You are you because of who you are, not what you are. You are not just a man or a woman (a body) From dust you came to dust you will return (physical) You will be with Me in heaven (spiritual) Put off the desires of the flesh. Be reborn in the spirit. If the original washes his robes in the blood of Jesus, they are symbolically washing away the sin. Being reborn in the spirit entails more than just washing away the sin. It means walking in the spirit of God in all ways. Now this is impossible without the spirit of God being reborn in you, only He can give you this gift. This gift from God makes the original you even more valuable. If you would like an analogy...An antique bucket, rusted out, gets cleaned up and it has value to the collector because of what it is. An antique bucket, expertly repaired, gets cleaned up and it has greater value to the collector not only because of what it is, but because of what it does (holds water). As a collector, God values all of the cleaned up buckets, but values the useful ones more. This would be the difference between those that are called and those that are chosen. Either way, you have to clean up the bucket.
p.s. Our CHILDREN are like antique buckets that have recently been pulled out of the box. Take care of those buckets.