You'll notice that the first sentence of my earlier post says my opinion of JW in general:
"I honestly feel that most - most being the keyword - JW's are good people. "
My comments are general and of course they're coming from my experience. (Whose experience was I supposed to base them on??? Duh.) I do believe there are heartfelt, genuinely good JW's out there - I was friends with many and I feel I was one of them. But the majority of the hypocrisy I saw was within the leadership of the congregations I was in. From age 8 to age 19 I was in six different congregations. Within each congregation I "witnessed" hypocrisy in the local eldership. After hearing other people's story it SEEMS that others have experienced the same thing.
I stand by my statement...I'VE WITNESSED more hypocrisy in the Kingdom Halls than in the "Christendom" churches I've attended. Notice I didn't say I was stating fact - only God knows that for sure. I was stating what I'VE WITNESSED.
What I've also WITNESSED is that when my church has made a mistake, it admits it. It's publicly apologized and humbly taken it's hits because of it. When the WTS "adapts to change" as you put it, do they apologize for having believed incorrectly? Have they tried to make amends to those that the former beliefs have harmed? If you can prove to me where the WTS has EVER apologized for teaching incorrect information, I'll take back this comment.