I will be tape-recording it in it's entirety. As long as the tapes and batteries hold out.
If there is anything that can be used against them, then too bad they didn't have their rights read out to them.
i'm very surprised that my family has not heard about this "special meeting".
we are a 3rd generation jw family, dad is the po, mom has been a reg pio for 25 yrs, brother is a bethelite.
can anyone tell me the date of this supposed "special meeting" and if there is a chicagoland location.. thanks
I will be tape-recording it in it's entirety. As long as the tapes and batteries hold out.
If there is anything that can be used against them, then too bad they didn't have their rights read out to them.
it is reported that a special meeting has been held of all the district overseers in the usa and the new york city circuit overseers at which it was announced that the field ministry would now be changed until further notice, effective immediately.
for the time being no literature is to be offered or the suggested offer.
the publishers are to advise each householder that due to recent events we are not engaging in our regular work, we are offering comfort where needed from the bible to help cope with the tragedy.
I read an interesting letter to the editor of the Financial Post on the 17th. If you had read that, then you would understand more about how people, (and the Governments are the people's advocates) feel toward the JW types, as a result of the WTC situation.
As an example, in FS yesterday, a "sister" in the car group told an experience about another sister in NY city. Seems there was a special meeting concerning FS that she didn't attend, and also went out in FS without going to the group.
She went to a door, and read Daniel 2:44 to the householder and went on about DESTRUCTION etc. The householder called the cops!
The cops came and gave her some NEW FS instructions and told her to go home.
JW's are going to be hit hard in the coming days, for not only are they "un-patriotic", they also preach (or at least will be viewed as preaching) the same kind of message as the terrorists.
from todays's newspaper we read.... bush's order targets bin laden's al-qaeda network and includes a list of 27 organizations and individuals identified as front groups that raise money to support his international terrorist network.
he conceded most of those on the list, including known terrorists and non-profit organizations, operate outside the u.s. .
"they often times use nice-sounding, non-governmental organizations as fronts for their activities.
I read an interesting letter to the editor of the Financial Post on the 17th. If you had read that, then you would understand more about how people, (and the Governments are the people's advocates) feel toward the JW types, as a result of the WTC situation.
As an example, in FS yesterday, a "sister" in the car group told an experience about anpther sister in NY city. Seems there was a special meeting concerning FS that she didn't attend, and also went out in FS without going to the group.
She went to a door, and read Daniel 2:44 to the householder and went on about DESTRUCTION etc. The householder called the cops!
The cops came and gave her some NEW FS instructions and told her to go home.
JW's are going to be hit hard in the coming days, for not only are they "un-patriotic", they also preach (or at least will be viewed as preaching) the same kind of message as the terrorists.
I am a JW, albeit a SCAB (So Called Apostate Brother) and I already feel it. I hear about it. I am going to live it.
If you don't think that the Gov'ts will start looking at the WTBTS, then you need to have another coffie and look outside. You should take your eyes off the monitor for a while.
on the 16th august, maximus asked the question: "wasn't gb member ted jaracz present at this convention?
his assistant said he was in france.".
from my checking here in france, jaracz wasn't in bordeaux, lyon, and seems neighter in paris.
A "friend" who was at the Paris Convention said he was there.
from todays's newspaper we read.... bush's order targets bin laden's al-qaeda network and includes a list of 27 organizations and individuals identified as front groups that raise money to support his international terrorist network.
he conceded most of those on the list, including known terrorists and non-profit organizations, operate outside the u.s. .
"they often times use nice-sounding, non-governmental organizations as fronts for their activities.
From todays's newspaper we read...
Bush's order targets bin Laden's al-Qaeda network and includes a list of 27 organizations and individuals identified as front groups that raise money to support his international terrorist network. He conceded most of those on the list, including known terrorists and non-profit organizations, operate outside the U.S."They often times use nice-sounding, non-governmental organizations as fronts for their activities. We have targeted three such NGOs," he said.
"We're putting the banks and financial institutions around the world on notice" to comply with the order. If they don't, Bush said, the U.S. Treasury Department will freeze their assets and stop them from doing business in the U.S.
Intersting no? Isn't the WATCHTOWER on that list ....? Soon it will be their turn!
read 1 corinthians 1:5-11. therein you will see that christ is the true foundation for the christian, and that paul/apollos (perhaps we could substitute the watchtower society here) are only those who have introduced us to that foundation.
once that foundation is laid the mature christian should not be relying on the teachings of those men for direction but should be building on the foundation by relying on jehovah's direction.
the following quote from a 1984 watchtower article makes interesting reading.. .
...but of course we all know that the Watchtower makes this rule for EVERYONE ELSE.
please study this chart very, very carefully: http://www.sru.edu/depts/artsci/ges/d-3-2.htm.
why has such an unprecedented boom in population and technology occurred during the specific time the bible points to the 'last days', 1914?
In 10 years, the Governing Body will change the 1914 crap to a new date. September 11, 2001. They will say Jesus was enthroned then and a sign from heaven, which changed the earth, happened near the illustrious headquarters of the Jehovah's Witnesses in Brooklyn New York.
They will say "this world shaking event was viewed by many of the annointed at the world headquarters" (except that the only ones who saw it were a few kitchen workers having a cigarette on the roof).
isbn: 0-9659814-2-8. release/shipping date: october 1, 2001. pages: 160, paperback.
table of contents.
first dissertation - prophets and prophecy.
I cannot beleive that this guy's book is other than what the WTBTS would call "Apostate"....
The topics seem to discuss the same things which the obvious abundance of truth shows the WTBTS is lying about.
Is this guy a JW... in "good standing"? (gag)
Someone correctly pointed out that JWs cannot read it, inasmuch as restrictions on their reading material are in plce by the local Nazi elders.
He can't possibly have those discussion points and also be showing favor to the WTBTS.
So, what does he hope to acheive?
hay all i am new and, just wanted to say hi.... and ask a question... how would i go about talking to my fokes about all the new "truths" that i have learned in the last few months?.
chad inactive jw for 9 years now.... thanks
Ask them a "Did you know..." question. Like "Did you know that JF Rutherford wrote a letter to Adolf Hitler?" and then feed them information very, very slowly.
Or the "I heard..." is good. Say that you "heard that the Watchtower made court action in behalf of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries".
...waiting .
door opens and a young man steps into the light.. jw: good morning.. bob: good morning.. jw: we are calling on you're neighborhood today and asking people this question "ls religion serving the needs of the people, or are people being used to supply the needs of religion?".
bob: that is a good question, but before i attempt to answer that, can you tell me... are you leading up to where you offer me an opportunity to contribute to your church?.
Door opens and a young man steps into the light.
JW: Good morning.
Bob: Good morning.
JW: We are calling on you're neighborhood today and asking people this question "ls religion serving the needs of the people, or are people being used to supply the needs of religion?"
Bob: That is a good question, but before I attempt to answer that, can you tell me... are you leading up to where you offer me an opportunity to contribute to YOUR church?
JW: Well ...we leave our literature at no cost, but we do accept modest donations to our worldwide work.
Bob: Interesting... Well, I don't read your literature anyway, what with it being so distructive of people's faith.
JW: (puzzled look) What do you mean? The Watchtower seeks to build faith.
Bob: Really! I have seen many an article that just rips at people's faith structure with articles designed to stumble folkes ...
JW: I have never seen anything like that in the Watchtower!
Bob: You want me to believe that you have never read, for instance, a Watchtower article that dredges up the Church's history in onder to stumble God fearing churchers?
JW: Well, (condescendingly) that's different. There have been a few articles where the Church's activity during the war years is uncovered ...but... (gesture with hand)
Bob: And you are going to tell me that that kind of stuff isn't designed to be destructive of a person's faith???
JW: Well... it's not intended to stumble, the Watchtower is just exposing the facts.
Bob: ...and you don't feel that digging up ugly facts about a person's religion is faith undermining, that it's designed to stumble members of the particular religions discussed?
JW: NO! (emphatically)
Bob: Well you are in disagreement with your own religion.
JW: What'd you mean??
Bob: When people dig up dirt on YOUR religion, your leaders claim its disruptive of YOUR faith, and that it's designed to stumble YOU!
JW: WE'RE DIFFERENT! (intensely)
Bob: Really? How...?
JW: ...well ...we ...we ...ahh ...we don't ...
Bob: (interrupting) ...you don't have dirt? Is that what you are groping for?
JW: Well... no ...we don't... Jehovah's organization is pure!
Bob: You, of course, mean the Watchtower organization ...
JW: Yes, and our history is clean because ...we don't get involved ...
Bob: So, you don't believe that it's possible for someone to tell you something about the history of YOUR religion that would stumble you?
JW: No!
Bob: That theory is easily tested. How about the letter J.F. Rutherford wrote to Adolf Hitler where Rutherford schmoozed up to Hitler and made positive statements in favor of the Nazi party, statements that said that the Nazi's and the Watchtower had lot's in common including a dislike for the Jews and the western nations. Wouldn't you be stumbled to find out about that.
JW: WHAT LETTER? That's a lie!
Bob: Well. Your leaders really HAVE kept you in the dark. The original letter, rescued from the Nazi archives has been reproduced on the internet along with english and other language translations. Your leaders make no effort to refute it either ...they just paint the internet as evil to keep YOU away from finding out.
JW: l don't believe you!
Bob: You have such freedom in your religion, why don't you call your branch office and inquire about it. And while you're at it, ask about the changes made to the procedure for you to ask for money. Ask the branch office to deny, in writing, that it was precipitated by the failure of the Watchtower's court action in defense of Jimmy Swaggart!
JW: Swaggart?(questioningly)
Bob: The TV evangelist who was caught with all the hookers...
JW: The Watchtower would never have anything to do with him!
Bob: (chuckling) Really! Prove me wrong. Bring me a letter from the branch office denying that they took legal action in the State of California just prior to you're literature becoming 'no cost', -legal action to try to prevent sales tax from being imposed on Swaggart's literature. You people are so eager to prove people wrong ... Prove ME wrong! Bring me a written statement denying the letter of Rutherford to Hitler and the Swaggart defense by Watchtower lawyers.
JW: Well l'll just ask our elders about these things.
Bob: I didn't stumble you did I?
JW: NO! (visibly shaken)
Bob: Good ...because I wouldn't want you to be stumbled ...so that you wouldn't come back to see me again or something.
JW: Oh, I'll be back ...and with proof that we never had anything to do with Jimmy Swaggart.
Bob: Written rebuttal from the Watchtower headquarters ...and also something about J.F. Rutherford's letter to Adolf Hitler.
JW: I will ask our elders as soon as I can.
Bob: Denials from one of your 'elders' is meaningless ...they are as equally un-informed as you, and anything they have to say is un-official.
JW: Then I will ask them to write the Society about it.
Bob: And you promise to come back?
JW: Absolutely.
Bob: Are you sure?
JW: The Bible says to let your yes mean yes and your no mean no.
Bob: Don't take too long ...I might lose interest.
Epilogue: The JW never came back ...so much for your "yes mean yes". Wherever that JW is, perhaps by now disfellowshipped for asking the 'elders' questions about those issues, it's sure that today there's one less completely ignorant JW.
Interestingly, the Jehovah's Witnesses don't call on Bob's house anymore. He even called the Kingdom Hall asking for a visit, but was told that the elders were 'too busy'. Bob asked if someone else could come to answer his questions, but was again told that the elders were 'too busy'.
Bob knew that the JW would not be able to get an official denial from the Watchtower, for Watchtower officials know that this would only add to the number of people who publish the fact that the Watchtower is a Liar Organization.
All those Watchtower lawyers, and they're still unable to bring a libel suit against those who are publicly calling them Liar.