AuntConnie is top shelf single malt. Smooth. Real. Very clear.
Posts by rmt1
by AuntConnie inyou won't be disappointed when all the years you played with the little bastards, feed the assholes and baby-sat the little ungrateful trolls come's to pass.
please don't waste you time like i did, my evil family let their little snott-nosed creeps roam around all day (they were in home school, mom was working while elder dad kicked the kids out to watch howard stern and x-rated movies) so the little freaks showed up after my kids got out of regular school.. .
wasting your time on selfish nephews and nieces is insanity, you will discover this once those golems grow up.
The Governing Body Know What Makes Jehovah Sad :(, Happy :), Tired zzzzz, And Other Deep Feelings
by frankiespeakin inwell did you notice how these guys on the governing body seems to know such intimate things about jehovah like what he's thinking, what makes him sad/happy and yet they never even personally met the guy, because he is completely invisible except for those that claim to have seen him.
in other words they claim no direct communication with the corporate deity but claim to know his intimate feeling based on the study of an ancient text where writers claim direct inspiration and expression of the deity.. could these just be projections of their own thinking and feeling processes onto the corporate deity?
most likely.. isaiah 42:14-16.
That picture, if real, is existence proof of catastrophic lobotomy among its intended viewership. No thinking member of the species, who is free to exit the situation, can absorb that magnitude of stupidity. It really defies expression.
Now, my question is: There's one African American male out of the eight, for a representation of 12.5%. This makes sense to me because the African American population in the US is about 12.5+%. So where is the legitimate Latino face of this evil Caucasian empire? I think that young face-not-sagging punk is a bit out of place, and should be replaced with a seasoned or weathered Latino face. For a start.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses, suffer from Stockholm Syndrome? What do you think?
by LoisLane looking for Superman in.
i believe they do.. loislane.
ABBA did not have Stockholm Syndrome:
No more carefree laughter
Silence ever after
Walking through an empty house, tears in my eyes
Here is where the story ends, this is goodbye
Knowing me, knowing you (ah-haa)
There is nothing we can do
Knowing me, knowing you (ah-haa)
We just have to face it, this time we're through
(this time we're through, this time we're through
This time we're through, we're really through)
Breaking up is never easy, I know but I have to go
(I have to go this time
I have to go, this time I know)
Knowing me, knowing you
It's the best I can do
Mem'ries (mem'ries), good days (good days), bad days (bad days)
They'll be (they'll be), with me (with me) always (always)
In these old familiar rooms children would play
Now there's only emptiness, nothing to say
Knowing me, knowing you (ah-haa)
There is nothing we can do
Knowing me, knowing you (ah-haa)
We just have to face it, this time we're through
(this time we're through, this time we're through
This time we're through, we're really through)
Breaking up is never easy, I know but I have to go
(I have to go this time
I have to go, this time I know)
Knowing me, knowing you
It's the best I can do -
Merchandising in Watchtower
by in.
merchandising in watchtower?.
look ilustration no 100.
Thank you!
Now that I have seen some evidence, my scandal-o-meter is having trouble getting above a zero. Seems to me this kind of a marketing deal falls under the plausible deniability of maintaining verisimilitude. It's probably the Most verisimilitude that these Inner Party staged events have ever had, in fact, if they get to use props that real people (not fake people), actually use in their everyday life. The primary occular victims (JWs) will get to think that their tireless efforts intersect in some way, tangibly, with the false world of materialism, via some select materials. They have practised crimestop enough that a $ connection won't linger long.
Taking a second long close look at the Adidas picture... You'd have to have a CSI "Enhance" button, but if I am not mistaken the marketed product has faintly higher resolution and deeper contrast. See if you agree or if you think I'm seeing things. It would require Fourier image analysis to tease out what my eye thinks it sees. For the coke photograph, no, it's all the same resolution.
A message for Stand For Pure Worship
by SloppyJoe infirst welcome to the board for whatever reason you are here.
if you are here to criticize us, so be it, if you have doubts then look around.
i just want you to do some research on a member who used to be here named "you know".
I think he's a whole stand up routine. He's very good.
Merchandising in Watchtower
by in.
merchandising in watchtower?.
look ilustration no 100.
Can someone in authority with this forum explain what this thread attempts, succeeds, and fails to do?
The reason I ask is that I heard there is a picture of an upsidedown coke can in some Watchtower somewhere. The insinuation of which without evidence is ghosts, UFOs.
The Real Aftermath of the AGM...Part 2
by raymond frantz infor the ones based in britain only the "few" were invited to attend the agm .they received their new grey bible and the rumor was that the new bible will not be available for the rest of the congragations until january .it was confirmed tonight .a letter was read as local announcement that the new bibles will not be available until the end of january for the rest of the congragation .all the in crowd were sat there with their new flashy bible looking smug.also the bible reading was read from the new bible to make it all the more obvious ..... the real aftermath of agm....
by Terry inlawsuits with big $$$ awards attached lead to schemes for raising instant revenue to offset losses.. what is the best bet?.
read the nytimes and make a guess.. .
Is printing a new Bible a sustainable habit? How soon could the corporation pull this trick again? 2030? 2040? If proceeds were the main motivation, seems to me you could write up some alternative trash book that maybe has less color pictures or something, than print the untouchable. Which has the higher probability: shore up doctrinal changes or shore up income?
A House Divided Against Itself Falls-Luke 11:17
by Stand for Pure Worship inthat text reminds me of one of a handful of problems peculiar to the ex-jw community.
second only to the wild beast's internal divisions, is the divided makeup of the ex-jw populace.
you know the one thing that indicates jehovah's blessing upon the worldwide association of kingdom proclaimers, is not only the continued success of the preaching work, but along with it the unity and love amongst the brothers and sisters.
Performance art.
Are MOST JW's lacking Moral Fibre ?
by Phizzy ini find that whether born in or converts, most jw's give their own conscience over to the gb (and writing dept) to dictate how they will react to any moral question.. they simply lack a conscience of their own.. this is not their fault, we should not look down on them for this, their conscience, their natural feeling of what is right and wrong has been:.
stolen from them !.
we all know how the cult does this to them, it did it to us, i really am almost in tears when i think that had either of my darling children needed a blood transfusion i would have resisted, believing what i have been taught all my life, that their eternal life was more important than their life now.. how can we persuade jw's to take back their conscience ?.
I'm waiting to hear anecdotes of how at Bethel you had to stare at a daily text on your plate while your stomach rumbled. A lot of wood fibre. A lot of opiates and sedatives and pablums and waiting for Guffman trickling in your ear. Nothing to feed your hunger for some authentic human experience.