Why would the almighty God of the universe, who gave us the abilty to converse clearly with one another, in a forthright, straight manner <This ability which even animals and insects have> Resort to using convoluted opended prophesies that are open to innumerable interpretations. We would never use this method to communicate with OUR children (And we are supposedly made in Gods image) When we want our children to do something, or feel that they are in danger, we TELL THEM in a not so hard to figure out way! If you believe the bible, there are many instances where God spoke directly, either himself or through angels to mankind. Why would he not use this method if our lives were depending on the outcome??? To use an analogy, imagine a father at one end of very dangerous maze filled with land mines, while his son is at the other end. The father tells his son.... son, you can get to the other side safely if you can correctly interpret these dreams I had the other night (While all the while the father has the exact directions on how to get his son to the other side safely and could give them to his son right away)Why would he do this? Where is the logic? I don't get it......
And I don't buy the argument that only the *worthy* who can figure it all out 'cause they are divinely blessed are going to survive.
The God I believe in is a hell of a lot kinder and makes more sense! And I'm proud to say that I DON'T HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS!!!!!!!
Just my 2