Posts by rmt1
JW Mission = Find all checker floors in WT publications
by bytheirworks inyour mission... should you choose to accept it, will be to find all checker floors in the watchtower publications, especially those involving worship.. .
if you can upload them here, great.
i don't know to upload a pic from my computer on this site.
Theocratic Ministry School Review night?
by FadeToBlack inhow can i tell without even looking at the schedule that it is time for the review?
my wife decides she is not going to the meeting.
she told me earlier this week we had an invitation for dinner/drinks with one of our neighbors down the street.
It warms my heart to see this new behavior. The last Written Review I would have done was about 1997. Pre-millenium. The fear was still there. The Written Review was still attended as if it were as important as the normal meeting. Most of the questions were absurdly easy to "answer", as if there had not been the intention of actually thinking about the possibilities. one, two or three of the questions might requre some thought or arcane esoteric knowledge, and the pioneers would glory in any small edge. There was no pervasive Internet among JWs for getting cheatsheets. Answers were heart-felt duckspeak rather than ambivalent duckspeak. Very glad to hear this now. I'd invite any of those JW brainiacs to take the final in quantum mechanics or thermal physics. I don't think they're getting as much excitement or sheer terror.
WTBTS' Pathetic Low Ranking!
by JW GoneBad in1. on-line google search: top on-line bible search tools.
wtbts no show!.
2. on-line google search: top ten bibles.
This demonstrates that TWS products are not intended to have any impact on the world at large. TWS products are entirely, from page one to page last, designed to net a fishermans' haul of naivety, emotional, social, mental turmoil, and of course, to give the appearance that there is any kind of lifesaving work whatsoever, and to give the impression that there is any kind of spiritual paradise whatsoever. It's third grade argumentation on pulp crap paper with kindergarten zoo cartoons, unless you count fake undocumentary staged crap images depicting 'worldiness', or more cartoons of divine genocide. Nothing to do with the real world. No attempts to engage with the real world. They get millions of miles out of 'come to me you who are toiling and loaded down'. Pyramid scheme.
Seeing the name "Jehovah" was a catholic invention of the 13th century and was popularised by Apostates because of its usage,"Aid Book",will new light reveal another name in the future ? Maybe Yahweh ?
by smiddy inthe witnesses say the apostacy took place after the last of the apostles died off , the name jehovah was invented by a catholic monk in the 13th century and because of its popularity among christendom (apostates ) it became acceptable.
and they have adopted it ?.
are the jehovahs witnesses following along with apostacy ?
Can you provide a reference for this Jehovah Catholic thing?
GB planning their RAPTURE???
by bytheirworks inwith all this building in a secluded area.... .
is it possible that the gb could be planning their rapture?.
hear me out.
Planning their retirement.
My Mom Isn't Very Motivated With The "Truth" Lately And Wonders If She Recieved Anything From The Demons
by minimus inwhat do ya think of that?
More costly signalling. I have bigger spirituality than you so behold my bigger spiritual burdens than you can bear, which is frequently displayed at some rate of exchange in destruction of real world property that has real world value. See I'm spiritualer.
My Mom Isn't Very Motivated With The "Truth" Lately And Wonders If She Recieved Anything From The Demons
by minimus inwhat do ya think of that?
The Blair Light Switch Project
Getting ready for Winter... This guy does a beautiful job of splitting fire wood.
by LoisLane looking for Superman in.
we have been searching the net trying to find the best, most successful way of splitting fire wood.. this guy puts the wood into a small tire, for safety, and it stays in one place.. just lois. .
New Light related to Watchtower Society Isolation closing the shop? A scenario
by Gorbatchov ini was thinking about the next scenario:.
the united states (and western world) are losing influence compared to china, india and other new economy's.. with this decline of influence, the watchtower society, a true american religion and it's subsidiary's corporations are losing profits and losing it's base in much country's under china / india / indonesia / brazil influence.
what i see is that the watchtower society is selling it's main assets: landmark buildings in optimal condition.
It's not my job to please the ears. I will share a thing that happened when I was pioneering, about 96?
Older sister has friends, contacts, little birds, extended grapevine through Patterson (? can't remember). She relates to the car group, in the way that you (when you were a JW) would relate an upbuilding experience, that the anointed suffer greatly in their role. The ordinary understanding of suffering is that you are harrassed, persecuted, harangued, etc, etc, for a belief you profess. In this case, the anointed wrinkled farts were suffering greatly because of fecal impaction, and it was conveyed in this sharing of an experience that bearing up under these circumstances was evidence of spiritual strength. The older sister made no mention of the Bethel/or whoever clinical staff that had to manually assist in this situation, but, boy oh boy were we the car group left under no doubt that the Anointed wrinkled farts of the Governing Body were steadfast in the face of adversity. They were a marvel. They were an example to the flock. They were full of
This is to go along with the comment about people kissing their asses.
The Bible and it's promise of Heaven and various other things
by confusedandalone innow in no way am i trying to discredit anyones beliefs or make fun, but once you get to heaven what is the plan once you get there.. of course, we always overlay extremely physical things upon the experience of heaven... milk and honey... ruiling over the earth etc... truthful the whole idea sounds so boring / mundane /monotonous.
spending all of eternity serving god by carry messages here and there?.
watching humans... i guess spending time with family that are also there and reminiscing.
The coefficient of static friction is greater than the coefficient of moving friction. This means that if you have to push a couch, it takes more force to get it moving than to keep it moving. Religion (re-ligere, I bind again, or other similar etymologies; it's not perfectly determined) had a perfect role in collecting and galvanizing "just enough" tithes or tax money or able-bodies to do a thing that had a high barrier to entry, that is, had a high coefficient of static friction. Like, laying down basic economic processes of barter, debt, interest. Laying down basic law. Laying down basic knowledge of agriculture/horticulture, animal husbandry. Laying down rudiments of technology, wheels, iron tools, stone working, architecture. Laying down crafts like weaving, clothing, vessels for transportation, things that expanded the human habitat. You will be hard pressed to find a prehistoric / neolithic culture that does not have clear totems to a deity or more. These couches are all moving along now. It takes a lot of effort to sustain the motion. The motion can stop due to a number of unthinkable events. But for the most part, and in view of basic probabilities, the heavy burdens are moving.