My father became a baptized jw around the time I was 5 yrs old. Up until then he was a Roman Catholic (albeit only in name). I've got my communist loving grandfather to thank for all the anti-catholic rhetoric he fed my father that primed him for the JWs. My father fully immersed me and my sib in the JW lifestyle: going to every bloody meeting, doing at least the national monthly average in field service, being signed on to the school very early on without even asking if we wanted to or not etc, etc.
My mother remained a RC for another two decades or so though. My father was very insistent on getting his way being the "head" of the household and didn't want ANY birthdays, holidays to be celebrated. My mother being oldschool Italian gave in to alot of his demands but would still secretly try to give me and my sib a small birthday gift every couple of years. She even managed to get my sib and me some costumes two years in a row so htat we weren't total outcasts at school when the kids were allowed to come in costumes (that was kindergarten and Grade 1). She also insisted me and my sib go to a Catholic school which we did (the only thing my father allowed...and I personally believe its because my mother was actually going to leave him over it).
The intolerance of my father (exacerbated by the cultic WTS) oppressed my mother because she couldn't go to mass without having him preach to her on and on, he would freak if she tried to attend the baptisms, first communions, etc of other family and she was very quickly isolated from the family she had here in north america. It was an unhappy atmosphere, and the religious differences sparked endless arguments. I think the loneliness was the sole reson she eventually got baptized as a JW. Unfortunately as soon as she came in to the Org, she didn't get alot of real friends. She quickly became used, always being asked to make food for weddings, jack and jills, memorials, meals for the CO and DO and on and on (other people made salads while my mom was always asked for roasts, meatballs, and expensive ricotta pastries etc). The dubs are leeches. And they broke my mother's spirit.