And this good news of the kingdom will be preached inall the inhabited earth for the purpose of a witness to all the nations, and then the accomplished end will come.
and this good news of the kingdom will be preached inall the inhabited earth for the purpose of a witness to all the nations, and then the accomplished end will come.
And this good news of the kingdom will be preached inall the inhabited earth for the purpose of a witness to all the nations, and then the accomplished end will come.
as i haven't read any jw literature some 10 years or more now, can anyone tell me when was the last time that 1914 was seriously mentioned or discussed in a wt or book or whatever?.
and when was the last time the calculation of the "7 times" which leads to 1914 was actually put down in writing in jw lit?
has it been in a wt study article recently?.
If you listened to Ciro Aucilino's talk that is posted on Randy Watters site, at one point he inadvertantly mentionned that Satan was cast out of heaven in l914. He caught himself, and stumbled in his speach, and then changed it to 1914-1918. I thought at the time he wasn't supposed to be mentionning 1914, but said it out of habit.
on shunning: do unto others and force everyone else to do unto others.
on blood transfusions: dont do unto others and too bad if they die.. on abuse of spiritual authority: screw unto others and say jehovah told you to screw unto others.. on revisionism of wts history: do unto others and then deny you ever did it unto others.. on false prophecy: do unto others and blame it on the others you did it unto.. on pedophilia: when things are done unto others, demand those others to keep their mouths shut.
and everyone else, too.. on raising children: beat unto others.. on literature sales: charge unto others and make those others also charge unto others.
Scripture quotes
Luke 6:31 "Treat others the same way you want them to treat you. (nasv)
Luke 6:31 Also just as YOU want men to do to YOU, do the same way to them. (nwt)
Do NOT treat others the same way you want them to treat you.
As you want men to fulfill your desires, deny the fulfillment of the same desires to others.
You want everlasting life with out end?
Then obtain it over with the everlasting death of ninety nine percent of the worlds population.
You want recognition that your religion is the only one that has God’s favour?
Deny that recognition to all other religions.
You want some time, peace and quiet to pursue your own aspirations?
Then rob others of their time, give them stressful lives, and take away their vacations.
You do not want others to celebrate their birthdays, festivals, and holidays?
Then fill these days with door to door work and meeting attendance.
You want to hide your lustful feelings for the opposite sex?
Then project those feelings onto the other sex and blame them for exposing their sexuality, and have them cover their sexuality under burkas, long dresses, head coverings neck ties and suit jackets.
You want others to read your literature?
Don’t read theirs.
You want your religion to grow in numbers, prosper in property and buildings?
Deny the desires of your members to marry freely, have children, obtain education, and obtain their own residences.
You want to the faults and falsehoods of your organization to be covered over and overlooked in love?
Then seek out and expose the sins and faults of your members and reprimand and excommunicate them.
You desire others to speak positively?
Then point out their negativity.
You want others to express their desire to go to Sydney?
Then when will you express desire to go to California?
You want Farkel to post well researched articles?
Then why lurk on in silence?
You want belbab to shut up?
OK, I give you what you want.
hi folks,.
i am setting up a faq (frequently asked questions) about the united nations scandal with the watchtower.
it will be posted at:.
One question that has yet to be resolved is this:
The requirements for joining was that four references from other organisations had to be submitted. What other outside groups would give the WT recommendations? I suspect Columbia University, Human rights dept. for one. Judah Shroeder and another brother gave seminar talks there. Any other ideas who they may be?
seeing as i have'nt been to a kingdom hall since at least 3 years ago's memorial, can anyone explain a couple things to me.. 1. i always was under the impression that the wts interpreted the bible as to say that before the generation that saw 1914 pass away, the end will come.
am i crazy?.
2. i heard they've shy'd away from this in the last few years, true?.
Do you have the figures for memorial partakers, for 1967 and 1968. I believe the numbers took a big jump upwards at that time. It has been a long time since I have been out. I don't have access to these figures anymore.
i just recieved this in an email message today.
"i heard something about the arrangement of your assassination.
Two thousand years ago the following words were recorded:
Jhn 11:49 But one of them, Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, said to them, "You know nothing at all,
Jhn 11:50 nor do you take into account that it is expedient for you that one man die for the people, and that the whole nation not perish."
Those words referred to the arguments of the high priest of those days. Some religious nut, who knows Portuguese may consider he has the answer to the Silent Lambs question and deliver his organisation from the attack from Gog or whoever.
christian congreation of jehovahs witnesses.
april 1, 2002. .
to all congregations:.
I noticed the dates, but I thought you were posting this now, to see if it would be a good letter to send out on April lst. I guess I misunderstood.
why is it that us-spawned sects are always led by men?
the most renowned swiss cult leader is uriella.
she calls herself "jesus christ only speaking-tube" (sic).
How come you never see cult leaders dressed in sackcloth and ashes, she didn't get that outfit at the SA thrift store.
i hadnt thought there was much worth posting about this past weekends sad on the theme 'submit yourselves to god - oppose the devil.
' pretty standard stuff, i didnt take any notes and nodded off towards the end.
but i do remember one item that ill share.
I have considered this text over the years and I have no problem with it, at least not to condemn God for an act of cruelty.
The text says: 2Ki 2:23 Then he went up from there to Bethel; and as he was going up by the way, young lads came out from the city and mocked him and said to him, "Go up, you baldhead; go up, you baldhead !"
2Ki 2:24 When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number.
In the Bible, any event that was not produced by an act of men was considered as coming from God, just as today, natural catastrophies are considered as acts of God. Elisha, just as John the Baptist, Jesus and others did not arise as prophets from schools and instruction from men, but standing up as prophets was attributed as coming out of heaven or from God. Jesus asked the pharisees, was John the baptist out of heaven or from men They knew John was born from a woman, but his activities as a prophet did not.
The young men, teenagers probably, mocked Elisha, and it was stated in verses before that he had received the mantle of Eligah, so as others have assumed, they were telling Elisha to take off, take off like his predecessor.
Elisha cursed them in the name of God, that is warned them of the dire consequences of defying acts of God or ignoring what is, in this case what we call nature of things. Elisha did not defend himself, he left it up to God or nature and the inclinations in the minds of the gang of youths.
Fresh from success of taunting a man of God, they went on with supreme confidence to taunting two she bears. This gang had many members, much more than fourty-two as the text states. They were not playing hopscotch when those bears attacked.
In my youth I nearly lost my life to a she-bear with cubs, partly due to my own over confidence. Recently, my son, while trail bike riding, inadvertanly, came between a she-bear and her cubs and saved himself by throwing his bicycle in front of the bear coming after him.
There are equivalents in Society today, give a carload of youths, a supply of alcohol and a hot car or two and then see them street racing in the middle of the night, and then blame God for the disaster. Or put some explosives in the hands of an arab youth and then telling him to go for it, and then blame God for the repercussions?
this is straight from touchstone forum:
"why are we jehovah's witnesses?".
let me approach the big picture from this angle.. jehovahs witnesses know that the christian organization that they are affiliated with has made errors in the past.
I thought they didn't believe in creeds,
Is there anything difference between this and the Apostolic Creed?