JoinedPosts by Magick
Whats under The Scotsman's kilt??????
by The Scotsman in
feeling a bit cheeky!!!
What's Your View of Spiritism Now???
by minimus inof course, as witnesses, everything was possibly "demonized".
if you got anything second hand, you could be in demon trouble.
if you saw a horror movie or read anything by stephen king, you were inviting the demons to you.
if someone is constantly telling you to watch out for the boogie're gonna sleep with the lights on and make sure you're foot isn't poking over the side.
jws put so much emphasis on the negative and so much emphasis on demons. it's almost as if they manifested them to prove their point.
since leaving the jws, i've opened myself up to the possibility of other life forms existing besides the physical. if you don't have a closed mind...or one focused on negativity...there is a lot to see.
children are more likely to see spiritual things because they haven't been taught they don't exist yet...or that it is wrong.
contrary to jw belief, humans are more than just physical beings. there is something inside that keeps our physical bodies alive. this something is the same thing for animals.
whether you call it a spirit, a soul, energy, life force...a fan? it exists.
there is a high probability that this part of us remains when our physical body is gone. it could go back "to the god who gave it" or not.
there are different types of spirit energies. some positive. some negative. some strong. some weak.
whatever your belief we all have experienced our thoughts as having energy or life. if we think negativly, negative things are drawn to us.
or if we think of others...the spirit part of us connects. "i was just thinking about you" "i picked up the phone to call you...and you were there" "i called you because i felt i had to"
since animals have spirit energy too...this works with animals as well. if we focus on what we don't want them to do...that's what they do...because our energy is directing them there. (same with children)
why do jws always have demon stories? because that is what they are putting their energy in to.
what i see now is that spiritism is just being aware that spirits or energies of beings that do not have a human body exist.
a person who is receptive will be aware they are not alone.
just like you can attract people or push people out of your life by your personality. you can also attract or push away spirit energy.
You have three wishes
by John Doe inno wishing for more wishes.
no wishing to know what to wish for.
i, the genie, have the authority to grant your wish or not to grant your wish as i so choose.
Taking responsiblity for our Recovery
by purplesofa indo you think you are responsible for you own recovery?.
what warning signs are present when you go to a different plan?.
do you really think you can heal from the jw expericance?.
today, i feel just like HH.
i am tired and broken. i am stuck.
i had moved on or so i thought. i want to dissasociate myself, but why give them the satisfaction.
i want to celebrate halloween. but, who wants to dress up alone?
i can't sleep at night. i sleep all day.
i don't have a religion.
i am in therapy and am supposed to think positive thoughts.
i cry in therapy. mostly because i am lonely. the nice lady can't understand. she was never a jw.
i was conditioned to be perfect. now nothing in my life including me is perfect. so, i am useless.
i don't clean my house anymore. no one sees it.
i don't call anyone. no one wants to talk to me.
i want to take responsibility for recovery. but, i'm too tired.
i have gained weight. i have gotten older. i'm sadder.
years have past since i went to a meeting. i can't get passed it. i can't move on because I don't know what to move on to.
every day without someone who loves me is two more days until i'm dead.
i am in slow motion and the world is spinning. the grass grows at warped speed. things rust.
i want to laugh again but life's sound is turned off.
Are Natural Disasters God's Wrath? ~ Yes, No, Yes ~
by Magick inaccording to the bible... natural disasters are god's wrath the lord is a jealous god, filled with vengeance and wrath.
he takes revenge on all who oppose him and furiously destroys his enemies!
the lord is slow to get angry, but his power is great, and he never lets the guilty go unpunished.
According to the Bible...
Natural Disasters are God's Wrath
The LORD is a jealous God, filled with vengeance and wrath. He takes revenge on all who oppose him and furiously destroys his enemies! The LORD is slow to get angry, but his power is great, and he never lets the guilty go unpunished. He displays his power in the whirlwind and the storm. The billowing clouds are the dust beneath his feet. At his command the oceans and rivers dry up, the lush pastures of Bashan and Carmel fade, and the green forests of Lebanon wilt. In his presence the mountains quake, and the hills melt away; the earth trembles, and its people are destroyed. Who can stand before his fierce anger? Who can survive his burning fury? His rage blazes forth like fire, and the mountains crumble to dust in his presence. The LORD is good. When trouble comes, he is a strong refuge. And he knows everyone who trusts in him. But he sweeps away his enemies in an overwhelming flood. He pursues his foes into the darkness of night. (Nahum 1:2-8 NLT)
When I read this scripture...I got this image of a nerdy boy with glasses throwing a temper tantrum over his ant farm for getting out of hand...shaking it fiercely, using a blow dryer on them and then pouring a pitcher of scalding hot water in their plexi-glass house to drown them all.
Are natural disasters evidence of god's wrath?
hmmm The Watchtower says yes, no and yes.
God caused Floods, darkness, droughts and storms in bible times...but, today it's stuff that humans have done to the earth that reek havoc...but, in the future, god will get mad again and manipulate natural forces.
I see this type of ill-logic a lot in watchtower-ology. "Angels performed miracles in bible times, but not our time, and will again" "people spoke in tongues in bible times, but not our time, but we will speak a pure language in the future." ect.The Watchtower says:
Is God really responsible for the disasters that bring so much human suffering and loss around the world? Is he to blame? YES: Not only is Jehovah the Creator of natural forces but he also has the power to control them. Throughout the Bible we find accounts of Jehovah?s controlling or manipulating such forces to accomplish his purpose. These include the parting of the Red Sea in Moses? day and the halting of the sun and moon in their paths across the heavens in the time of Joshua. (Exodus 14:21-28; Joshua 10:12, 13) Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the promised Messiah, also demonstrated his power over natural forces as, for instance, when he calmed a storm on the Sea of Galilee. (Mark 4:37-39) Accounts like these leave no doubt that Jehovah God and his Son, Jesus Christ, can fully control all that affects life here on earth.?2 Chronicles 20:6; Jeremiah 32:17; Matthew 19:26. NO: That being the case, can we hold God responsible for the increased havoc and devastation that have resulted from natural disasters in recent times? To answer this question, we must first consider whether there is evidence that the forces of nature have recently become dramatically more violent, perhaps even out of control. In this regard, note what the book Natural Disasters?Acts of God or Acts of Man? has to say: "There is no evidence that the climatological mechanisms associated with droughts, floods and cyclones are changing. And no geologist is claiming that the earth movements associated with earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunami (earthquake waves) are becoming more violent." What, then, accounts for the increase in the frequency and destructiveness of natural disasters that we read about? If the forces of nature (God, Jesus) are not to blame, the finger of guilt seems to point to the human element. And, indeed, authorities have recognized that human activities have made our environment both more prone to natural disasters and more vulnerable to them. YES: God will take action to rid the earth of wickedness and suffering. --WT93 pg. 34 Natural Disasters?Is God Responsible? A far greater storm approaches, one that will encompass the entire inhabited earth. No one will be able to elude it or be unaffected by it. Titanic, awe-inspiring forces will be loosed at that time, dwarfing any yet experienced by man. This storm is Armageddon. Jehovah, rising up to defend his people, brings terror to the hearts of the wicked. The battle at Armageddon is on! Governments collapse, fiery showers strike the earth, tidal waves, upheavals of earth, cloudbursts, electrical storms, burning missiles all strike down Satan?s visible hordes. In sheer horror, every man?s hand is turned against his neighbor in a frenzied, selfish fight for survival, all in vain; for Jeremiah long ago declared: "And those slain by Jehovah will certainly come to be in that day from one end of the earth clear to the other end of the earth. They will not be bewailed, neither will they be gathered up or be buried. As manure on the surface of the ground they will become."?Zech. 14:12, 13; Jer. 25:33. --WT60 pg. 21 The Gathering Storm of Armageddon
mass mailing to get DF'ed
by mineralogist in.
if i would write a letter to all members of my congregation stating "i had a jc and will be df'ed and this would be announced in near future" - would i get df'ed or would the wts consider this daing?
just save the stamps.
write a letter to the editorial section of your local paper as a "final goodbye" to your life long friends. or take out an ad with an email address you can be reached at... maybe you can put a flyer on all the cars during a meeting. or a "goodbye" sign up on the telephone pole as they exit the kingdom hall.
i'm sorry you are going through this...and that your crazy anti-jw self will be "announced," it's stressful, sick and just so damn unnatural to go through.
but, the fact is...once you are disfellowshipped or about to be, anything you do will not be taken seriously. you are with Satan now, so sad...too bad. "we hope you come back soon."
Why do some here refer to themselves as "Apostates"?
by Netty inthe only real definition of apostate i ever had was from being raised a witness.
so, i have this idea that it is an evil, wicked thing.
because of that i dont like to call myself an apostate.
"apostate" has taken on new meanings to exjws.
i'm proud to call myself an apostate or to associate with other apostates...because it means i woke up. i am no longer a jw drone, but a free thinker.
most "apostates" i have met are far more intelligent, creative, witty than any jw i can remember. plus, apostates are waaaaaayyyy cooler!
there's some sarcastic humor in calling ourselves "apostate" ... (if there's one thing we exjws are good at it's sarcasm) changing the core meaning of the word, playing around with the way it is spelled etc...we take the jw's evil sting out of it.
i remember when i first became semi-comfortable with the word...(about 4 years ago) i would come up with silly "apostate" screen names and haunt jws in chat rooms. it's sick and twisted...but, that's why it was so fun. (i'm a much more mature apostate now) lol
What is your Favorite Scene from a Movie?
by Sweetp0985 ini thought about this topic last night for the board when watching one of my favorite movies.. 1. the man from snowy river- the part when they are going after the expensive colt and they get to the edge of the cliff and all the other riders stop and "jim" keeps going and leaps down the cliff after the wild horses.
i absolutely love that part of the movie...everytime its on i have to watch it, if not just to see this part only.. 2. love and basketball- when she tells him she will play for his heart...awwww first time i started crying.
and then the music they had playing in the background made it even worse.
Magick's sappy, but...
i loved the wedding singer.
when robbie hart (Adam Sandler) sang this song to drew on the plane.....*sniff*
Grow old with you
I wanna make you smile whenever you?re sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is grow old with you
I?ll get your medicine when your tummy aches
Build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you
I?ll miss you
I?ll kiss you
Give you my coat when you are cold
I?ll need you
I?ll feed you
Even let ya hold the remote control
So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink
Put you to bed if you?ve had too much to drink
I could be the man who grows old with you
I wanna grow old with you -
anyone who is anything outside of the biblical "norm" of woman/man; wife/husband; male/female will rarely if ever be baptized or given responsibility in the congregation. i'm sure he/she will be allowed to study and attend meetings, but that's about it. unless that person never tells a soul and chooses to completely look and act as one gender.
according to the child welfare league of american the term "hermaphrodite" is out dated. the politically correct term is:
Intersexed. Generally applied to individuals born with ambiguous genitalia (an outdated term would be hermaphrodite). In the past, most intersexed individuals have had surgery shortly after birth in an attempt to give them an "identifiable" gender. There is now much discussion about this practice, but so far little has changed. Parents often feel forced to make a quick decision with little information. Most intersexed persons are raised as female.
here's some interesting info about Gender Identity Disorder (transexuals) and Jehovah's Witnesses (it also mentions the intersexed):
Finally ... I'm completely "certifiable", erm ... I mean certified
by Simon ini passed the last exam to get my final microsoft certification, mcse, and just did it in time to have done them all within a year !
mcp - microsoft certified professional.
mcad - microsoft certified application developer for .net.