JoinedTopics Started by Soapydish
Another Newbie :)
by merfi init's hard to know where to begin, so i'll just... begin.. i had my first encounter with jw in high school when my now ex-husband moved into our small town.
(you're doing the math already, aren't ya?
:) ) after finding out he was a jw, i did a little bit of reading into it, which he discouraged... told me that that stuff is "apostate" (i had no idea what that meant) and that he'd give me stuff to read.
VEGAS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by whyamihere ini am leaving in 15 minutes......... i promise to send many pics like i always do!
(i am a pic whore).
love you all miss you!.
Many thanks to Simon!
by Elsewhere in.
if it were not for all of the very hard work that simon does behind the scenes to keep this forum up, much of the other work others are doing could never have happened.. this site serves as an excellent central location for us all to communicate and exchange thoughts and ideas about how to expose the evil ways of the wts.. simon, thank you very much!
KH construction in Mexico
by flag ini recently went to mexico for vacation and my sister in law told me that they were constructing a new kh.. i questioned her on how was it done, and this is what she told me:.
they saved the money for long time, then they sent the money to the wt.. wt then bought the land and the materials (but everyting is under wt name).
all brothers and sisters will work for free.. after everything is completed they still have to pay a "suggested contribution" to the wt for the use of the kh.. i think the law in mexico recently changed and now the wt can own property that is why they are pretty active building kh's.
What about the Children?
by seek2find insomething that's really been eating at me latley is how during my growing up in the orginazation and now my childrens growing up in it, nothing has been done on an organizational level to benifit the children.
why has there never been any organizational focus on the need for congregations to sponsor activities for young people.
many churches and church groups have extensive ministrys to reach young people.
Thee absolute Vicious, Hateful, Malicious comment......
by whyamihere inyesterday, i was having a horrible day....(some of you may know).
well i was given the 2 hour long conversation on "how i am a evil unacceptable person".
as in my last thread, i stated that my sister went threw my house and found pictures of my children in their halloween costumes.
What is Love?
by Soapydish ini've become confused w/love in these past two years.
my wife says she's polyamorous.
that opened my eyes to a whole way of seeing things.
The truth of love.
by cosmic inone of my most favorite poets is emily dickenson.
a soul trapped because of and for love.
sorry, if i am a whimp, i aplogize to the spike channel, but she makes me hard with just words.
It's High Time I Introduce Myself
by Lady Liberty init's high time i introduce myself.
i feel like i know many of you already, just by daily reading your posts over the last year.
you all have been a support to my husband and i, even though you were not even aware we were even here.