They all pretty much sucked.
How many of you had to go throw personal studies with an Elder because you were viewed as "weak?"
what is the book you liked the least studying at the bookstudy?
for me it was the isaiah books.
side question which book did you like the best?
They all pretty much sucked.
How many of you had to go throw personal studies with an Elder because you were viewed as "weak?"
the watchtower's cure-all for any injustice or question is to "wait on jehovah".
have you had any experience showing that "waiting on jehovah" is useless??
I don't think there is enough bandwidth to enumerate the amount of dissapointment I had from "waiting on Jehovah."
my friend was counseled for having a bad attitude because he wore white socks w/ his suit.
The wierdest thing that I was "counsiled" for was during my second JC. An elder brought forth an allegation that was made by a recently divorced sister who claimed that I had said that her & I should have breakfast at a local hotel. After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I asked if there was a second witness to this statement. He said that there wasn't, but it was something they (the JC) were concerned about. I told them that unless they had a second witness, and unless the sister was willing to be called in that I would not discuss it. I also stated that this sister was merely having wishful thinking, and that she should be counciled for gossiping. The elder that aired the charge then said that it was not my position to lecture him about handling judicial matters, especially when I was the subject of a JC. Arrogance!
myself being a very observant person have on many occasions witnessed witnesses behaving badly in public places.
for instance, i was in an auto parts store recently, unbeknownst to a jw(elder) who happened to walk in, lines were long and this @#@hole demanded to be served immediately, yelling, cutting in front of everyone else, belittling the clerks like they were nobody (typical jw).
i felt like telling him to calm down and show some "fruitages of the spirit", but i just watched his rant and thought to myself how bad these jerks act when they think no one is around.
I have had a run in with Bill Holier-than-thou. He's a local JW that does street work on the bus sytem around the area I work in. I have spoken to him before (I have never said that I was a JW), and he has a very condescending manner about him. When you give a rebuttal to his ascertions, he looks past you and you can see the mind begin to tune you out.
Back to the story. I guess Bill forgot that I am not a willing sheep, and he asked my about reading the Belchtower & Asleep rags. I politely declined. Bill responded, "Oh yes, I remember you. You are a Pentecostal" (the venom in his voice when he uttered that word got the attention of a couple of the riders). I affrimed his statement, and again politely told him that I was not interested. Bill then said that I was not a Christian because I spoke in tongues. I said told him that his opinion of my Christianity is shared by a number of denominations within Christianity, and by cults like his. I also stated that his opinion didn't bother me in the least. I also told Bill that since he decided to insult me that our conversation was over, and I asked him to never speak to me again. Bill then stomped off saying, in a loud voice that all Pentecostals will die at Armeggedon.
Now the bus we were on was an express bus (limited stops). The bus driver pulls over, stops the bus and demands that Bill get off the bus. Right away, Bill yells religious discrimination. To which the bus driver tells him that he is not being kicked off for prosyletizing, but for creating a disturbance, and that if he did not leave the bus immediately the driver would call the cops and have him arrested. Bill turned white, and quickly stepped off the bus. The rest of the riders appauled, and we were on our way.
This happened about two months ago, and Bill has not ridden this bus since, but I know he has ridden the same line at other times.
i've been reading up on the constantine's involvement in the compilation of the bible at the council of nicaea.
as well as the ousting of arius because of his "controversial" beliefs.
it's been many years since i've read any watchtower literature...anyone know what the jw's believe / teach / preach regarding this subject.
dude, I've never even heard of Dan Brown
If you haven't heard of Dan Brown, then perhaps you might want to emerge from the rock you have been living under.
My ;post didn't mention "canon". I was researching the origins of the bible, you know the one we have today with 66 books. I wanted to know how that particular form came to be. And everything I've read says that this form originated under Constantine's rule at his direction.
This view has been parroted by Dan Brown in The DaVinci Code. Which is why some of us have asked whether or not you have read the book. If you read this in another book, then please reference it.
Man, you have a few doubts about the bible really being the inspired word of god and people start attacking you...
This is not attacking you as a person, it is attacking your statement. If you dont' know the difference, then might I suggest you study on debate, and just what ad hominem is?
the poster erroneusly state"...."I think you've been reading blah blah blah" ;. Reminds me of someplace else I've been that starts with a K and ends with a HALL.
No, it's an attempt to verify your source. This happens all the time in debates.
Lastly, I ended my qestioning of your source with this statement:
If I am incorrect, I appologizeYou either failed to read or ignored this statement. That being said, since you claim not to have read The Davinci Code, and claim not to know who Dan Brown is, then I take you at face value, and appologize again for my presumption.
i've been reading up on the constantine's involvement in the compilation of the bible at the council of nicaea.
as well as the ousting of arius because of his "controversial" beliefs.
it's been many years since i've read any watchtower literature...anyone know what the jw's believe / teach / preach regarding this subject.
This thread began with the poster questioning the canon of the Bible. Let's get back on topic, please.
The poster erroneously claims that this was decided at the Council of Nicea. This indicates to me that the poster is reading and taking literally the fiction found in The DaVinci Code. If I am incorrect I apologize, however, this has been the case when I hear this from people I speak with.
i've been reading up on the constantine's involvement in the compilation of the bible at the council of nicaea.
as well as the ousting of arius because of his "controversial" beliefs.
it's been many years since i've read any watchtower literature...anyone know what the jw's believe / teach / preach regarding this subject.
What has led you to forming this view?
i know this is an english language forum, but i was contacted by someone who has a flock book in spanish that they are willing to give to the cause.
should i send it to my normal pdf person?
as always, a pm will do.
I get a number of requests for good Spanish info. Not being a Spanish speaker, I rely on others for this, and I have been burned in the past.
i was adopted into a jw family in southern california.
my birth mother gave me up after 6 months (the terms mom & dad refer to my adoptive/real parents).
she gave me up due to the fact that she already had a three year old boy, and back in the late sixties it was not as socially acceptable to be a single mother.
There is nothing like being woke-up with the floor and walls shaking that will scare the bejeezus out of you. While I am sure that earthquakes are terrifying for non-JWs, they are 100 times more terrifying for a JW that faded, but still held to the few that "Armaggedon was just around the corner." I remember praying that night that I would go back to the meetings, and do everything I was supposed to do, if Jehovah would just spare me. So I went back into the Borg. I cut my hair. I traded in the leather & spandex for suits & a briefcase. I began to average 15-20 hours a month in field service. This was accomplished mostly by early morning streetwork. This was due to most of the assigned territory for the Hall I was attending was Spanish speaking.
I began attending meetings, and soon had "priveldges" restored." I soon met a lady, and we began to date. By June of 1988 we were engaged to be married that September. We got married, and then moved back to Taos. We started our own business, and things went swimmingly along. I was up for MS, and was a regularly buting in 20 hrs a month. I was placing mags left & right. I had a multitude of RVs and a couple of Bible studies. I did this until around March of 1990 when the CO (Ray Harriman) came to visit. It was during this time that the promotion was supposed to go through. My dad (PO) had recused himself from the discussion (a move that I respect him for) of my promotion. However, the Service Overseer, whose son was my best friend, and the person that ratted out on everyone was still limping along. He barely attended meetings, never went out in service, all over the fact that he married a girl that was studying, and attended meetings but had not yet been baptized. His father (the Service Overseer) felt that because of this I should be punished, and what better way to punish me than by keeping me from becoming a MS. It was at this point that I lost the last bit of respect for the Borg. I told my dad that I had a hard time understanding how I could be passed over just because my best friend was a slacker. It was at this point that I began my final fade from the Borg. I also ran across a number of Christian books, and in particular, Robert Bowman's Why You Should Believe in the Trinity book. This book did more to undermine my faith in WT doctrine than anything else I had read or watched.
I resolved in my heart at this point to learn everything I could about the Borg, and how it worked. So I began researching. I used my dad's extensive library & the local Hall's even more extensive library (bound volumes that went back to the early 40s). I also sent away for information, and had it sent to a private PO box that I had rented. Then I ran across Crisis of Conscience, and I resolved that I would be an XJW4EVR.
My wife and I decided to move back to LA after our business failed. This move allowed me to fade completely. THough she went to the meetings, she respected my fade. I had simply told her that I could no longer, in good conscience, go to meetings knowing what I knew. She however, would not listen. She did come out in 1997 after we both lost our job, and were in danger of losing our home. I went to the church I was attending and they gave us money for 3 months of rent & utilities. People from my church, also dropped by with groceries, and baby essentials. When my wife went to the elders, they said that they would not help because of my status. That tore it for my wife. She decided to leave the JWs.
What has happened since that point is for the next chapter.
were you ever affected by seeing a man or even a teenager being made a ministerial servant or a young man being appointed an elder-----knowing that the person is not really qualified?
you could be thinking, "i can't believe he gets to be an elder when my husband (or brother or father or friend) is doing everything but headstands for the elders!
" when such appointments were made did you see to it that you would not go to that person for direction or counsel?
Too bad your Daddy did that, its one of the main ways these idiots get appointed.
First off, he's my dad, not my daddy.
Second, I am glad he did that. It showed me that there was at least one man of integrity in that body of Elders.