Your below post is typical JW dribble.
"But while helping others in a physical way, Christians never want to lose sight of their primary obligation, preaching the good news of God’s established Kingdom. That Kingdom will soon rid the world of all sickness, poverty, and need. How gratifying to be able to assist people to gain life in a world where the word "pity" will no longer need to be used. Could you possibly love your neighbor in a way more practical than that?"
The answer to your state above is an emphatic NO! I Couldn't disagree with more. Read John 3:16 again. It's plain and simple. Work (going door to door) does not lead to faith and grace. It's Just the opposite, faith and grace lead to works. Pope John Paul II did not go door to door during his twenty five years as head of the Catholic Church, nor did priest, bishiops, and cardinals, yet during that period of time, 250 million new Catholics joined the ranks of the church.What did the the JW's do during that 25 years going door to door? Mother Theresa, prior to her death, roamed the streets of the poorest neighborhoods of India, not going door to door lieing and deceiving, but helping and feeding those in need. Because of her efforts; because of her faith and the grace of God, not because of a "free bible study", millions, again, as with the Pope, join the ranks of Christianity, simply because they did good for those in need. None of these new Christians were told that they would be shunned if they decided later to leave, or that they would have to commit suicide if given the chose between accepting, or not accepting, a life saving blood transfusion, etc., ect.
Remember, Jesus did not go looking for people, they came to him. He did not go knocking on doors, but people came to him. He was the pinnicle of faith and grace and because of this there are over 1.2 billion christians in the world today helping those in need.
As a rep of my local church, I assist at homeless shelters and visit local hospitals distributing toileties, etc. I do not preach, or try to push my religion on anyone, but am amazed at the number of homeless and patients that, because they know who I am, want to talk about Jesus and his words. It's a fulfilling feeling. And it's not just me, there are many, many volunteers that do the same thing.
Remember, telling a hungry person that the end of the world is coming soon (an erroneous statement espoused by the JW by the way. They have said the end is coming soon for the last 120 years and havn't got it right yet) does not do anything for their hunger. Instead of living for the end, as JW's do, help end the hunger and destitution around the world and encourage living as best as possible. The end will come, when the end comes, and now one knows when this is, but when it does, all eyes will see.
That's about it.