hey salty, if you are at a loss for words, then just shut up! post on another topic. hows your relationship with your jw family, friends? mine is ok, i get to spend time with the ONLY person left in my immediate family, my 72 year old, regular pioneer mother and hope to do so 'til she dies(i hope is no time soon). so i do what i gotta do. sorry if i don't have the "cojones" to alienate my family, one day perhaps, i'll grow enough to be just like you! a prick! tyrone...your ignorance is shining thru bright and clear.
JoinedPosts by bonnzo
i got a "G" on my #4 tonite!
by bonnzo ini had the #4 talk tonite on 2nd peter-why beneficial.
i talked about you mean ol' postates.
i used 2pet 2:1-3 and even said the internet was a tool of satan to snare christians today.
i got a "G" on my #4 tonite!
by bonnzo ini had the #4 talk tonite on 2nd peter-why beneficial.
i talked about you mean ol' postates.
i used 2pet 2:1-3 and even said the internet was a tool of satan to snare christians today.
i had the #4 talk tonite on 2nd peter-why beneficial. i talked about you mean ol' postates. i used 2pet 2:1-3 and even said the internet was a tool of satan to snare christians today. "one could accidently stumble across a site with words from a false teacher and be misled", like i did, and discovered the truth about the truth. i thought it was funny as hell. the only problem is, i did such a good job(pat self on back), several people made comments like "look forward to hearing you give another public talk real soon".......not gonna happen. am i a bad person? i hope so......
JWN JWD------- What's the big difference????
by minimus ini know there will be changes but for the most part, it seems almost the same, right?
mouthy....thats funny as hades(hebrew for HELL)
be an open apostate...though i hate the label....
by oompa ini have only a handful of my dear jw friends left....and jw friends are all i ever had once i got out of high school (had a hellofa good double life there)......but i have found that the few i have left...and damm good people, really.......do not shun me because i have been open with them about my new understandings of the truth...or what i thought was the truth....and they understand why my faith is shot to hell.....even my elder/dad and my other elder friends....and they do not admit it....but i know their faith is shakey too......................oompa
oompa....i love ya', man. i know how you feel. i'm proud to be a friend of yours.
Elders....what sort of training do they get...how are they selected
by insearchoftruth inmy wife who is studying with a jw, whenever i ask her a question she will respond, i don't know, i am still learning, you need to ask the elders about that..... she raises these gentlemen up on a pedestal....are there any special qualifications, what sort of training do they recieve, any background checks required??
i was an MS for 5 years, never elder. however, i conducted a book study, presided over the second school, gave public talks in my own cong. and every one in my circuit and other circuits, and got drunk and smoked before and after i was appointed. so how do youy get selected? it helps if your dad is PO. holy spirit has NOTHING to do with it. as for training.....you are kidding, right?
let me get this straight...we ARE gonna grow OLD and Die???
by oompa inwhat a total mindfluck!.....this was not supposed to happen.....and i only (completely) woke up two years ago....so accepting my own mortality has not been easy.......i currently make good enough money....but damm....now i have to think about retirement?!?!?
?....and ya....just cause i have a touch of asthma ocassionally...i wont be able to get health insurance in a few years cause i am self-employed??
?....this just fluckkin sucks.................oompa.
oompa, your half dead already, you ol' fart!!!! yes i'm gonna die in this system, i hope on my own terms......after a GREAT roll in the sack, with a shit-eating grin on my face, and a knob creek on the rocks in my hand!!!
New technique to increase your ministry hours without doing any ministry.
by DisconnectingDrone inok, this idea came to me the other day, technically it is totally by the book.
1) ask the map servant for a territory map near your home.
2) go out at midnight down the said street; and everyone will be in bed-or at least have some curtains closed.
i just lie my ass off.......bonnzo, of the i can pioneer anytime i put down pioneer hours on my time slip class.
Music Groups or Singers have you seen in Concert Before ? Your Opinion ?
by flipper ini've seen a good number , not as many as some, or maybe a few more than others.
here's my list i've seen live !
ottmar leibert - new age / flamenco guitarist - very good show , good percussion and spanish style guitar ( 1993 ) .
oompa, you're OLD!!!!!!!
How many JW's quietly know it is all bull....or...
by oompa inat least have major doubts and flat out do not agree on some fds teaching.
lately i have been very engaging with jw family and friends and every single one had at least one total disagreement with the fds (i told them i would not shun them for this apostacy, and to be careful who they express it to...lol).
common non-beliefs with fds....were:.
i'm a friend of oompa's and i KNOW ITS BULLSHIT, but still go for entertainment purpose. we got some real dumbasses in my congo and its funny as hell to listen to their comments at meetings!
JWs and Domestic Violence
by Amha·aret ini remember when i was in my early teens finding out about a jw brother who was hitting his jw wife.
her parents were also witnesses and were disgusted with his behaviour (and rightly so).
i was completely shocked at the time, thinking those kinds of things just didn't happen among a loving brotherhood.
jw's violent? no way, tell me it ain't true! next thing you'll tell me is jw's drink a lot, too.