Everything I have found shows that the WTS does it on a case by case basis, and then seems to leave it up to the jw in question (we know how that goes). One article is from WT 4/15/1999 p.28 -30 Questions from Readers. If not triggering can go to the Watchtower Online Library. Below the WTS also talks about how each case might be viewed by those outside the WTS too. Perception, perception, perception, the trick the WTS uses often to guilt jws into not doing something that has no real scriptural basis. So it is not a blanket belief officially but it can up being that way unofficially.
I found this in a October 2019 WT page 12-13: A true Christian must make sure that his secular employment has nothing to do with Babylon the Great. For example, he would not be an employee of a church. Furthermore, a Christian who is employed by some other business would not want to do extensive work at a facility that promotes false worship. And if he owns a business, he would certainly not bid on a job or do contract work for any part of Babylon the Great. Why do we take such a firm stand? Because we do not want to share in the works and sins of religious organizations that are unclean in God’s eyes...Years ago, a self-employed elder was asked by a contractor to accept a small carpentry job at a church in the town where the brother lived. The contractor knew that the brother had always said he would not work on churches. But this time the contractor was desperate to find someone for the job. Even so, the brother stuck to Bible principles and declined the work. The next week, the local newspaper showed a photograph of another carpenter attaching a cross to the church. If our brother had compromised his stand, it could have been his picture in the paper. Think of how damaging that would have been to his reputation among his fellow Christians! Think, too, of how Jehovah would have felt.