Sounds like a cult to me.
Where can I find these rules you're referring to??
every week these guys come to my door, hand me a couple loaves of homemade looking bread and a bag of beef jerky, then they invite me to a church service held in a community center with the promise of pizza and coffee.
i know that many churches do outreach work, but this goes above and beyond anything i've ever heard of before; especially since these guys look like they could use the food a lot more than i can.
natrually i'm intriged.
Sounds like a cult to me.
Where can I find these rules you're referring to??
kansas district overbeer
Freedom, I saw it, too. I think it was on NBC's show "Committed". Lol!
do you believe in the bible just because you were raised to believe?
are you sure it's "believable"?
.....have you convinced yourself the bible is just another book?
I haven't felt the need to look at it since I stopped studying w/jw's. Growing up with numerous other christian religions, I was taught to believe in it as well as believe what comes out of clergies' mouths.
So, to answer the question....I'm on the fence.
i remember a time when the brothers locked the doors during a meeting.
if you arrived late, they had to come and unlock the door to let you in.
i also remember a time when they weren't locked.
Was locking the doors always for security reasons or for letting the brothers and sisters know that you better not arrive late...
They said it was for security reasons, so that we'll be protected blah blah blah, but the area where I grew up was so boring that crime occured every few years, and most of all, no one gave a damn about the jw's!
But whenever I walked in late , all the MS would look at me like, "Um hmm, you should've already been here before we opened our hymn song books!"
i know i've asked this before, but i sometimes feel like i'm all alone here.
i get the emails about ex-jw meetups but no one ever meets.
was just trying to see if any new ones here are from la... .
I sent you a pm.
as most of you know by now i have told you that my mom has been a "devout" jw for over 40 years and i can't get her to budge.
well the last time we debated she left me totally confused and in a daze.
i did some fast research and this past sunday we had a free-for-all debate that lasted 5 hours.
I'm sorry you're going through this w/your mom.
"3 Pay attention to yourselves. If your brother commits a sin give him a rebuke, and if he repents forgive him. 4 Even if he sins seven times a day against you and he comes back to you seven times, saying, ?I repent,? you must forgive him.?"
Now, that plainly says that we are to forgive your brother if he sins and repents. It does not say that we are not to forgive him if he doesn't repent. Other scripture like the following tells us that WE MUST FORGIVE THOSE WHO SIN AGAINST US... Without any mention of repentance...
The thing that pisses me off is the fact that they've got everyone brainwashed to believe that the wt can dictate what is an evil sin in the first place!!! Like "sinning against the holy spirit" is equal to committing a sin against them. This goes far beyond what any bible says. They don't want to believe it, though. So your mom is hooked onto them and feels she has the right to view you as such.
Write to them using the info provided by elsewhere and others.
has anyone read this book?
sorry if its already been discussed, i missed it and "search" doesnt work for me here.
anyway, there are some interesting points .... .
I didn't read it, but thank you for this info, Brummie.
i was reading the post about god's intervention on the last page.
( started a new one to be on current page) anyway, the question was wether or not god intervines in peoples lives.
i have never believed that he does in our time.
On the other hand, my mother has ALWAYS credited good things to God and bad things to Satan.
Exactly the way we were taught to think. If this wasn't etched in her mind, then their stories of how apostates are bad would be known false, as they are. It's so hippocrititical (sp?) and just another brain washing scheme to keep them entranced.
It's not jehovah, it's you!
I'm on my way to becoming atheist.
i remember a time when the brothers locked the doors during a meeting.
if you arrived late, they had to come and unlock the door to let you in.
i also remember a time when they weren't locked.
Yes. The first hall I attended was located close to where I grew up, out in the country part of NJ. The doors were locked as SOON as the opening song began. Same thing with the second hall I went to, which was in a rough city I lived in for a couple years. The kh I where I live now actually leaves their doors open. It's in a nice area, though.
i know i've asked this before, but i sometimes feel like i'm all alone here.
i get the emails about ex-jw meetups but no one ever meets.
was just trying to see if any new ones here are from la... .
I'll be there (New Olreans) next month! I can't wait.