JoinedTopics Started by evergreen
Change of Heart
by evergreen ini am writing in to say that i have come to a decision to return to the meetings at my local kingdom hall.
after much soul searching and careful thought, i feel happy with my decision.. i have decided to submit this on the jwdf to prove to god that i am genuine in my sincerity towards him and to show repentance for the things i have said in the past.
the reasons as to why i have decided to return are as follows;.
by evergreen inhas anyone read much about christian quest?
it seems to be a very thought provoking site for ex jehovahs witnesses or anyone with an interest in ther scriptures.
i am finding that what they are saying, does make a lot of sense.
What Got YOU Out Of The Organization?
by minimus inhow did you come to the final decision to get out of her (the organization, "mother")?
It's unanimous-women are confusing
by keyser soze init turns that men aren't the only ones who have trouble reading women.
it seems that women can't read other women, either.
according to a study conducted in germany, at least:.
Has anyone read 'age of reason' by Thomas Paine?
by evergreen inhi i am sure this topic has been covered before, but perhaps more people have read the book since and can share some further views.
my aunt sent me the book 'age of reason' by thomas paine about 4 years ago and i only read parts of it as i was not really interested at the time: as i still had the belief that the bible was gods word.
i decided to read it proper, as everytime i tried to get back into reading the bible, i was finding that some of the old testament stories were over the top or too fantastic to believe, that such events happened.
The wife has just opened a pandoras box (you tube)!
by evergreen ini was browsing the net yesterday and was looking up some you tube clips on jehovahs witnesses.
the wife then asks if she could use the net to check out something.
little did i realise she was checking my history trail (we're a trusting couple!
What's the BEST thing about being "out" of the "truth"?
by B_Deserter infor me, it's having friends that i don't have to hide my lack of meeting attendance/service from.
it's amazing how they teach you that only jws can be your real friends, but in reality, it's all contingent upon your religious "performance.
" sure, if you're not going to meetings, they'll try to be "friends," by encouraging you to go back.
FUN TEST! I am 37% JW!! Post your percentage here plz
by Tired of the Hypocrisy ini found this online.
i have not seen it on here before so i thought i would post it.
it is a test to determine if you belong in the jw religion.
What Bible do you use?
by OMG! Now What? inin my new search for truth, i'm back to my old routine of getting my 7+ different bibles out and comparing them all.
which one have you chosen, if at all, and why?
Christian Bible students Melboune?
by evergreen injust wondering if anyone knows much about the christian bible students melbourne.
there site is quite limited as to their beliefs and wondered if there was further information?.