Roam around on the most excellent "Quotes" site:
It's chock full o' the nuts own publications showing flip-flops, fallacies, and phony doctrines.
i got a call this morning from my son's ex-girlfriend.
she and i are still friends and i have filled her in on the jw's believes and all the bs they call the truth.
she is fairly young, 23 and very meek and mild.
Roam around on the most excellent "Quotes" site:
It's chock full o' the nuts own publications showing flip-flops, fallacies, and phony doctrines.
this is not the first time that this has been reported.
i have thought it was possible that a non-christian nation might be the first.
to disclose ufo reality.
hieroglyphics that tell the incredible story of spaceships
One wonders what the "glyph" for "spaceship" would be. Lucky break the Rosetta Stone was found, or they may never have figured it out!
Dave of the "UFO's may not be baloney, but those stones sure are" class
this is not the first time that this has been reported.
i have thought it was possible that a non-christian nation might be the first.
to disclose ufo reality.
I've seen this pic before... it was made by an old guy who held things in front of his camera with a string.
"The fool responds to a matter before he knows it," says the proverb. Did you bother to enlarge the photograph? Look in the viewports of the craft? Obviously not, or you would have seen this:
It's all starting to make sense now...
this poor fellow got in trouble with the watchtower society over copyright laws and got reprimanded.
instead of standing up for his rights, he just "kisses xxx.
" read his acquiescing response..
He has his email address shown, anybody here able to give him instructions on how to do what was mentioned by AlmostAtheist?
Oops. Apparently he is already doing this:
this poor fellow got in trouble with the watchtower society over copyright laws and got reprimanded.
instead of standing up for his rights, he just "kisses xxx.
" read his acquiescing response..
Now that the New World Translation is online, I wonder how long it will take Silver or some other enterprising JW to simply create links to the Society's own web site for the scriptures?
Better yet, they could create IFRAME's and source the stuff directly into their own pages, while still not "stealing" it.
I've seen plenty of elders with thick packets of printed stuff -- Theocratic School Material in particular -- that they've downloaded from the internet. I doubt something so convenient is going to go away easily.
the watchtower magazine want us to remember 3 witnesses murdered by the nazis in 1945.
*** w03 1/15 p. 32 executed witnesses of jehovah remembered *** .
executed witnesses of jehovah rememberedon march 7, 2002, a memorial plaque was unveiled in the town of kormend in western hungary.
*I* regret losing a few years of living, not making good plans for the future, getting "shunned" by family. Puts it all in perspective, doesn't it? I haven't lost anything in comparison to you and others like you.
This "should-be-God-D*mned" religion...
Take care, Balsam.
this has always puzzled me.....can anyone shed some light as to what it really was?
Gina and I did some amateur investigating on this the other day (nothing approaching the work of Leolaia) and concluded that it could go either way, but there wasn't enough evidence to jump up and scream "stake" as the Watchtower has done for decades.
Anybody know why they chose to go with the stake idea? Just to be different?
what was your biggest intelectual/philosophical/psychological/religious discovery of the year 2004?
was there anything new that you "understood" about our existence?
did you learn something new about human relations or your spirituality?
Congratulations, and Happy New Year!
because i have a sense of humor about the many failed prophecies of the jw's, i've always wanted some ex-jw merchandise with some class and humor to go with it.
i've considered marketing a few of my mugs, shirts, etc.
there are so many areas to go (no blood, no military service, college = devil's propaganda, etc.
If you email me the file ([email protected]) I'll host it for you. Then you can post the URL to it here.
(Oops, too late. I see you've already got it hosted.)
if your child was on the street corner and a drug dealer approached them and offered them some drugs and you saw all of this happening in front of you.
would you run and stop the drug dealer to protect your child or let you child make their own decision?
well i think most of us would answer that we would probably beat the crap out of the drug dealer to protect our child.. why then did god let eve talk to satan (drug dealer) and eat of the forbidden fruit (drugs)?
When has God ever stepped in and done anything for any of his "children"? If you -- a total stranger -- see a person bleeding to death and do nothing, you can be held criminally liable. Saying, "I was trying to make a POINT here!" wouldn't buy you much leniency.
If God were a parent today, he'd be in jail for neglect. Or rather abandonment.