Welcome unhappy. I'm not going to make a pun about your name because others have and that'll just be overplayed and I don't do that, but I was thinking about it ... I'll get you later on, don't worry.
i just wanted to say hi to everyone.
i've recently decided to stop being a jw after being raised as one.
unhappy x. .
Welcome unhappy. I'm not going to make a pun about your name because others have and that'll just be overplayed and I don't do that, but I was thinking about it ... I'll get you later on, don't worry.
there's a few on their list that surprise me.
it kind of gets me that these 21 places that they say are "wonders" are recent architecture.
how can you compare the pyramids in egypt or the great wall of china to the sydney opera house, the statue of liberty or the eiffel tower?
There's a few on their list that surprise me. It kind of gets me that these 21 places that they say are "wonders" are recent architecture. How can you compare the pyramids in Egypt or the Great Wall of China to the Sydney Opera House, the Statue of Liberty or the Eiffel Tower?
A couple interesting facts though, of the original 7 wonders compiled 500 years ago only one is in exsistance today (pyramids).
one of my cd holders that hold 92 cds is gone.. all that time, money and work.
i am about halfway thru my third book.
im sick about it.
I had my hockey cards stolen from me in my late teens. There were quite a few rookie cards and rare ones. The set that I was most upset about losing though was a set of 24 or so cards printed in Russia of Russian stars who entered the NHL. It was a limited edition of 25,000 sets and had a 17 year old Sergei Federov prior to his Red Wing days. I figure it was one of my brother's friends who took it, right from my bedroom.
i got the following message from someone i used to know, on myspace.
he lived down the road from my family.
he's still a jw.
Shoot, did you know you had to be a "friend" to post a comment about someone. Shoot. I'm in a mood too, I was ready to go off. Maybe crazyblondeb you could pass on to him that I think he's an ass. Thanks lots! Moi!
i am tired of being told that gods will is for there to be a paradise earth.
i have put the following scripture list together to .
help myself (and maybe others) in discussing what gods will is.. .
You need to learn more about the Flying Spaghetti Monster, from whom all things were made. His will is that you eat and enjoy pasta, in all forms with all different sauces and toppings (ie. cheese, beef, sausage). He will bless you if you ask him to.
i got the following message from someone i used to know, on myspace.
he lived down the road from my family.
he's still a jw.
Invalid Friend ID.
This user has either cancelled their membership, or their account has been deleted.
Aw, too bad otherwise I'd leave him a good one. What kind of a JW says "fucked" anyway? What an ass.
i am back!
for several months i could not write anything on this site no matter how hard i tried.
even the moderators who could get my acct working through their machines could not get it going from mine no matter how much good advice.
Welcome back! Glad things sorted out.
i was hoping to get some feedback from those of you that have laptops.
i know what i need primarily in terms of system specs so i am more interested in feedback regarding brands.
if you have a laptop i would be interested to know the brand, whether you bought it new or used, how long the warranty was, if you had any issues with it during or after the warranty (and whether these resulted in you having to take it in or send it away for repairs), if you would buy it again, if you recommend the brand on the whole.. i am currently leaning towards toshiba having met a few people that had bad experiences with dell.
I sent you a long PM.
i'm been going through my files on the computer and came across a lot of those little booklets we used to hand out.
many of them were outdated.
well no they all were outdated.
How many of those are on the WT CD library? I'd almost bet none! Anything they've taken off of that is for good reason!
has anyone else heard about this north american union?.
i've read a few online news articles about this,....has anyone else heard of this??
in brief: its supposedly where sometime in the very near future mexico, usa, and canada will come together in a similar manner to the eu.. thoughts?.
It would never happen. Canadians enjoy not being Americans too much. Anything that would bring us closer then we already are won't fly. For one, we love our multi-coloured (colored for my US friends) currency and the Americans attempt at bringing colour (color for my US friends) to their boring greenbacks was quite pathetic. This isn't even beginning to address the problems that we've had with trade in very recent times such as the Softwood lumber dispute and with beef trade (remember that one mad cow, funny how all went quite right after the news reported that cow came to Canada via the US!). The US also has a problem dealing with certain Canadian leaders, and sure they're getting along right now (Steven Harper is a George Bush wannabe) but how long will that last?
If anything, I'd say that the US is getting farther away with the new passport requirements and so on. It's harder then ever for a Canadian to enter the US and I've had friends refused entry because of their place of birth (they are 100% Canadian citizens, Egyptian born, they applied to live in the US but were refused. They now own a house in Toronto and recently went to visit the US to shop but were denied entry because the Customs Officer thought they'd want to stay in the country.) Things like that would have to change but I doubt that the US with all its new "security measures" in place will budge. Anyone think they're paying too much attention to their Northern border and not enough with their Southern?
There's also the problem with Mexican/US relations. Do you really think the US is going to allow Mexican citizens wonder freely into the US? Of course they're already kind of letting that happen, but they're finding that the people who are heading accross aren't all going home.
I guess the point that I'm getting at is sure we'll have trade agreements with each other ... but other then that we'll always be different countries in all forms, and will never have a relationship similar to the EU. Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster for that!