Thanks to the Witnesses, I have parents who tell me repeatedly that they are disappointed in me and can never unconditionally love me, even though I've begged them for that so many times that at one point I drove myself to the ER because I knew I was going to kill myself. I am financially independent, have bailed them out financially, skipped grades, won a scholarship, have 2 degrees with honors, and I volunteer all over the community. And they still tell me they are disappointed in me. So I cry in the shower because I can't win; I can't be a JW and dead inside for them. I have to be myself. Do these feelings ever go away? Will I ever make them see that I'm a good person? Please help me.
The key sentence is when you say "I have to be myself." This is what it's all about. The dubs, on the other hand, are all about pleasing a god who will never be pleased. Try not to worry about what others think. Relocate if necessary. Live your life for you. It may, quite possibly, be the only life you've got.