anonymouz, evolution produced high intelligence predatory animals through spatial reasoning and the capacity to imagine trajectories and likely positions of prey even when not seen by eye. This is the simplest form of faith or belief. Our species took that basic predatory capacity and ran with it. We have produced so many imaginary spaces that are populated with our projections, anticipations, estimates, hopes, dreams, hungers. But that is how evolution which produced a more highly refined gray matter inadvertently produced a tool-using, tool-building, time-planning animal. To be blunt, faith or belief is chemically bound up in the motivations of this human animal. A God, a god, a dog, a deity does not have to have anything to do with what happens to our species. But evolution to first order has resulted in a species which has that largest number of options for the largest number of specimens for the longest lifespans (yes some other species live longer), and that is before we take a second order look at political/socioeconomic difference. Based on the evidence or data that I see with my own eyes, I find (it's just me, I know) that faith in evolution is more grounded than faith in a gestalt zeitgeist of collective moral dissipation. I don't know how you can go out and measure "What is the moral caliber of the atheist", or "what is the moral caliber of the non-JW", but you might be surprised to discover that it exists. It has to exist, through the existence proof of civilization that has extended our life span, medical options, knowledge, conveniences. Civilization could not grow, could not exist, in a kingdom of thieves. Something to think about. (No, you don't have to hug anyone. Yes, you can be perfectly grumpy and still have faith in the world outside the KH.)
Posts by rmt1
So the people with the REAL truth are apostates!
by ILoveTTATT ini have been on this site for around two months.
in those two months, i have learnt a ridiculous amount of jw history and i now have insight on how humongous of a scam the jw's are.
at first, maybe even a year ago, i would have thought, yeah... the apostates have half-truths and they utilize some truths and then lie about the rest.. well, for the benefit of all the lurkers in here: trust the apostates!
Underground railroad?
REACTION from my neck of the woods...
by problemaddict inas some of you may know i am in the midst of a fade, working on the family coming along (new thread to update there).
most mf my close friends are still jw's to varying degrees.
i would say most are couples that are around our age (25-35), and they attend maybe 90% of the meetings, go in service on sat, pioneer in april, and have a couple bible studies etc... in general the good kind.
"'Comrades!' cried an eager youthful voice. 'Attention, comrades! We have glorious news for you. We have won the battle for production! Returns now completed of the output of all classes of consumption goods show that the standard of living has risen by no less than 20 per cent over the past year. All over Oceania this morning there were irrepressible spontaneous demonstrations when workers marched out of factories and offices and paraded through the streets with banners voicing their gratitude to Big Brother for the new, happy life which his wise leadership has bestowed upon us. Here are some of the completed figures. Foodstuffs----'"
JW App Stats
by konceptual99 inso how high will the jw app climb up the app store download charts on monday?.
will it be high enough to register on any third party lists of what's hot?.
can you imagine what the wts would make of it being on the front page of the app store?.
Next up is... App for automatic monthly contributions? Local service industry jobs search? Local gas prices? Zoomable online maps for field service with territories, do not calls, apostates, do not enter, etc, clearly marked off? Online house to house and return visit tracking which auto-uploads to a master TWS database? Daily reading program that suggests, tracks (and uploads) how much quantity time you've spent with the publications? Visited-site cookies auto-uploader (?). JW Singles search? What else...
The Revised NWT - A great timewaster
by Listener insometimes the wtbts are just brilliant in coming up with new ways of wasting the jws time.. with this new edition they will have to be getting their head's around new terms and phrases.
many jws will know a lot of verses off by heart, now they will be required to relearn them which will be no simple task.. they have been told to keep their old nwt for research purposes.
now instead of looking up one scripture they will have two bible's to look up.. the writing committee now has so much new material available to them to write copious articles about.
What level of IQ does one have, to beleive " TRUTH " changes. ? or old "Light " old truths " New Light " new truths " ?
by smiddy inokay, i never went to university , or had a college education, though i`m damn sure that "truth" is "truth" and it never changes.. if you" beleived "something was the truth in the past and now found out it was not correct , you cant say it was an" old " truth ,it must have been wrong/false reasoning in the first it was never really the truth.. sure you can be aware of a "new" truth something you never knew beforehand , though whether you knew it or not ,it has always been a truth.
example:the earth was the centre of the universe ,beleived as a truth.........that beleif was false , it was not an old truth.. if their was something you beleived before as true and you now find it wasnt true , then it was false / untrue .. their is no such thing as an "old truth " and a "new truth" that is apparently accepted by jehovahs witnesses .. if jehovahs witnesses were as honest as they profess , then they would acknowledge when they make adjustments to their beleifs/doctrines that they were wrong in their initial understanding of said scriptures instead of passing it off as old truths or new light.. i was a witness for 33 years before it became obvious something was just not right with this religion and it took another 10-12 years before i found this site , that set me free.
so i ask , is it an iq level ?
"Truth" is a proxy for consensus. Consensus is dependent on the census, the sample population. The truth or consensus of a small, isolated census, can differ GREATLY from the truth of consensus of a much larger, more exposed census. At some critical mass, enough people of the greater census throw their hands up, and their gauntlet down, and declare the findings of the greatest number, the last understanding to be left standing, to be "fact". That greater census typically comprises those most knowledgeable in some field of endeavor, the biggest fish of the biggest ponds, so they enjoy a great context of experience. They've 'seen it all' and can speak to it. They have seen a Lot more than the petty fish of petty ponds. A famous quote in literary theory is (varyingly) 'Meaning is context-bound. But context is boundless.' That statement should be parsed on an individual basis. =>One<= interpretation available is that "He who controls the greater context controls the greater meaning." That is why TWS claims God as their context. That is why he who writes the history or "His story" is the victor. That is why patriarchal text and interpretation is preserved and encoded in behaviors for women taught in 2013 AD.
The real reason for the push to get children baptized.......
by EndofMysteries ini think the real reason is that many when they are in their teens and able to start thinking for themselves end up leaving by the time they get out of home, never baptized, and still continuing assocation with their family.
the wt doesn't like this loophole, so they are hoping to get them baptised before their teen years so that if they wake up and decide to leave, they will be dfed.
hoping to keep them trapped and be trapped before they understand the religion.
The adult parents who offer propitiatory child sacrifices to this Moloch have no excuse and are fully aware. This is too noxious a stench to pretend away. I would stick this under the umbrella of child abuse and hold the parent individually, severally, legally and financially liable for harm done to a child of 8 years old that was coerced into baptism. This is UN declaration of human rights territory. "Revolting" doesn't cover it.
The real reason for the push to get children baptized.......
by EndofMysteries ini think the real reason is that many when they are in their teens and able to start thinking for themselves end up leaving by the time they get out of home, never baptized, and still continuing assocation with their family.
the wt doesn't like this loophole, so they are hoping to get them baptised before their teen years so that if they wake up and decide to leave, they will be dfed.
hoping to keep them trapped and be trapped before they understand the religion.
Stand for Pure Worship, excellent work with Poe's Law. The closer, the better, the more savage, the deeper the guffaw, and that's to one's health.
The real reason for the push to get children baptized.......
by EndofMysteries ini think the real reason is that many when they are in their teens and able to start thinking for themselves end up leaving by the time they get out of home, never baptized, and still continuing assocation with their family.
the wt doesn't like this loophole, so they are hoping to get them baptised before their teen years so that if they wake up and decide to leave, they will be dfed.
hoping to keep them trapped and be trapped before they understand the religion.
Fast read:
Hitler's Boy Soldiers 1939-1945
What level of IQ does one have, to beleive " TRUTH " changes. ? or old "Light " old truths " New Light " new truths " ?
by smiddy inokay, i never went to university , or had a college education, though i`m damn sure that "truth" is "truth" and it never changes.. if you" beleived "something was the truth in the past and now found out it was not correct , you cant say it was an" old " truth ,it must have been wrong/false reasoning in the first it was never really the truth.. sure you can be aware of a "new" truth something you never knew beforehand , though whether you knew it or not ,it has always been a truth.
example:the earth was the centre of the universe ,beleived as a truth.........that beleif was false , it was not an old truth.. if their was something you beleived before as true and you now find it wasnt true , then it was false / untrue .. their is no such thing as an "old truth " and a "new truth" that is apparently accepted by jehovahs witnesses .. if jehovahs witnesses were as honest as they profess , then they would acknowledge when they make adjustments to their beleifs/doctrines that they were wrong in their initial understanding of said scriptures instead of passing it off as old truths or new light.. i was a witness for 33 years before it became obvious something was just not right with this religion and it took another 10-12 years before i found this site , that set me free.
so i ask , is it an iq level ?
How many fever dreams exist in the Apocrypha? I'd imagine for the book of Revelations' actual utility in ordinary life, and the amount of acrobatics required to make it appear timely and useful to a faith system, there are probably a dozen more of equal ratios hallucination to insight.