Hi, you and I have alot in common. We both went through panic attacks, hence my name Panicattack! Mine have also subsided since walking away from the meetings. I am also off the Lexapro, Xanax, Clenozapan ect. ect. Two things helped me when I was major confused about what to do with the truth or what to do with the rest of my life if this wasnt the truth. I started seeing a psychologist which helped tremendously. After only a couple of visits I started realizing alot of the concerns i was panicing over were ridiculous. One of my concerns was that Satan might be the one dragging me away from Jehovah and his organization. I had been feeling constant guilt for a good while. Alot of the guilt was brought on by my Mom who I love and respect very much and who was only trying to rescue her son for Satan and his demons. The biggest thing that helped me was getting Educated. After the psychologist helped me to reason that considering both sides of an issue was a normal thing and that for one to consider both sides of his religion was acceptable and not sipping from the glass of the demons as I always been taught. I finally started reading to see what issues were out there. I read Crisis of Conscience, In search of Christian freedom, Combatting cult mind control, empowering people to think for themselves and im not reading Gentile times reconsidered. The fear, guilt and obligation to the society is now gone. I still believe in Jehovah and Christ Jesus. I dont do drugs, cheat on my wife and i dont have demon problems. If something bothers my conscience I DONT DO IT! I basically let my bible trained conscience decide whats wrong or right when the bible isnt black and white on the issue. I hope some of these things help. Just educate yourself. Knowlege is power. Message me if I can help.