Nah, just shave it and buy a motorcycle and a leather jacket. You may need to dye the goatee though.
<------- i'm getting more and more "salt" in my "pepper".
or should i just go with a hair extensions?
anyone willing to donate?.
Nah, just shave it and buy a motorcycle and a leather jacket. You may need to dye the goatee though.
quite a few of my family members are jw's, and i attended the meetings until i was 7 years old when my mom was disfellowhipped.
i have always had an interest in god but i truly don't know where i feel i belong church-wise.
i agree mostly with the jw, but there are still things that i don't agree with, and to attend the kingdom hall, knowing that i don't agree with them 100% feels wrong.
Why do JW's choose not to celebrate birthdays? I understand that the bible lists 3 birthdays that all ended in disaster, but just because the bible listed those, does it mean we are not supposed to celebrate them? I mean, is it written anywhere that we must ABSOLUTELY not celebrate them? Or just because it doesn't tell us to or say it's ok to, we're not supposed to? If the bad things happening on birthdays in the bible are what we are supposed to go off of, then what about all the other things that aren't mentioned in the bible? I know that people are killed/die on their anniversaries, during birth, on their wedding days...but even if these accounts aren't spoken of in the bible, are they ok to celebrate? And why is it ok to celebrate the upcoming arrival of a baby with a shower and then gifts at birth, but you can't celebrate that it's already been here for a year? Why can you celebrate being with someone for a year, but not having a child for a year? I know that God commanded us to celebrate Jesus' death, but where did he say to NOT celebrate his birth?
There are a few things that the bible has nothing good to say about. The bible says nothing good about dogs and everytime they're mentioned something "bad" happens, does that mean we shouldn't have one as a pet? Actually, the bible mentions one other birthday that you didn't mention, and that is in Job. I'm not 100% sure of the scripture but it is written that Job had a celebration feast for each of his children "on their day" and used the occasion as a time to make a special sacrifice to God in case they had sinned in the previous year. Sounds like a good birthday experience in the bible to me. Also, in regards to Jesus, the angels even celebrated his birth, why shouldn't believers do so?
Why do Jehovah Witnesses think that women can be apart of the 144,000? In revelations, it says that the 144,000 are virgin "men" who have not defiled themselves with women. Why would women be considered apart of that group? I've been told that the witnesses believe that it is just metaphoric for people who haven't lived their life in sin, but why would the witnesses believe things are metaphoric? Why not take the bible as it is written? If it was men and women, why wouldn't it say that? And being that the Jehovah's Witnesses religion has only been around since 1870, how can a correct estimate of how many of the 144,000 members are still here on earth be made? What about the people who had received the Holy Spirit before Charles Taze Russell founded his beliefs and began counting?
Do you really think you're going to find 144,000 virgins in one small religious group? They've got to fill in the number somehow. The problem is they don't know what to take literally and what to take metaphorically. There's one verse and they arbitrarily switch between the two as it suits their views of today. Maybe tomorrow that 144,000 will be figurative thus explaining why the memorial partakers numbers aren't going down at all.
Also with Hell. In revelations, it says that the devil will be hurled with the beast into the lake of fire, where they will be tormented for eternaty. Why is it that every other religion takes it for what it actually says, but witnesses don't believe that hell is a fiery pit where you will be tormented for ever? If Jehovah wanted it to mean "cease to exist", why wouldn't he just have had the person who wrote revelations say that?
Why do the JW's believe that people will live forever on earth while most others believe they'll go to heaven? Give 100 people 100 years to go over 100 texts independant of each other and they'll come up with 100 different beliefs from them. That's the long and the short of it.
Why don't the witnesses read from the missing parts of the bible? As an example, the Apocrypha was the Inter-Testament that falls chronologically between the old testament and the new testament. Why don't the witnesses read this to learn all the words/stories of God?
They're scared of them, and for the most part the average JW doesn't even know they exsist. Why do they only read from the parts of the NT cannon chosen by the then "apostate" Catholic church in the 4th century? Why don't they look at any of the other gospel accounts? Plain and simple, it doesn't suit their pre-concieved ideas and therefore is left out. It's the same reason they don't quote from most scientific journals, and if they do it's usually out of context.
I had a family member get upset with me because I called the Kindom Hall a church. She felt I was associating her religion with other religions. But truthfully, they are all connected. JW's read from the King James Bible which was a revision of the Bishop's bible, (with new manuscripts added). The Bishop's bible was published in 1568, and originated from the Roman Catholic religion. So if witnesses get so upset about being compared to other religions, why would they read from a bible that originated from another religion?
Your family member was wrong in getting upset about it. Recently the WT spokesman has called themselves a "church" and I'll assume it's to make the JW's seem a little more mainstream. It'll just take a while for the average JW to catch on, and they may never.
What if someone who was disfellowshipped, became baptised into another church? Are they still to be ignored and casted out? My mom said that it would be the same as still being disfellowshipped...but why? Isnt the point of being baptised to promise your life to God and doing his will? If thats the case, why would it matter which church you were in when you did it, as long as your heart was truly set on serving God? Basically my question is...are you baptized to devote yourself to God or to the church?
With the JW's, when you get baptized you commit yourself as much to the church (WTBTS) as you do to God. That's what you're agreeing to when you say "YES" to those questions before your baptism.
hey everyone just need some extra sayings, thoughts, information and insight please.
my daughter is 22 and has a beautifull 16 month old daughter, my daughter is df'd and is moving on with her life, she has been for df'd for 6 years.
however she does let her mother watch my granddaughter and help her in babysitting.
Once my parents chose to start talking to my kids behind my wife's and my back about the JW's by means of a "bible-study" they were not permitted to be alone with them again. Once my parents chose to shun my wife and myself they were told that we could not let them shun us and at the same time see our kids, we can't let our kids think it is acceptable behaviour to us emotional blackmail to get someone to do what they want.
If your daughter really wants to have a relationship with her mom, but at the same time be left alone (regarding JWism) then she'll have to take a tough stand, but expect the worse because the JW's earned their cult status.
just wondering on how it is possible to get a scriptual divorce as my dad needs to get one but as much research done i can't see how he can get one but he says he has spoken to some elders and that they have said it can be granted but on what grounds?.
i know if you have committed adultery and extreme cases disertion but other that these is there any way else.. you see my mum basically up and left my dad and they have reconciled once but now its definately over and have a legal divorce, so would disertion come under this catorgory?
also my mum has battled mental illness(mainly major depression) for as long as i can remember can he do it on the grounds of mental capacity?.
Well if they're going to allow him to get married in the KH ... they are allowing the wedding and can't DF him for doing something they've allowed to take place and even participated in doing.
I don't see what the issue is? Are you trying to stop the wedding?
as many of you know by now - i do not tolerate 'shunners'.
i have done no evil, killed no one, never raped or pillaged any witnesses.
i do not tolerate small-minded witnesses who called me 'brother' for most of 40 years, now acting as if i am no better than sh*t on the bottom of their shoes.
Very good! Very similar to the phone call I made to the manager at Walmart when their People Greeter shunned my wife and myself, minus the Christian stuff because in all honesty if I decided to go and worship Satan it makes no difference. I'm unsure of what action the manager took, however my wife and I never saw him working there again.
could you guys (or someone) tell me if you (jws) believe in these doctrines???
(or at least point out the ones you do believe, if not all of them).
jesus is a creature made by god.jesus is michael the archangel.jesus christ resurrected as a "spirit being.
You can also add to your list that JW's believe Jesus is the mediator for only the 144,000 going to heaven, and those 144,000 are the mediators (of course streamlined through the GB of the JW's therefore the WTBS) for everyone else on earth. Therefore the average JW can't go to God directly (or via Jesus).
for our world.
we need to stop.. just stop.. stop for a moment.. before anybody.
that may hurt anyone else.. we need to be silent.. just silent.. heart silent for a moment.. before we forever lose.
I had never heard of him, sounds like quite the young man though.
could you guys (or someone) tell me if you (jws) believe in these doctrines???
(or at least point out the ones you do believe, if not all of them).
jesus is a creature made by god.jesus is michael the archangel.jesus christ resurrected as a "spirit being.
Yup, they do believe them all. But for some reason I think you knew that.
this is a shameless plug for my new video, on happiness.
check it out!.
A video blog sounds like a good idea. I've been thinking about starting up a blog myself, maybe I'll do a video one too.
Good stuff though SNG!
just when you think life could not possibly kick you in the teeth any worse something like james browns passing blind sides you.
after listening to "i feel good" several times, including a half hearted attempt to dance to it, i swallowed an entire package of m&ms and drank a half pint of brandy.
fortunately my wife found me in time and forced me to drink a scotch and soda.
I thought you were going to say you tried to run through a cement wall, yell "OH NO!" as you shatter and spill your inner parts upon small children looking for a refreshing beverage in the hot sun.