oh man o man, did this ever bother me. i was a single mom on welfare with 4 boys and it was wrong to take food from the salvation army....but in our community, it was the only food bank. soooo what was i to do....so i did take and i felt very guilty for doing so. but then again, some bros and sisters shopped at the sally anne, while others would not. and i must say that a couple of times i did get help, but when you are really broke, its an ongoing thing of not been able to buy enough food....so its a struggle every month to make ends meet. and i just hated getting help from the congregation book study like that. and what use to make me really mad was how one older sister bragged on how much food was in her freezer...she just did not know what to do with it....that really pissed me off...she knew my situation and the situation of the other sister that was with us....did she offer to help out and share...nooooo.
I always thought that there should have been a food pantry in the kingdom hall....but it never was done...
ohhh and one time, i did get food from the bros and sisters and some were really good, fresh meat, treats for the kids, but some donated stale out of date stuff...
I guess what i am trying to say is that they should be more community minded and not lay on the guilt to bros and sisters when they do have to reach out for help.
anyways thats my 2 cents worth to the discussion