LMAO Spectre! You sound familiar with all things hippy!
I think Sparkplug your thread must have made me have the dream I had what with the lettuce and all. I dreamt I met a married couple in running clothes in the street and I followed them and noticed as soon as they were out of sight of the road they started to fly. And I was oh my god - I can do that too, but I never wanted to show anyone because I'm embarrassed and only ever do it when I have to make a speedy escape.
So at a distance I showed them I could do it too. God it felt so real, like it was really happening. Had a couple of false starts but then I showed them I could actually fly incredibly smoothly and beautifully and said I'd always known how. They invited me back to their house where we smoked something suspicious and then the wife told me their secret and it was to eat artichoke hearts except it looked as big as a Chinese lettuce, so we all passed round this lettuce/artichoke thing and ate it. (My neighbours woke me up shortly after 6 am, making love at this point so who knows what would have happened next?)
Alas dragons blood incense made no appearance in this trip! It felt like a lucky dream though.