HS directs YK's attention to Jeremiah 5th chapter:
26 "‘For among my people there have been found wicked men. They keep peering, as when birdcatchers crouch down. They have set a ruinous [trap]. It is men that they catch. 27 As a cage is full of flying creatures, so their houses are full of deception. That is why they have become great and they gain riches. 28 They have grown fat; they have become shiny. They have also overflowed with bad things. No legal case have they pleaded, even the legal case of the fatherless boy, that they may gain success; and the judgment of the poor ones they have not taken up. - Jeremiah 5:26-28.HS comments,
"Now ten guesses who springs to mind when you read those verses…..lol"
YK quips,
"I don't need any guesses. The verse is directed to those who are wicked among those whom Jehovah called "my people." So obviously the verse applies to Jehovah's Witneeses since we are Jehovah's people. That's what I have said all along that God's judgment begins with us. / You Know"
YK's above statement actually proves to be a preposterous IMPOSSIBILITY. The part about God bringing "judgment" upon Jehovah's Witnesses, based upon what he teaches and believes. In short, YK is asking God to go against His own standard of Divine "Justice".
Here's why?
Simply put, God cannot bring "judgment" upon someone who has never been warned by Him. To do so, His Word informs us, would violate the Divine Scales of "justice" and fair play. As the Word says,
"The Rock, perfect is his activity, For all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness, with whom there is no injustice; Righteous and upright is he." (Deut. 32:4)
So, with that thought in mind, we must ask this all-important question,
If the JWs and the WTS are to be Divinely "Judged" as YK's says above by God Himself, then who did God first send to warn them of their wicked ways BEFORE, He righteously passes "Judgment" upon them? (1 Peter 4:17)
So what YK teaches above is ridiculous and terribly twisted.
Jesus said:
"If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin; but now they have no excuse for their sin." (John 15:22)
Sin was incurred in God's eyes, because Jesus spoke to the offenders. He warned or admonished the wrongdoers -- repeatedly, over and over again, as the standards of Divine Righteousness and Justice, in no uncertain terms, DEMANDS. (See Jeremiah 11:7; Titus 3:10.)
Jesus spoke to the people, the offenders specifically, did he not? Jesus spoke to the Pharisees and other religious leaders, did he not? He admonished them, repeatedly, did he not? In fact, Jesus kept on warning and admonishing, right to their faces, up till when they decided to shut him up for good, did he not? Jesus thusly became a "martyr" for speaking out, and died for his warning work, God's Word says. And he did all of this publicly. He condemned in open view all offenders of God's Law, for their sins and transgressions against God Himself. So, after doing this for God, he could say with a clear conscience, the above words at John 15:22.
Paul closely followed this example and was able to say himself,
"Hence I call you to witness this very day that I am clean from the blood of all men, for I have not held back [like YK and JWs] from telling you all the counsel of God." (Acts 20:26, 27)
Paul like Jesus, was "clean from the blood of all men". Jesus and Paul "opened their mouths, and pleaded the cause of the afflicted ones". (Proverbs 31:8, 9)
Which, of course, righteously opens the doors for God to pass "judgment" upon the wicked.
So God's Word shows us, that before any Divine Judgment is executed upon anyone, (even those that don't serve Him, like the case of the Ninevites and Jonah) God always, always provides a spokesman first, to represent Him. God provides someone to point out to the wrongdoer, what he is doing wrong and how by his conduct he is OFFENDING God. God shoulders the key "responsbility" upon Himself to provide a suitable messenger first, BEFORE any "meting out justice" can be righteously brought to bear upon the offender. So says, God Himself. (Isa. 61:1,2; Luke 21:22)
So, if that is the case, who then did God send to represent Him? Who was God's advocate, in this case of "judgment upon the House of God", as YK says? (1 Peter 4:17)
Certainly not YK. He never "declared" the WTS "wicked". Out of his own mouth, he said he was even afraid to tell his own wife about this situation, let alone any one at Brooklyn Headquarters -- Heavens No!
He's keeping his "trap" shut, for fear of the obvious. (Disfellowshipment and subsequent lost of family. He like many other JWs is engulfed with "trembling at men" which means "no [divine] protection" for him. -- Prov. 29:25)
So who did God "send"? If not JWs and the world in general, then who is left?
Perhaps, the "apostates"?
Who do we know, has been prolific at pointing the finger at the pedophile-protecting, UN/prostituting, hypocritical (UN Library Card Defense), calloused lying and deceit (Theocratic Strategy) practices of the WTS?
Not YK, right? Not loyal, supporting [hear no evil, see no evil] JWs, right?
Who has God sent, to bravely point out the "sin" and ungodly transgressions of the WTS, as Jesus and Paul did, I ask? (John 15:22; Acts 20:26, 27)
Whoever this person or group proves to be, one thing we know for sure -- it is certainly, positively, not YK.