Witness007, Glad you and your wife are out. I was there 33 years and quit going about 4 years ago. had reg. pioneered some of it. And like so many of you, none of my so called friends have even called. My Daughter [sill a JW] tells me once in awhile "so and so said to tell you "Hi". They haven't DF me yet so I always tell her, "tell them they can call if they want since I'm not DF." But of course none does. Most know me well enough to know I never left with out good reason. I have a Son and Daughter-in-law and their little girl out. It's hard knowing I got my kids in that cult and can't get them all out but have to hope they will soon get tired of it.
JoinedPosts by Alwayshere
My wife FINALLY quits Witnessing and Meetings admits I was right!!!
by Witness 007 infor afew years a have been fading and telling my wife how i feel about such false doctrines as blood transfusions, 607 b.c.e date etc.
at first she would say "don't talk to me about discouraging things!!
" since i haven't been attending meetings or field service for over 2 years she has slowly quit 1. witnessing, then 2. theocratic school which she hated anyway but was forced to do.
Who on this Board would love to get rid of Organized Religion?
by restrangled inimho....it all needs to go.
its influencing everything in this world every and anywhere.
from the saudies, to the people in irag, iran and anywhere else our sons will need to be sent.. our current president claims he is influenced along with the former prime minister of england by religious beliefs.. there is the huge evangelical influence that got bush and the mess he made who put them in to begin with.. we have the jw's causing absolute havic in anyone's lives connected with this stupidity.. it goes on and on and on.
If I was God, I would.
Stupid Idiots at the meeting
by B_Deserter ini was at the sunday meeting today (i know, i know...) and i heard this one guy give a comment about how hollywood movies always portray rich people as happy and successful, so that's proof that satan controls the film industry because it's a lie.. .
i struggled to think of one recent hollywood film that portrayed anyone as being happy, let alone rich and happy.
if they made a movie like this guy was describing, it wouldn't sell.
I hate those evil bastards.
You have a lot of company, AWAKE&WATCHING.
What Relgion Would You like to Be After Being a JW?
by freyd inmormon underwear .
this is an informational site to about mormon underwear (mormon garments), what it is, and why mormon's wear it.
there are many sites on the internet about mormon underwear that have incorrect information.
Jehovah's Witnesses are not a cult and here's why I think so
by B_Deserter inwhen most people think of "cult" they think of the people's temple, the branch davidians, or heaven's gate.
many also want to put jehovah's witnesses, mormons, and scientologists into this group.
i don't agree with that because there is one main difference between true cults and high-control groups like jws:.
B-Deserter, you need to rethink. I was in it 33 years before I finially saw it. And it took my son who I raised as a JW to make me see it. Have another son and a daughter who will not get out. They will not have anything to do with my son because they labeled him an "Apostate" for not believing a lie. Everyone knows 607 is a lie as well as 1914. But you have to believe it or lose your family.
JW I believe is an accult
by shrlblnch inthey teach you eve spoke to a snake.. i failed to find that in my bible.!!!.
i believe it was sex..a 3 somesome what ya think?
Chelsea, I couldn't agree with you more. Religion is no more than a money making busness. I am also an ex-JW and glad I finially saw the light. It took me too long but at Ieast I am free.
I know ur gonna hate this but i gotta ask.
by XOCO inas some of u may know i'm still currently a j-dubbie and i'm enrolled in the tms and i'm starting to prepare for my talk in dec.17.
but my question is .
how has the transfiguration vision been fulfilled?
XOCO, Volume 2 Insight Book 2nd paragraph gives some info. (if you want to believe it) Left that cult 4 years ago.
Looking for anyone from the Ardmore, Oklahoma area.
by sooner7nc inhi,i'm looking for anybody that was in the ardmore area from the mid 70's to the mid 90's.sooner7nc
home town is Seminole but have lived in Texas for a long time but visit my Kinfolks from time to time. Was never a JW till I moved to Texas but think goodness I finialy got out.
Help me, this new light confuses me....
by dawg inok, so if they change the rules and allow everyone who feels the spirit to partake of the memorial then that means that there may be no limit on how many are sealed.... am i right?
if thats' true then ther's no longer a 144k?
if that's true, what does that mean about the great crowd?.
dawg, you already helped yourself by getting out. They are always having a "new light". It's run by apostates and thats why.
are JWs really worse? (or: is every religion a cult?)
by inkling inmany here freely trot out words like "cult" and "indoctrination".
"group-think" and "double talk" in describing witnesses, and my .
question is, if these words are apt (and i think there is a strong .
why not just point out individual practises that are disagreed with and drop such hate monikers as cult