Hi everyone,
I am writing in to say that I have come to a decision to return to the meetings at my local Kingdom Hall. After much soul searching and careful thought, I feel happy with my decision.
I have decided to submit this on the JWDF to prove to God that I am genuine in my sincerity towards him and to show repentance for the things I have said in the past. The reasons as to why I have decided to return are as follows;
During my time away from meetings, I missed the hope that I once had for the future. Yes We can live for today and do what we want and not care about tomorrow as we will die anyway; but the difference is that the hope that the scriptures give me personally, is an inner peace that nothing else in this life can give me. Without this I feel empty and sad inside, knowing that I only have X amount of years left to enjoy life, and that's it. I want to be living to the full in a paradise earth with my family and with other happy like minded people all around me. Yet it takes faith to have such hope. I therefore decided to renew and rebuild up this faith I once had.
I was at a point where I was having doubts about the bible, full stop. I even had a couple of chats with my Aunt who is a believer in deism and read the very interesting book 'age of reason'. But try as I may, I simply couldn't dismiss the bible. I still have that burning spiritual need inside me. I look at my family and all the wonderful things around me and think that this life is just so very temporary. The years pass by so quickly.
I felt it was unfair of me to simply dismiss the bible without reading it through personally, which I have never ever done. How could I dismiss it without doing this. I therefore started studying the bible again and reading everything in context. I also started to pray to God again to ask that his holy spirit guide me in the way I should walk. I also have been searching a long long time for a denomination that closely follows the scriptures.
From my reading and study of the bible I truly believe that it is Gods inspired word and contains a wonderful hope for the future. That the earth will truly be transformed to paradisaic conditions in the new age(Taught by the witnesses)
That this good news of the Kingdom must be preached all over the world (which is what the witnesses are doing).
No one on this earth can say for an absolute certainty how Gods name should be pronounced and that the exact pronunciation of his name will be revealed in the coming Kingdom when everyone will speak the pure language. In saying this I believe that whether a person or denomination uses such names as Yahweh, Jehovah, yahuah, Yahveh; That the holy spirit still brings our prayers to God and that he listens to them. When praying to God in the privacy of my own home, I personally prefer to pray and speak to him by addressing him as Father, just as Jesus did.
I very strongly believe that the great tribulation (as spoken of by the prophets and gospel writers) will occur very soon and that the signs are very much all around us, re illustration of the fig tree. But no one knows what day or hour as scriptures say. But there is no doubt as to the many signs.
I believe that no man or woman can judge who will and will not go through the great tribulation. All such matters are in the hands of God and his son Jesus (our messiah). For example, the scriptures talk of the blameless ones going through the tribulation. It talks of a ressurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous in the new earth. Who can say (or indeed judge) for a certainty that other denominations who believe in jesus (Messiah) and who also preach the good news of the kingdom and are also striving earnestly to do Gods will (every bit as much as the witnesses are) may not go through the tribulation. No man can make such Judgements (fact).
I have read and observed other denominations (there are plenty out there) who basically have very similiar views to that of the witnesses and differ only slightly in some areas and who are also making changes where they see errors in their teachings. Many of the errors for example that the witnesses have made, they have admitted to and made changes where needed. I believe they will make more changes in the future. They admit they are not infallible. Other denominations in Christ likewise are doing the same (Trees that are producing fruit); Human beings earnestly working towards pure worship. I am aware though that there will be many groups of indivduals, denominations that Jesus will reject as spoken of at Matthew saying I never knew you, get away from me you workers of lawlessness. Only Jesus (not man)can judge such ones as to why they will be rejected.
I believe that all errors that Jehovahs witnesses and other Christian denominations are doing now, will only be completely revealed and straightened out in the coming Kingdom. I believe that Satan has done his best to confuse things, but humans are making inroads back to pure worship despite all the confusion.
I believe that Jehovahs Witnesses for the most part are one of those denominations that are adhering closely to bible teachings, principles, standards and commands. God knows my heart on this matter. But for the sake of harmony, I have agreed with my Father in heaven to humble myself before him and walk in his ways as best I can. I will get back to preaching the good news of the Kingdom through the denomination of Jehovahs Witnesses and humbly wait untill that Kingdom is ruling all over the earth where all truth will be revealed, and righteousness will truly dwell.
There can only possibly be one of three outcomes now that I have chosen the path I am taking.
1/ That I will enter into Gods Kingdom and enjoy all the blessings as promised by God and his son Jesus; or that I am resurrected as one of the righteous or unrighteous ones if I fall asleep in death before the coming of the Kingdom on earth.
2/ That I will not make it through the great Tribulation for what ever reason - as rejected by Jesus.
3/ That the Kingdom is indeed a figment of mens imaginations and that I will simply die in X amount of years; and there is nothing else.
That still leaves me with a one in three chance of such a wonderful hope. This is far better than no hope at all.
That is the main reason why I need my faith.
Thanks to all of you who have taken the time to read this