"That's why it's important to not miss the meetings...you need that spiritual food."
Meaning: Don't miss any meetings so you won't begin to doubt what we say and keep on being brainwashed.
jw's have a vocabulary and terminology of their own dont they?
i have thought about putting togther an apostaglossary to identify those particular sayings and their true meaning; i have included a few to start the ball rolling;.
'he doesnt have the right heart condition'.
"That's why it's important to not miss the meetings...you need that spiritual food."
Meaning: Don't miss any meetings so you won't begin to doubt what we say and keep on being brainwashed.
jw's have a vocabulary and terminology of their own dont they?
i have thought about putting togther an apostaglossary to identify those particular sayings and their true meaning; i have included a few to start the ball rolling;.
'he doesnt have the right heart condition'.
I hope this goes in best of.
the next american idol!.
no, just kidding.
it's a girl!
i went to the kingdom hall for the very last time.
i went in the door in my guns n roses t-shirt and ripped up lucky jeans, new earrings and goatee.
i went up to the po of the congregation and told him i needed to talk to him.
Dustin, excellent letter. You really told it like it is! I'm glad you showed up as yourself, too.
I agree with Aude_Spare...he could've said something to you at least. Oh well, his loss. You hit him with so many true points at once he probably couldn't think straight, let alone speak!
i have found myself saying this more frequently lately.
do you want an end to this system, or do you want proof of god?
for myself, i am just broken hearted by the state of the world.
It's more comforting for me to imagine the world without a God in it, than to imagine that there is one. (No proof either way, so it doesn't pay to be dogmatic about it) If there is no god, then this sort of thing makes more sense. We as the human species need to protect ourselves. From bad weather, from poisons, and from bad people like these. *WE* need to handle it. If you imagine there's a God, then you have to imagine he's seeing it all and allowing it. Then you're left coming up with excuses for why he might be allowing it. Even if you come up with one, it won't be satisfying.
I couldn't have said it better myself!
i'm just feeling a little naughty today - i'm just kinda interested in your views.
No...at least they've got their own college and don't discourage education.
in the beginning god was god creates stuff man comes along god rests satan comes along adam and eve sin god pronounces jugement against mankind moses and israelites leave egypt israelites complain the mosaic law was created people are taught good hygene .
- preston.
lol Gumby
today, i bought one of those nifty shower heads that come off the wall and have pulse/massage type settings.
well, i didn't follow directions and i ended up snapping it right off the pipe....oops.
so, i took it back to the store and said..."i don't know what happened.
Damn, there's a line already?!
today, i bought one of those nifty shower heads that come off the wall and have pulse/massage type settings.
well, i didn't follow directions and i ended up snapping it right off the pipe....oops.
so, i took it back to the store and said..."i don't know what happened.
So Nancy just turn the 35 dollar shower head into a Cheap 35 dollar Prostitute!
LMAO!!! Love it!
i just wondered.
everyone seems to be slagging her off because she isn't the best thing since sliced bread in the prettiness stakes.
aren't we being a bit narrow minded here?
I can't top what you two ladies just wrote!