gathered.
5/ Lord has returned to His temple.
6/ Genealogical work flourishing.
7/ Gospel reaching all parts of the world.
8/ There is a kingdom being built ready to receive Jesus and the city of Enoch - LDS have all the facilities , experience and readiness to run any part of the administrative govt, we have huge farming operations to feed our people, we have leaders at every stage in govt, we are heirarchically organised ready to respond quickly, members have food supplies, large areas of land are lds etc.. if only we could purchse the rest of that temple lot from the reorg lds church!
When - not a clue - do I hope its in my lifetime - maybe - not pleasant what man will do to man.
(New Testament | 2 Peter 3:1 - 4)
1 THIS second epistle, beloved, I now write unto you; in both which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance:
2 That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:
3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,
4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. -
Evolution of Man
by bavman inhere's a question for all you who have been studying evoluition much longer than me.
i have read in a few places that man has all but stopped evolving.
is this what is really being taught by science and why?
There is no evidence for the evolution of man that I can see - no transitional men. What evidence is there that Lucy or any of the other little people were proto humans? I see as much fossil evidence for human evolution as I see for coelencath evolution, bee evoltuion, fern evolution, alligator evolution, spider evolution. There are several isolatated cases of potential footprints adjacent to dino footprints but then that can't be right can it - man around at the same time as dinos perish the thought.
Give me your transitional species (and prove it), give me reasons why fossils suddenly appear in an explosion of different types and then don't change throughout the fossil record until they disappear (do they ever reappear millions of years later?). Homo Sapiens are surrounded by chimps, apes and other bipedal creatures but they aren't each others ancestors. -
The 1000 Year Stupid Doctrine
by Nosferatu into me, the 1000 years that jws promise after armageddon is a really dumb doctrine.
basically, everyone who cacked before armageddon is going to be resurrected, and everyone on earth is going to grow perfect during these 1000 years.
then, bastard jehovah is going to let satan loose for "a little while" to basically clean out any evil that is on the earth.. so, what's the point of paradise erf?
maybe Satan will be bound because only good people will be left who acknowlefge Jesus as Lord, then maybe at the end of the millenium people will begin to rebel - ergo Satan is loosed.
Should Intelligent Design be taught in schools?
by AlmostAtheist inkansas is holding a debate to decide.
topeka, kansas (reuters) -- evolution is going on trial in kansas.. eighty years after a famed courtroom battle in tennessee pitted religious beliefs about the origins of life against the theories of british scientist charles darwin, kansas is holding its own hearings on what school children should be taught about how life on earth began.. the kansas board of education has scheduled six days of courtroom-style hearings to begin thursday in topeka.
Since we are intelligently designing genetics , space travel, colonies on planets etc.. it would seem somewhat presumptious to teach that we are the only intelligent designers there are.
For intelligent design to be taught might take no more than an afternoon of well reasoned discussion regarding pros and cons - I really think people are getting too pig headed - I wouldn't expect evolution to be pushed out to a ten minute slot at the end of semester of creationism but I would expect to see critical thought applied to evolution.
Evolution is the search for answers - if no one is challenging those answers then we missed the point of schooling IMHO - we may as well all cease questioning and roll over to whatever dictate the scientific community has as its current hot topic - while were at it we can set up an altar to Einstein and Darwin. We can wait for the latest daily 'new light' on what we can eat, how we can use our environment, what chemicals we can consume and rejoice when the slime children become the creator of slime and we start all over again.
I stand for a broad spectrum of teaching and letting the kids make the choice. Concerned parents can reinforce whatever their particular creed is at home. I will and I'm sure , from the responses here, your children will receive yours. -
Questions for evolution believers - the geological column
by Qcmbr inhaving had my bum fried several times in rather one sided evo arguements in the spirit of rapprochement i come with some difficult questions that i welcome evolutionists / geologists / anykindaists to provide answers - i'm not trying to prove anyones answers wrong - just to see what we come up with... .
what is the geological column?
where do we find it?
So the geological column is 'earth's trash can ' the evidence of deposition - each layer refers to large periods of time acurately dated by radiocarbon dating. Places wher the geo column are missing a few million years means they were eroded at that point. Any example of this geological column? Any idea where the eroded material got deposited (would that affect the radiocarbon dates of that new deposit?)
Evidence for evolution, Installment 5: Lake Tanganyika, etc
by seattleniceguy inhey gang!
i apologize for my absence of a few weeks.
i have been very busy with work lately, and i hate to write something that i haven't been able to research properly, so i haven't posted anything in this series for three weeks now.
LT - they have as much right to be right as the Mormons (course theyre not hehe)