Yes they know its not the truth which is why many abuse the position of leadership they have among congs. They and many of r and f are still in is because they r sheep to scared to live thier lives without a sheperd telling them how to dress how to have sex with their partners how to bring up thier kids which movies or music to listen to whether can go to a bar or not how to park thier car were to hotel anything but think for themselves and live for themselves all dressed up from a three thousand yo book written by a bunch of misogynistic control freaks with delusions of grandeur .just about says it all really...?
Posts by cyrus
They KNOW It's Not The TRUTH
by zack ina brother, former bethelite, ca and dc speaker, po, pioneer, assembly overseer:.
he tells me "we" cannot know everything, no one can.
he acknowledges changes in understanding.
My Wife Just Left Me Because of the Evil Watchtower
by rassillon inthis is very difficult to write because i am crying.
i am normally not the kind of person you will ever see cry because things don't affect me that much but this has got to be the hardest things i have ever went through.. i just got through discussing with my wife my feelings.
i guess it has been hard to hid some of the things that i have felt since i have learned that many of the wt teachings are false.
Hi again i split with my wife nearly 3 years time was very upset and a lot was to do with my feelings towards wtbts but if im honest im a bit of a selfish bstard and was not the greatest husband in the world.apart from in bed .never been selfish in that dept but since the split im much happier found quite a few ladies who ive spent time with and feel great .so look at thi8s as another chance get on with ur life find another or a few others u can share urself with and futh the jwdubs they and thier drone is out of ur life now
My Wife Just Left Me Because of the Evil Watchtower
by rassillon inthis is very difficult to write because i am crying.
i am normally not the kind of person you will ever see cry because things don't affect me that much but this has got to be the hardest things i have ever went through.. i just got through discussing with my wife my feelings.
i guess it has been hard to hid some of the things that i have felt since i have learned that many of the wt teachings are false.
terrible situation feel for u ,no offence to u but before we all get anti her we are only getting one side here.sorry needs to be said
thanks for the internet
by cyrus inhi all,just thought i would just say thanks for the internet.
how many of us would know the truth about the org known as jehovahs witnesses without the internet?how many of us would still belong to that group and not be listening to that voice saying :come on use ur brain u know its all rubbish ,were is all the love u were promised .it doesnt matter how many hours u spend in sevice just do ur best.armageddon is just round the corner (30-40 years still not here round the corner)this is gods org where else would we go if not here?
jehovah is the loving god that will murder at least people including babies and other children that will die because thier parents are not jws .oh,and u must be joyous over this because jehovahs justice is beyond reproach but saddam hussien, hitler pol pot and all the other genocidal maniacs of history are evil although they did not kill a fraction of the people jah will do.
hi all,just thought i would just say thanks for the internet. How many of us would know the truth about the org known as jehovahs witnesses without the internet?How many of us would still belong to that group and not be listening to that voice saying :come on use ur brain u know its all rubbish ,were is all the love u were promised .It doesnt matter how many hours u spend in sevice just do ur best.armageddon is just round the corner (30-40 years still not here round the corner)this is gods org where else would we go if not here? jehovah is the loving god that will murder at least people including babies and other children that will die because thier parents are not jws .OH,AND U MUST BE JOYOUS OVER THIS BECAUSE JEHOVAHS JUSTICE IS BEYOND REPROACH BUT SADDAM HUSSIEN, HITLER POL POT AND ALL THE OTHER GENOCIDAL MANIACS OF HISTORY ARE EVIL ALTHOUGH THEY DID NOT KILL A FRACTION OF THE PEOPLE JAH WILL DO. Also big thanks to all those who have done endless research on jws to give us that info. keep up the good work all of you and thanks to jwd also .....cyrus
What Do Men & Women Want From Each Other???
by minimus ini recently read of a survey regarding unhappy wives.
it seems that nearly most women wouldn't do it all over again with the same man.
they were unhappy for various reasons.
according to one source a larger percentage of women cheat than men and the biggest difference is the women dont get caught cos they are better liars. the amount of men who are bringing up another mans child attest to this.cant remember the figures but it was huge.when a man cheats and says it meant nothing he is being honest but when a women does it is usuallyy more emotional than sexual to me that is worse.cheating is cheating and a betrayal but a woman controls the sex in any relationship she dont want it she dont want it which you ask most married men who had sex with thier girl before marriage soon as the married the sex isnt as frequent .once they got you thats ur lot just enough to keep you interested.
One of the worst things I've ever heard *WARNING: DISTURBING*
by under_believer in
i realize that human stupidity and evil has always existed, and that it's today's technology (enabling the news media) that brings it out into the open.
but damn if that isn't the worst thing i've ever heard.
Why are we suprised by this when millions of unborn babies are murdered by thier mothers every year.the way abortions are carried out are sick and i thought us men were supposed to be bad .
Get A Load Of This Anti Watchtower Site!
by minimus ina preview of what's coming in january is on this link, it sounds scary to me!!!!
hi there trying to view site it says i need authorisation to view site please help
Get A Load Of This Anti Watchtower Site!
by minimus ina preview of what's coming in january is on this link, it sounds scary to me!!!!
The 'Worse and Worse' Fallacy - Recent Items
by metatron inin the november 24 "the week", you can learn that forests aren't necessarily decreasing.
( pg 10).
"in a surprizing new study, scientists have concluded that a growing number of countries are reversing the trend toward destruction of their.
just one thing guysjust because the old virgins have been getting it wrong 4 over 100 years about the big A doesnt mean it aint going to happen just we dont know if or when god is not one to be knocked OH OK just a little bit tho
What are your favourite free computer apps? Media Players, Office ...
by kwintestal ini just got a new computer and am setting it up and wondering what suggestions/reviews anyone can give for computer applications other then the traditional microsoft ones that come with the computer.
i have a ton more ram now (going from 256 to 2gb) and can do a few more things then i could before (like something other then running the os).. has anyone tried the suite?
i'd also like a media player other then windows media player, any suggestions?