The only decent thing about the Chrysler Concorde I own is the space and comfortable seats. Alot of good that does since I haven't been able to try it for several months now because the tranny is shot.
Aside from that, the driver's side window can't go up or down because of bad tracks in the door which is bad because there's still a horrible smell coming from the vents (probably mildew) even though I tried adding I can't count how many cans of lysol. The air conditioner doesn't work (which I could care less about) but unfirtunately the bearing in that compressor is on the way out. I was told that when that seized it would then ruin the serpentine belt and cause of loss of power steering while driving. So I'm not sinking any more money into that car.
Here's the sad part folks. Because I have to commute to work I've been dependant on the charity of my JW father who let me use his spare car. He's a great dad, however you all can imagine and now know why I've been guilted into attending more of the blasted dub meetings lately.