Waking up early on Saturday mornings and going for a walk with my brothers down the railroad tracks looking for hobo camps. Then putting two penny nails on the tracks waiting for the train so we could play war with our army men and our new swords.
Climbing my Grandma's walnut tree as high as I could get before she yelled at me to get down!
Playing statue maker with my cousins in Granny's backyard and hide-n-seek.
Family reunions in the park, roasting marshmallows, hot dogs, Bar-b-Que, and eating all the good home made food that my Aunts would slave for days to make and yum the ice cold watermelon! Playing endlessly with my cousins.
Skating, biking, card and board games that would last for days. Anyone have marathon Monopoly games?
Wrestling with my brother.
Our neighborhood war games those were fun times in the summer! Now days it might mean something entirely different!
Popsicles and the ice cream man.
Going barefoot down the creek behind our house. Swimming in the canals dodging water snakes, yikes!
Trips to the beach and camping at the beach.
Knowing a trip anywhere meant our entire family of 6 and several stragglers in a two door coup and no seat belts!
Listening to KRLA on my transistor radio low at night under the covers singing myself to sleep.
Cold foggy school days walking to school when you couldn't see your hand in front of your face.
Lunch in the cafeteria and recess! Dodge ball, tether ball, crossing bars and jump rope were my favorites.