Posts by Kaput
Label the act for returning to JWism for family only (e.g. Gumby)
by UnConfused ini think it's a deserving act of love to make the sacrifice to rejoin a cult in order to stay connected to your family.
it's putting your love of your family over so so many things.
what could we call it so we could easily understand someone's actions who also does this?
1930's book on the Occult has article on Charles Russell
by lovelylil ina friend of mine sent me a link today for a rare book on the occult printed in 1933. it has an article on pages 539-540 on russell and the russellites.
and in the index on page 737 it lists russell's name with a mason symbol next to it.
you can save this whole book to your computer.
But after these preliminaries the proceedings become of an even more exalted nature. All that has gone before has been but preparation for the Great Quest on which we must now set forth. It is the quest of the Soul for realisation of God, and at-one-ment with Him. This is the Mystic Quest of all ages, and, true to the ancient symbolism, it starts from the East, the place of Light, and goes towards the West, the place of darkness and death.
This above excerpt is from the Master Mason's Handbook by J.S.M. Ward.
"The MASTER'S WORD * * * is the reward of study and devotion, and has never been obtained on any other terms. It has never been conferred in the ritualistic degrees of the Lodge, and never will or can be. It is the establishment of understanding in the Soul of man between that higher self in him, and the MORE and Beyond Self from which he draws his life, and from which his intuitions spring. This is the Real Initiation: At-One-Ment."
The above excerpt is from the book Mystic Masonry by J. Buck.
Every pang of repentance and suffering, every effort 18 for reform, every good thought and deed, will help us to understand Jesus' atonement for sin and aid Efficacious
repentanceits efficacy; but if the sinner continues to pray 21 and repent, sin and be sorry, he has little part in the atone- ment,--in the at-one-ment with God,--for he lacks the practical repentance, which reforms the heart and enables 24 man to do the will of wisdom. Those who cannot dem- onstrate, at least in part, the divine Principle of the teach- ings and practice of our Master have no part in God. If 27 living in disobedience to Him, we ought to feel no secur- ity, although God is good. The above excerpt is from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy (founder of Christian Science).
Nor can this work of Atonement, so far as mankind is concerned, be accomplished instantaneously and by faith. It may begin in an instant and by faith, and at-one-ment may be reckonedly accomplished between the sinner and the Almighty through faith; but the scope of the At-one-ment which God purposes is grander and higher than this. His arrangement is that those of the human race who desire to return to at-one-ment with him (and his righteous law) shall be reckonedly accepted through their Mediator, but shall not be fully and completely received (by the Father) while they are actually imperfect. Hence, while it is the work of the Mediator (Head and "body") to proclaim to mankind the fact that God has provided a sin-offering, whereby he can be just and yet receive the sinner back into harmony with himself, and that he is now willing to confer the blessing of sonship and its eternal life and freedom from corruption, it is additionally his work to make clear to all mankind that this offer of salvation is a great boon and should be promptly accepted and that its terms are but a reasonable service; and additionally to this, it is the Mediator's work, as the Father's representative, to actually restore --to mentally, morally and physically restitute mankind--so many of them as will receive his ministry and obey him. Thus eventually the Mediator's work will result in an actual at-one-ment between God and those whom the Mediator shall restore to perfection.
The above excerpt is from The At-one-ment Between God and Men, the fifth volume of The Millenial Dawn series by Charles T. Russell.
Popular word, I guess.
1930's book on the Occult has article on Charles Russell
by lovelylil ina friend of mine sent me a link today for a rare book on the occult printed in 1933. it has an article on pages 539-540 on russell and the russellites.
and in the index on page 737 it lists russell's name with a mason symbol next to it.
you can save this whole book to your computer.
As a rule, I am not a big conspiracy mut. However, the whole Russell, Freemason, Knights Templar, Illuminati, Skull and Bones thing facinates me. I dont know if any of it's really true but the links raise some cool possibilties and make for good argument and debate.
Fascinates me, too. I went to a Masonic open house a couple of months ago and asked a 32nd degree Mason if they used the name "Jehovah". He paused then said "no". Interestingly Dr. Albert C. Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and Its Kindred Sciences states that "Jehovah is, of all the significant words of Freemasonry, by far the most important." I guess the Mason I spoke with was engaging in some Masonic theocratic warfare strategy.
Your Feelings On Getting Reinstated For Family Considerations
by minimus ini just read the mary/gumby where are they thread.
i want to say right from the start that i like gumball very much.
i've talked by phone to him in the past and we've had some discussions here over the years.
Needless to say - all the very best to Gumby - a big JWD favourite of mine. What intrigues me is the issue we often talk about, that of monitoring of this site by the Borg. If you're so bad for reading apostate literature then what does it make you if you actually write it!? Surely if we are being spied on then how on earth could Gumby be reinstated? They must know who he is, where his Cong is and what he's said about them in the past?
Now that he's been reinstated, I don't think the elders can say much about his past. Even if they had an inkling, they just wouldn't want him up on the platform advocating rebellion against the borg, or conversing "negatively" with others. They may spread the "marking" garbage about him, but if he's done this for family, what does it matter to the gumster? After all, the only thing that matters to him is his family's happiness.
Death of a generation
by onacruse interry's thread got me to thinking about this.. one of the characteristics of the wts is to "weather the storm" of a major disappointment, and, as evidenced by the last two major cycles, count on the death (as much in a literal sense as a figurative one) of the generation of jws that went through that debacle...and thence to recommence with the eschatological emphasis as if nothing had happened.. the post-1925 period is perhaps even more exemplative of this than the post-1914 period, because a good many bible students, grasping at every straw to salvage their belief system, swallowed the chronological recalculations and jubilee-cycle antitype interpretations, which extended 1914 to 1925. but 1925 was the last straw for most of them.
it initiated a major revolt among the rank-and-file (and especially the elders...the leaders of "that generation") which haunted the wts for the next 20 years, and a chronological review of the watchtower articles and books during the entire rutherford period shows a preoccupation with vilifying those who dared to remind of that debacle.. with the 50s came a major expansion in the wts, and a consequent dilution of that disillusioned group.
those that were still alive, and who were still jws, had by that time invested so much of their lives into that way of life that...well, how could they find the muster to dump off 40 years of life energy and say, finally, "well, i was wrong, wasn't i?
It is a horrible religion, a false prophet and as sly as the devil.
As an old Baptist deacon once declared to me about the dubs, "they're the children of the devil". As they say, the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree.
Did Noah ever suspect that his wife may have been cheating?
by jwfacts inapparantly all nations came from noah.
japheth aryan branch - speech: indo-european (***it-1p.1255japheth***they appear to have spread from the caucasus eastward into central asia and westward through asia minor to the islands and coastlands of europe and perhaps all the way to spain.
arabian traditions claim that one of japheths sons was also the progenitor of the chinese peoples.
Kaput, that word testes, I don't even want to go there.
Okay, okay....don't get testy.
How Well Does the Watchtower Educate?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: georgia, "times new roman", times, serif; font-size: 18px; color: #330099; } .style4 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style5 {font-family: georgia, "times new roman", times, serif; font-size: 16px; color: #330099; } --> how well does the watchtower educate?admittedly, my opinion about the watchtower is that it trained.
and educated individuals wellin particular when it came .
to reading and public speaking.. education or propaganda?
I think an education by the borg is equivalent to any college degree. I'm sure that 4 yrs. at UAwake? ranks right up there with 4 yrs. at UPenn, UMass, UConn, etc. Yeah, right.
Did Noah ever suspect that his wife may have been cheating?
by jwfacts inapparantly all nations came from noah.
japheth aryan branch - speech: indo-european (***it-1p.1255japheth***they appear to have spread from the caucasus eastward into central asia and westward through asia minor to the islands and coastlands of europe and perhaps all the way to spain.
arabian traditions claim that one of japheths sons was also the progenitor of the chinese peoples.
Sheesh, jwfacts...
Remember the Rainbow Covenant? In the Book of Noah, it explains the esoteric meaning of it. Noah had all the different future colors and races of men in his testes. Ya gotta do your research, man!
1930's book on the Occult has article on Charles Russell
by lovelylil ina friend of mine sent me a link today for a rare book on the occult printed in 1933. it has an article on pages 539-540 on russell and the russellites.
and in the index on page 737 it lists russell's name with a mason symbol next to it.
you can save this whole book to your computer.
Demons must not want me to see the link, my pc froze up several times while I tried to see it
Yeah, same thing happened to me. I don't think it's the demons...probably the Masons and their Illuminati buddies.
The Scent of a Woman!!!!
by AK - Jeff inyour intentions are good - entirely manly.
you step into the shower intent on grabbing a skin-drying manly soap - dial or zest or similar.. then it catches your eye - that little 'womanly scented' bath-bar.
you try and reach past it - to get the large man-size bar on the soap tray - but inexplicably you pick up the lady's perfumey soap.
I must admit, I never have. [Lie].
That's cuz you're a girlie-mahn , Jeff.