>>see if i can 'sample' atheism and go cold turkey for a while and get a real balanced view, although i've not really been a church regular.
I don't think atheism is a choice, per se. It's what you're left with when you decide not to make any of the other choices.
Have you tried visiting one of those UU churches? Unitarian Universalist, I think it stands for. They are (as I understand it, I've never been) a church without doctrine, including the nature or even existence of god. That might be a softer place for you to visit to explore your spirituality, apart from any doctrine.
One thing that JWism ingrained in us is that doctrine is important. To most people going to church, it just isn't. As a JW, I was amused by the church-goers that didn't even know what their church taught. Truth is, *I* was the one to be laughed at, because I didn't "get" that they weren't attending church to follow some rulebook, they were there to worship their god. Even under the auspices of an organized religion, they were there to worship in their own way. Trinity/no-trinity, hell/no-hell, it didn't matter.
I guess what I'm driving at is you're battling with the question of whether god exists or not. So deal with that, outside of any doctrine that any religion might teach.
BTW, I have a friend that thinks of god like a scent. You can't describe it, and you can't "get it" from reading about it. You have to experience it. And the fact that you can't describe it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. (Needless to say, I don't buy that. But I like the idea.)