Melba, I said parenting CAN be a condescending excercise, not that is "is such" a condescending excercise. And no, I have not done it, at least not to my knowledge! A parent must "assume an air of superiority" and not treat a child as an equal, and that is one dictionary definition of "condescend."
REAL baby deer are nowhere near as helpless as Bambi. The exagerrated helplessness of Bambi is what makes him cute, because it instills in us an exagerrated sense of, in this case, physical superiority. Actually, I'd argue that in terms of stamina and agility, deer are far superior to humans. Watching Bambi stumble on the ice is, at its core, sadistic. My sister learned to duplicate this by placing tape on the feet of our kitten so he would slip on our kitchen floor. She thought it would look cute.
Convincing children a preposterous story like Santa Claus is fact exagerrates their mental helplessness, like placing tape on the feet of a kitten to make him slip. The slip, in the case of children believing in Santa, is mental. It's sadistic. I agree that as "superior creatures" it is our duty to help children, is teaching them a lie and laughing at them for believeing us accomplishing that?
You mentioned a few muppets. Consider Elmo and Barney. Both are childlike, both teach how to be good people. Why is Elmo loved and Barney despised? Because Elmo is small, like a child, and therefore helpless. Barney is, in fact, larger than even adults, and this creates a sort of inherent dilemma of a giant child that cannot be controlled, something that annoys everybody. Like the expression, "Quit being such a big baby!" I should hope that parents do teach their children that Cookie Monster & company are just puppets. I'm not sure what you mean by "ruling them out." There's a difference between suspending your disbelief for a television show and believing it is real.
"I was the child in kindergarten that made many children cry because Santa wasnt real. Maybe I have some repressed guilt about bursting all their holiday bubbles."
Another interesting dilemma. Surely "apostate" sites like this burst many people's religious bubbles. Isn't truth more important than comfortable delusion? You should give yourself more credit than to call yourself "brainwashed" for telling your peers in gradeschool that they were being fooled. Wasn't it your classmates who were brainwashed?