Ian like you I have long ago given up on my belief in God, but I do feel like I am a spritual person I have no need to really catalog it (by beliefs) into this or that as I'm still a work in progress.
To give an example, when I was first diagnosed as being terminally ill three years ago Mulan suggested organising a vigil for me and, happily, some JWDers offered to participate. Posters here, at a specific time, sent me energies, prayers, Reiki, vibes, best wishes, lit candles, etc. That first Tuesday night, while I was in bed, I definitely felt a force over my body and, interestingly, my watch slowed down by a full ten minutes. I reset my watch and it behaved normally and never lost time. The following Tuesday night, the second vigil, I felt a force again - and once again my watch lost a full ten minutes. Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidences. Since then I have never felt the vigil forces as strong, but perhaps it's because less people are taking part (?) or because the energies have to be dispersed amongst more people (I have since been joined on the vigil list by other poor sick souls).
That is so incredible Ian! FWIW on the Tuesday Vigils when I take part in them I absolutely focus on the specific ailments or conditions each one of the members are dealing with. I get into a meditative state and really focus as I believe my positive vibes are helpful. You've proven that!
I know sometimes I forget to plan the vigil but after your report I am going to put forth a better effort to take part in it every week. I've toyed with the idea of adding my son and his ailment to the vigil but have been shy about it, now I do think I will as he certainly could use the laying on of vibes by everyone! I'll let him know too and see how he feels about it and let you know.
My beliefs like I said are still in the process and I've had my doubts and concerns but some of the things I've been doing and reading about have worked and have made sense to me about the Universe.
One is that the Universe operates on a harmonic vibration and we can tap into that in various ways like in meditating getting really quiet and also in chanting using the Ahh for attraction and the Omm for gratitude. I like to use the both like ahhhhhommmm to cover my bases!
Another which I feel really makes a difference is having a positive attitude, putting out positive statements and dwelling on the good and keeping positive emotions. I use my emotions as my guidance system, when I'm feeling positive I feel I'm in vibrational harmony with the Universe. It seems simple enough and the results are always good.
It seems Ian that your positive outlook has played a good part in your healing and thank you for sharing this personal part of your life with us. You are an example of how awesome the Universe is if we just let it into our lives and work with it.