First off, here's a big hug to you! There are many here (including myself) who understand what you're going through. Although for me it was very confusing at times and still is, the best part is you are free to figure things out yourself!
I would like to suggest something, especially considering some of the comments here and because of our "biblical" background. If you decide that you are going to do some religion/spiritual/bible searching, please take the time to research the Bible THOROUGHLY before even considering any religion who uses it excessively. Once I found out that many books were written years after things happened (makes you wonder), how much the Catholic Church used it's influences (hmmmm...) in what was included, and that there are other accounts of people who met Jesus and weren't included in the Bible--I had to let those things sink in to be able to put the Bible into perspective. It really makes you start wondering about what was left out or changed to fit the Catholics ideas.
One thing that really helped me personally when I started asking other's about their belief's/religion--I always find out what happens if you disagree. Are you condemned to hell/earth, burned at Armageddon, kicked out, shunned, etc? I knew I didn't want to involve myself with ANY other group who tried to tell ME what I could/could not think/believe/do. The happiest part of my search was I did find groups like the Unitarians and Unity groups that accept people of all faiths and include the various beliefs in their teachings/sermons. For some reason (enter sarcasm), I always thought that NOBODY else is happy or could possible teach anything worthwhile other than the dubs.
Good luck to you in your search Dede--it's fun to be able to visit other churches, read any book I want about any other religion, and have fascinating conversations with all types of people about their beliefs without judging them or condemning them. I respect that others can believe in things that I don't agree with; at the same time I appreciate it when others respect me and my desire to learn. You may enjoy reading about Taoism, buddhism, and other Eastern ideas. They help fill a different void in each of us that the bible never filled for me. Keep us posted--I love hearing about what others are going through.