Posts by cyrus
At what point have you crossed the "cheating" line?
by free2beme ini have been married for awhile, and in my 14 years of marriage i have seen many other marriages of friends and relatives, come and go.
most, if not all, were caused by cheating.
at work i work with a lot of people of different faiths, to no faiths.
At what point have you crossed the "cheating" line?
by free2beme ini have been married for awhile, and in my 14 years of marriage i have seen many other marriages of friends and relatives, come and go.
most, if not all, were caused by cheating.
at work i work with a lot of people of different faiths, to no faiths.
ninja who are you kidding mate?smell the coffee and dont trust her.
At what point have you crossed the "cheating" line?
by free2beme ini have been married for awhile, and in my 14 years of marriage i have seen many other marriages of friends and relatives, come and go.
most, if not all, were caused by cheating.
at work i work with a lot of people of different faiths, to no faiths.
women are the biggest cheats why 1)a woman lies better than man 2)a woman will have another mans baby and let their partner raise it without tellking 3)a woman will cheat on her man and still it will be his fault ,you werent showing me attention ,we dont talk ,you dont show your feelings.she will make her man feel guilty even tho it is her another man 4)when a man cheats it is usually just a f..k when a woman cheats its usually emotion as well as sex
ThE recENt Watchtower coVer!!!- May 07
by themonster123 inhas anyone seen the recent cover of the watchtower?!
i think it's may or something-it's really hard to look at.
it just has a bunch of people looking upwards- the title is "what does the messiah's coming mean to you?
yeah with a big dick and all the girls looking up and the statement look out girls your lords coming.
Anyone interested in ancient history/archeology?
by zagor ini have to admit im a real sucker when it comes to those.
always have been interested in the subject.
in fact, my old house was full of relics somuchso that my ex used to tell me you are turning this house into a museum lol.
Hi all ,i love ancient history and archeology.My friend in turkey does trips to ancient cities in asia minor .ive visited ephesus,smryna(ismir today)pergammum,sardis miletos,prienne,loadacia,thyatira,teos,hieropolis and many other ancient sites in south west turkey.I too want to visit egypt and also persia (iran) mesopatamia(iraq)isreal and sria . Yes the ancients were amazing at the temple of artemis in ephesus the builders need to stop the water from the swamp it was built on from coming through the foundations so not only did they build it on a platform but made a damp course made from a layer ofcharcoal a layer of lambs fleece and a layer of leather this worked and was why it was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
A Major Dream Has Been Fulfilled!!!!!
by XJW4EVR init has always been a dream of mine to transfer to, and graduate from the university of southern california.
last year i applied, and about two weeks ago i was accepted.
that was cool, but i had no way of paying for it, and the financial aid i applied for would not cover enough of the tuition, and other fees.
congratulations well done and good luck. funny thing if u were a jdub still it would be a miracle or anjelic guidance.ha ha
covenant, Ark of...
by Priest73 inhummm.
i'm sitting here watching the history channel (digging for the truth -great show.
) anyway a thought just occurred to me.
THE GOOD BOOK is all it is but ive read better
Google earth adds Crises in Darfur, you must check this out
by needproof inanybody not yet familiar with google earth should try it, - offers maps and satellite images for complex or pinpointed regional searches.
recently google have added satellite shots of sudan, where a mass genocide is taking place whilst we go to bed each night in our safe and sound environments (relatively).
up to 300,000 people dead so far - why the hell doesn't blair or bush do something about this seeing as though they are so beset with helping other people (bs)... .
Another muslim country persecuted other muslims bunch of raghead scum
Why do the GB members live so long?
by yaddayadda indon't know if it's my imagination but a lot of these gb old boys seem to have a knack for living a really long time.
i think freddy franz was 99 when he died?
barber has just croaked at 102 (or 101?).
The reason the old wicked slave live so long is 1.NO STRESS 2.NO BILLS TO PAY AS RF PAY THEM ALL 3.THE BEST HEALTHCARE 4.THE BEST FOOD AS 2 RF PAYS FOR IT 5.REGULAR HOLS AT CLUB J DUB PAYED FOR BY RF. f..k it we could be here all day It all comes down to the fact every jw is a sucker and the rich nearly always live longer . with gb it costs nothing to live for them.
Jesus last word......on the "cross"
by new boy init was either.
"this a hell of a way to spend easter sunday".
"please god......protect me from your followers".
thanks loving father at least it only lasts a night the rest of them suffer a lifetime